Obama Bounces Up to 52% Approval, 48% to 45% Over Romney

QUOTE: Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. END QUOTE

Did President Obama kill bin Laden or did the Navy Seals do it? I mean the poor economy is not his fault, but he gets credit for killing Bin Laden? Don't think it's fair to have it both ways.

Who was the Commander in Chief who made the call for our brave men and women to accomplish this mission? Who gave the order?
QUOTE: Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. END QUOTE

Did President Obama kill bin Laden or did the Navy Seals do it? I mean the poor economy is not his fault, but he gets credit for killing Bin Laden? Don't think it's fair to have it both ways.

Who was the Commander in Chief who made the call for our brave men and women to accomplish this mission? Who gave the order?

Leon Panetta...do you know who he is?
QUOTE: Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. END QUOTE

Did President Obama kill bin Laden or did the Navy Seals do it? I mean the poor economy is not his fault, but he gets credit for killing Bin Laden? Don't think it's fair to have it both ways.

Who was the Commander in Chief who made the call for our brave men and women to accomplish this mission? Who gave the order?

Leon Panetta...do you know who he is?

The middle man, who passed on the order from the Commander-in-Chief. Do you know who the CINC is?
The early reports are in. It looks like Obama got a nice convention bounce, something that Romney failed at.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Obama Bounces Up to 52% Approval, 48% to 45% Over Romney

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party look as if they are getting at least a preliminary bounce from their convention. Today's (Friday, Sept. 7) Gallup Daily tracking update puts Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Obama has also moved to a 48% to 45% lead over Mitt Romney among registered voters in the election tracking, up from Obama's 47% to 46% margin over the last nine days.​

And yet Real Clear Politics shows this a bounce of 0.7. hmmm.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Did you major in stupidity in your home school? RCP isn't showing a damn thing about the convention bounce.
MY my aren't we defensive the RCP poll runs from 8-22 through 9-6 which was the end of the convention which would include any convention bounce in the numbers they posted Today same as Gallup. It seems all you have majored in is partisan stupidity but on the bright side it appears you graduated at the top of the class.
The early reports are in. It looks like Obama got a nice convention bounce, something that Romney failed at.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Obama Bounces Up to 52% Approval, 48% to 45% Over Romney

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party look as if they are getting at least a preliminary bounce from their convention. Today's (Friday, Sept. 7) Gallup Daily tracking update puts Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Obama has also moved to a 48% to 45% lead over Mitt Romney among registered voters in the election tracking, up from Obama's 47% to 46% margin over the last nine days.​
Until the truth comes out, then he will be seen for what he is, a liar.
And those #'s will go down after the latest job reports. Plus, the debates coming up when Romney will school Obama. And Ryan makes Biden his bitch.

I heard that same shit 4 years ago. Yet, McCain got a bigger convention bounce that Romney.

Face the facts. Mitt is boring, people don't like him and they don't trust him.

I hate to say it, but Obama is going to win. Get ready for a global depression. :eusa_boohoo:
just ran across this, tsk tsk

Update: A few readers have e-mailed to note that Gallup’s job approval number is based on a sample of adults, not registered voters. Right; it’s the head-to-head with Romney, where O now leads by three, that’s based on a sample of registereds. Apologies if that wasn’t clear. The point is, if we’re seeing his job approval rise among adults, that’ll probably have some similar but lesser effect among registereds and then a similar but still lesser effect among likelies. Not a huge bounce, but a little something.

from and all of it here.
Bounce? Obama’s job approval at 52% in Gallup, highest since Bin Laden raid « Hot Air
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The Gallup tracking poll uses a 7-day rolling average, so it's only got one-day of post-convention bounce averaged in. Once it has all 7 days post-convention, we may see that 6-point bounce.
Looks like we're all going to find out what Obama has in store for our country. May get nasty.
And those #'s will go down after the latest job reports. Plus, the debates coming up when Romney will school Obama. And Ryan makes Biden his bitch.

Romney is a stiff

He could not even out debate the second stringers in the GOP primary
And yet Real Clear Politics shows this a bounce of 0.7. hmmm.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Did you major in stupidity in your home school? RCP isn't showing a damn thing about the convention bounce.
MY my aren't we defensive the RCP poll runs from 8-22 through 9-6 which was the end of the convention which would include any convention bounce in the numbers they posted Today same as Gallup. It seems all you have majored in is partisan stupidity but on the bright side it appears you graduated at the top of the class.

Who's being defensive? You're just being stupid. This thread isn't what the sites like Pollster or RCP is showing. It's about whether Obama got a convention bounce. Your information adds nothing to that question.
Dickless, you are the biggest fucking moron on this board....

