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Trump will eliminate the $19 trillion national debt “over a period of eight years”

“We’re putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half to two weeks [and] we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “This is not for business, this is for middle income, and that’s on top of the tax decrease that we’ve already given them.”

The date of that remark, Oct. 22, 2018, seventeen days before the election.

Trump told Republican lawmakers Thursday that "sometime this year," he will announce a "substantial tax cut for middle-income folks who work so hard."

"We are working on a tax cut for the middle-income people that is going to be very, very inspirational," the president told House Republicans at their annual retreat in Baltimore. "It's going to be something that -- I think it's what everyone's really looking for."

When will his base ever learn? Well, part of the problem is, they ignore reality they know they won't like.

That would explain why they still believe everything Trump tells them.

Here's an idea: why don't you show me a President that promised things and delivered on every one. You know....if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? Everybody will be able to afford healthcare insurance?
At least the GOP can drop the fallacious rhetoric about being the party of fiscal responsibility.

Two thumbs up for the tax cut and spend philosophy...
yea the debt is now $27 trillion now.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:

Debt went up by SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS in four years. For those keeping score at home
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:

Debt went up by SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS in four years. For those keeping score at home
Let's see where we are at after four years of Biden, after the Green deal, free college and free healthcare add it up.
Revisit this in say, Nov 2023?
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:

Debt went up by SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS in four years. For those keeping score at home
Let's see where we are at after four years of Biden, after the Green deal, free college and free healthcare add it up.
Revisit this in say, Nov 2023?
Are you assuming Biden is going to snap his fingers and make all of those policies law by using magic? You do realize there is a process to institute and fund those ideas don’t you? And they NEVER roll out with everything they are campaigned to have.
And Nancy holds up Covid relief because she wants more than the GOP.
Liberals only care about the debt when it suits their political needs.

If she wanted more for the people that's one thing. In fact the Republicans wanted much less, but they kept giving Piglosi more and more to try and get her to sign off on it.

The bill is loaded with Democrat pork that has absolutely nothing to do with Covid. As usual with Democrats, it's our way or the highway.
Are you assuming Biden is going to snap his fingers and make all of those policies law by using magic? You do realize there is a process to institute and fund those ideas don’t you? And they NEVER roll out with everything they are campaigned to have.

Without the Republican Senate our country would be totally screwed. Some stuff has to go through legislation and some things not. That's what Executive Orders are all about.
Are you assuming Biden is going to snap his fingers and make all of those policies law by using magic? You do realize there is a process to institute and fund those ideas don’t you? And they NEVER roll out with everything they are campaigned to have.

Without the Republican Senate our country would be totally screwed. Some stuff has to go through legislation and some things not. That's what Executive Orders are all about.
Obama went overboard with EOs because congress was set on obstruction and not getting anything done. The same thing happened to Trump and he abused EOs as well. That’s not how the system is supposed to work. Congress is supposed to be able to legislate and work together not Jockey for absolute power like it has done over the past two administrations. The president earns the right to set the agenda and the congress has the responsibility to execute it within reason.
Obama went overboard with EOs because congress was set on obstruction and not getting anything done. The same thing happened to Trump and he abused EOs as well. That’s not how the system is supposed to work. Congress is supposed to be able to legislate and work together not Jockey for absolute power like it has done over the past two administrations. The president earns the right to set the agenda and the congress has the responsibility to execute it within reason.

Our founders never dreamt Americans would drift so far apart, so those days of working together are long gone and never coming back. The Democrat party went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat Socialist, and it's not stopping there either. They will continue to head in that direction until their ultimate goal of Communism is achieved.

On the right the tear is between the Establishment and the Constitutionalists. The Constitutionalists are a little ahead. We clearly rejected the establishment during our last presidential nomination.

There is no middle ground between Constitutionalists and Communism. It's like water and oil.
Obama went overboard with EOs because congress was set on obstruction and not getting anything done. The same thing happened to Trump and he abused EOs as well. That’s not how the system is supposed to work. Congress is supposed to be able to legislate and work together not Jockey for absolute power like it has done over the past two administrations. The president earns the right to set the agenda and the congress has the responsibility to execute it within reason.

Our founders never dreamt Americans would drift so far apart, so those days of working together are long gone and never coming back. The Democrat party went from Democrat to liberal, from liberal to progressive, from progressive to Democrat Socialist, and it's not stopping there either. They will continue to head in that direction until their ultimate goal of Communism is achieved.

On the right the tear is between the Establishment and the Constitutionalists. The Constitutionalists are a little ahead. We clearly rejected the establishment during our last presidential nomination.

