Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Sadly, my prediction will likely become a reality. The next attack is going to dwarf 9/11.

Is it your contention that destroying a terrorist invading army by assisting a soveriegn nation that asks for it and can practically be assisted, is what will cause the next more horrific terror attack than 9/11?

Do we prevent ourselves from being attacked in the future then by your profoundly irrational reasoning by sitting back and watching the slaughter of innocents elsewhere and do nothing. Nothing at all.

Do you actually believe that doing nothing will prevent your vision of cataclysmic horror by the hands of terrorists on our shore?
Sadly, my prediction will likely become a reality. The next attack is going to dwarf 9/11.

Is it your contention that destroying a terrorist invading army by assisting a soveriegn nation that asks for it and can practically be assisted, is what will cause the next more horrific terror attack than 9/11?

Do we prevent ourselves from being attacked in the future then by your profoundly irrational reasoning by sitting back and watching the slaughter of innocents elsewhere and do nothing. Nothing at all.

Do you actually believe that doing nothing will prevent your vision of cataclysmic horror by the hands of terrorists on our shore?

Start with securing our border. Endless War isn't the answer for security. In fact, it's the exact opposite. End 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, IRS, and permanent war. Then move to a humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy and secure the border. We can retain our Freedom & Liberty while being secure. It can be done.
That's why i have to conclude our Government doesn't really care about Citizens' safety. It's merely using the 'War on Terror' to take freedom & liberty away from the People. All you have to do is look at what's happened since 9/11. Big Brother gave the People 'Security' in the name of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on them. Yet he kept the border wide open. Government merely used 9/11 to seize more control.

And i now believe our Government is looking forward to another attack on our nation. It will use that attack to expand its control and justify its endless war agenda. It really is very sad & tragic.

Yes, I can see that this is as far as your thinking takes you.

Sadly, my prediction will likely become a reality. The next attack is going to dwarf 9/11. And Big Brother will use it to dismantle the Constitution and Liberty. So enjoy your Wars and wide open borders sheeple. But remember, you do reap what you sow.

Me and Big Brother were discussing that just the other day; we decided that most ordinary people like you shouldn't have so much freedom because you don't know what to do with it. Too many choices just make you more confused and angry.
today the white house

floated the idea of boots on the ground

mission creep

No, it would be taking responsibility for the mess created by the US, UK, Australia and the rest of the 'Coalition Of The Willing'.
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.
No, it would be taking responsibility for the mess created by the US, UK, Australia and the rest of the 'Coalition Of The Willing'.

good morning puppet

You break something, you have responsibility to fix it.

Actually when we left there was nothing broken.
It is only after we left did the shit hit the fan, Lucky for Iraq, we supplied and trained the Iraqi Army for many years to protect their new found democracy. Im sure that the Iraqi army will do their job and stop any trouble that might pop up.
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you make a lot of stupid suggestions.
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you make a lot of stupid suggestions.

Reconsidering the 'Regime Change' mentality is anything but a 'stupid' suggestion. It's actually logical and correct.
I think you make a lot of stupid suggestions.

Reconsidering the 'Regime Change' mentality is anything but a 'stupid' suggestion. It's actually logical and correct.


so much for a Trillion Dollar purple thumb ... lets do it again.

Yeah, the 'Regime Change' mentality has to be flushed. Hard to fathom why they're doing it again in Iraq.

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' We need to adopt that wise old adage. We certainly wouldn't tolerate other Nations demanding 'Regime Change' here in the U.S. It's time for a humble balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy.
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you're talking BS. The USA commits airstrikes on the IS organisation to prevent the Yezidis from being slaughtered.
The IS wants to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi government and set up a caliphate. The USA fights them and so indirectly does the job for the current governments there.
How exactly is that a policy of regime change?
Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you're talking BS. The USA commits airstrikes on the IS organisation to prevent the Yezidis from being slaughtered.
The IS wants to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi government and set up a caliphate. The USA fights them and so indirectly does the job for the current governments there.
How exactly is that a policy of regime change?

'Regime Change' has caused this whole awful mess. And Christians have already been expelled in Iraq. But they lived in relative peace & prosperity before the Iraq War. So it's too late for 'saving.' The only logical way forward now, is to adopt a balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy. It's the only real hope for Peace for our Nation.
They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you're talking BS. The USA commits airstrikes on the IS organisation to prevent the Yezidis from being slaughtered.
The IS wants to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi government and set up a caliphate. The USA fights them and so indirectly does the job for the current governments there.
How exactly is that a policy of regime change?

'Regime Change' has caused this whole awful mess. And Christians have already been expelled in Iraq. But they lived in relative peace & prosperity before the Iraq War. So it's too late for 'saving.' The only logical way forward now, is to adopt a balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy. It's the only real hope for Peace for our Nation.

... so just let the Yezidis be killed by IS?
They're 'Regime Changing' again. Maliki's out. Maybe it's time for our Government to reconsider that whole 'Regime Change' thing? What do you think?

I think you're talking BS. The USA commits airstrikes on the IS organisation to prevent the Yezidis from being slaughtered.
The IS wants to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi government and set up a caliphate. The USA fights them and so indirectly does the job for the current governments there.
How exactly is that a policy of regime change?

'Regime Change' has caused this whole awful mess. And Christians have already been expelled in Iraq. But they lived in relative peace & prosperity before the Iraq War. So it's too late for 'saving.' The only logical way forward now, is to adopt a balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy. It's the only real hope for Peace for our Nation.


As you have stated, had the USA not backed ISIS in Syria, they might have been defeated and this would not be happening. However this is a regional problem. Why not allow Iran, Saudi and the other nations in the region to deal with these barbarians? Israel might even join in to help eliminate them. These nations would much rather have the USA do their dirty work...it is time for them to step up.
Too little too late.

Iraq has been begging for assistance for months. Now it's politically expedient for the moonbat messiah to act, but it wasn't that long ago he bombed Khaddafi in support of islamic radicals, supported the islamic radicals in Egypt, and erased a "red line" of support for these assholes. Then when the world finally becomes outraged at the savagery of these animals, NOW the clown prince suddenly acts?

I don't believe for a second he gives a shit about those people on that mountain. His own blood relatives (if Obama is really his father rather than frank marshall davis) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. Is only concern is how people view him. As far as I'm concerned he'd allow Iraq to fall into the hands of these savages, and he knows the media would chant "Bush did it" just like the mindless sycophants they are.


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