RCP Average

8/22 - 9/6 47.0 46.3 Obama +0.7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Approval rating.....

RCP Average 48.0 48.5 -0.5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Fuck off Dickless.

Another stupid fuck, who doesn't know the difference between stuff that happened over the past two weeks and whether Obama is getting a convention bump. Are you really this much of a moron?
And those #'s will go down after the latest job reports. Plus, the debates coming up when Romney will school Obama. And Ryan makes Biden his bitch.

:lol: The Tin Man is not going to school anyone! :lol:
Dickless, you are the biggest fucking moron on this board....

RCP Average

8/22 - 9/6 47.0 46.3 Obama +0.7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Approval rating.....

RCP Average 48.0 48.5 -0.5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Fuck off Dickless.

Another stupid fuck, who doesn't know the difference between stuff that happened over the past two weeks and whether Obama is getting a convention bump. Are you really this much of a moron?

Dicless you are two things...

1) A moron
2) An abject liar

You are American excrement....there hasn't been a bounce yet.....Tuesdays polls will show if he gets anything.

You aren't getting anymore money from us...not without a gun ;)
The early reports are in. It looks like Obama got a nice convention bounce, something that Romney failed at.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport: Obama Bounces Up to 52% Approval, 48% to 45% Over Romney

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party look as if they are getting at least a preliminary bounce from their convention. Today's (Friday, Sept. 7) Gallup Daily tracking update puts Obama's job approval rating at 52%, the highest it has been since May 2011, after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Obama has also moved to a 48% to 45% lead over Mitt Romney among registered voters in the election tracking, up from Obama's 47% to 46% margin over the last nine days.​

its a take on several days, before the convention and some figures during, in 3 days if it holds viola', bounce.
This wouldn't have anything to do with the sudden turnaround in the GALLUP POLL, now would it?

PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company

A story concerning the possible abuse of power by the White House or Obama campaign that was initially dismissed by liberal blogs appears to be proving otherwise. According to internal e-mails, obtained by the Daily Caller'sMatt Boyle, sent between senior Gallup Organization executives, senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempted to intimidate the well known polling firm, when numbers for President Obama were not particularly ideal.

When news broke that the Justice Department was filing a lawsuit against Gallup for overcharging their clients, there was suspicion that either the White House or the Obama campaign may have applied pressure to Gallup because of President Obama's less than great polling numbers from the organization.

Read more: PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog...ils-show-axelrod-intimidated-g/#ixzz25pXNt4LU
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Read the emails in the story...
This wouldn't have anything to do with the sudden turnaround in the GALLUP POLL, now would it?

PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company

A story concerning the possible abuse of power by the White House or Obama campaign that was initially dismissed by liberal blogs appears to be proving otherwise. According to internal e-mails, obtained by the Daily Caller'sMatt Boyle, sent between senior Gallup Organization executives, senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempted to intimidate the well known polling firm, when numbers for President Obama were not particularly ideal.

When news broke that the Justice Department was filing a lawsuit against Gallup for overcharging their clients, there was suspicion that either the White House or the Obama campaign may have applied pressure to Gallup because of President Obama's less than great polling numbers from the organization.

Read more: PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company - Washington Times PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Read the emails in the story...

“Imagine Axel[rod] with Brando’s voice: ‘[Name redacted], I’d like you to come over and explain your methodology…You got a nice poll there….would be a shame if anything happened to it…’”

Read more: PICKET: Internal e-mails: Axelrod intimidated Gallup before DOJ lawsuit surfaced against polling company - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog...ils-show-axelrod-intimidated-g/#ixzz25paAjuSL
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
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You're lucky that breathing doesn't require a manual, since you can't fucking read.


Go here: RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Then tell us what it says for Gallup... You know, the second line in the average...

What's that word? Yes, it's "Friday"... and what's the spread? Yes, it's 48-45....

It's fucking included in the average, shit for brains...

Go play in traffic now... Politics just aint your bag, Dickless....

Move the goalposts, you little fucking coward. I said it was the first out of the gate, and Gallup stated it was just Friday's numbers. But those numbers show a huge bump. You're dumber than a fucking doorknob.

You're just too fucking stupid....

You said:
RCP averages the last couple of polls.

I showed you that this poll is INCLUDED in that average, as well as another poll from today, and the object of your fluffing is still in a virtual tie...

Seriously... Go play in heavy traffic...
You suck at this almost as hard as you suck 0bama....

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