There is no middle ground between Constitutionalists and Communism. It's like water and oil.
If their goal was communism then Sanders would have been elected and not Biden. You’re neck deep in the scare tactics that are being used to divide and not living in reality. Biden is a moderate. He campaigned on uniting and working together. Trump ran on scorched earth. Big difference
If their goal was communism then Sanders would have been elected and not Biden. You’re neck deep in the scare tactics that are being used to divide and not living in reality. Biden is a moderate. He campaigned on uniting and working together. Trump ran on scorched earth. Big difference

I didn't say they are there yet, I stated what their goal is. It's not a scare tactic, it's the truth. Go to the US Communist Party website and try to differentiate between their platform and the Democrats. You'll see a lot of similarities. And if you go there, do a search on Trump, Bush, Sanders, Obama, and see what their opinions were of each candidate.

Obama is the lefts newest love child. Had Biden not been his VP, he wouldn't have stood a chance at all getting the nomination.
If their goal was communism then Sanders would have been elected and not Biden. You’re neck deep in the scare tactics that are being used to divide and not living in reality. Biden is a moderate. He campaigned on uniting and working together. Trump ran on scorched earth. Big difference

I didn't say they are there yet, I stated what their goal is. It's not a scare tactic, it's the truth. Go to the US Communist Party website and try to differentiate between their platform and the Democrats. You'll see a lot of similarities. And if you go there, do a search on Trump, Bush, Sanders, Obama, and see what their opinions were of each candidate.

Obama is the lefts newest love child. Had Biden not been his VP, he wouldn't have stood a chance at all getting the nomination.
Like I said if communism was their goal then their last two nominees would have been Sanders not Clinton and Biden. Sure there are many on the left that support socialism that’s where socialism and communism sit in the ideological spectrum. But the party and agenda of the majority of the leaders are not on board with that. Instead of dishonestly painting them as communists why don’t you try and support the moderate things they want to do. If you demonize and isolate them then you are pushing them towards the other end. See how that works?
Like I said if communism was their goal then their last two nominees would have been Sanders not Clinton and Biden. Sure there are many on the left that support socialism that’s where socialism and communism sit in the ideological spectrum. But the party and agenda of the majority of the leaders are not on board with that. Instead of dishonestly painting them as communists why don’t you try and support the moderate things they want to do. If you demonize and isolate them then you are pushing them towards the other end. See how that works?

They don't want to do any moderate things, that's the point. They never give into Republicans an inch. They demand Republicans give into them totally. Look at this stimulus bill that they've been arguing over for months now. Did Republicans give half way? Yes they did. Did Piglosi give in anything? No she didn't.

These people want to completely takeover our healthcare, completely take over college, put in AOC as their poster child for the party along with her three goofy friends. The Democrats know better than just flick a switch. They like the theory of the frog in a pot of water on the stove. Democrats are like terrorists where they are very patient people. Their constituents don't even know they are being conditioned. Many people believe Sander's would have won over Hillary if the Democrats didn't put the fix in for her.

If you can't see the more radical changes in the Democrat party from ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, then you are just not paying attention, because they get more radical all the time.
Like I said if communism was their goal then their last two nominees would have been Sanders not Clinton and Biden. Sure there are many on the left that support socialism that’s where socialism and communism sit in the ideological spectrum. But the party and agenda of the majority of the leaders are not on board with that. Instead of dishonestly painting them as communists why don’t you try and support the moderate things they want to do. If you demonize and isolate them then you are pushing them towards the other end. See how that works?

They don't want to do any moderate things, that's the point. They never give into Republicans an inch. They demand Republicans give into them totally. Look at this stimulus bill that they've been arguing over for months now. Did Republicans give half way? Yes they did. Did Piglosi give in anything? No she didn't.

These people want to completely takeover our healthcare, completely take over college, put in AOC as their poster child for the party along with her three goofy friends. The Democrats know better than just flick a switch. They like the theory of the frog in a pot of water on the stove. Democrats are like terrorists where they are very patient people. Their constituents don't even know they are being conditioned. Many people believe Sander's would have won over Hillary if the Democrats didn't put the fix in for her.

If you can't see the more radical changes in the Democrat party from ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, then you are just not paying attention, because they get more radical all the time.
yes of course I’ve seen the evolution of the democrat party. A decade ago they weren’t for gay marriage and now they are. Many other issues have evolved in healthcare and the environment and other areas, that’s how it works. But you’re way too dramatic about it. I mean just listen to yourself... you’re off your rocker

“Democrats are like terrorists where they are very patient people. Their constituents don't even know they are being conditioned. Many people believe Sander's would have won over Hillary if the Democrats didn't put the fix in for her”
yes of course I’ve seen the evolution of the democrat party. A decade ago they weren’t for gay marriage and now they are. Many other issues have evolved in healthcare and the environment and other areas, that’s how it works. But you’re way too dramatic about it. I mean just listen to yourself... you’re off your rocker

“Democrats are like terrorists where they are very patient people. