Obama budget would shrink deficits by $1.2 trillion over 10 years: CBO

Obama has already cut the deficit by 2/3rds or 3/4s.

What have the Republicans done?

CBO said the president’s policies would achieve $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. The following components of the budget below would have the most significant effects on spending, taxes and the deficit, the agency said.
it's all about interpretation.
CBO said the president’s policies would achieve $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. The following components of the budget below would have the most significant effects on spending, taxes and the deficit, the agency said.
it's all about interpretation.
"The following components? :dunno:

How's this for a "component": Obama's budget contains over $40 billion in new taxes on oil and natural gas companies. They would effectively destroy those industries and undo the massive strides of recent years, including the huge increase in domestic production and the employment of hundreds of thousands of new workers.

Da fuck you say? :slap:
What horse-shit this is.

"Expected deficits" are cut because Obama, like any good Socialist, wants to snatch a little extra from the Producers in this country---the people who work and save and exercise self-reliance.

This is nothing more than an announcement that Obama means to Raise Taxes on the people who Work in this Country.

Where are the CUTS in irrational Federal Spending all over the country? Where is a Balanced Budget?

And this is assuming that you know the difference between a yearly "deficit" and the national "debt" built up under Obama. He railed at a debt under Bush of 5 trillion; and now he has it at close to 19 trillion.

He claims he can borrow less if you will pay more taxes...but that is a lie. He'll piss it all away...buying votes for Socialists.

Buying votes.

De Toqueville said (in Democracy in America, 1842) that our democracy would last until the Central Government realized it could buy votes with the taxpayer's money....bribe the voters with their own money. That's done, and we have moved into buying votes with money borrowed from our children.

The very last key to finishing off this democracy---which with faults as are attributable to the imperfect human condition; has nevertheless created the greatest society in the history of this orb....is to get enough illegal Mexicans voting in Texas to turn it into a Blue State, like Massachusetts and Connecticut....then its over...the Socialists will have won.

Buy them votes.

With enough time, they will do it; their race is against Bankruptcy....which is nearly inevitable now....only the date is unknown.
Four years ago, Illinois implemented a "temporary" increase in the state income tax. The Liberal Liars told us that it would allow legislators to repair the state's financial demise.

$18 billion later, we're in worse shape than we've ever been.

Fuck the Democrats.
Four years ago, Illinois implemented a "temporary" increase in the state income tax. The Liberal Liars told us that it would allow legislators to repair the state's financial demise.

$18 billion later, we're in worse shape than we've ever been.

Fuck the Democrats.
On planet liberal, there is no such thing as a "temporary" tax..I have a friend in Illinois that is a LEO. He has 5 more years until he is fully vested in his pension. Once he retires,. he is leaving his home state and his hometown for good. All because Illinois has been turned into a fiscal disaster by decades of corruption, confiscatory taxes, shitty roads and liberal politics.

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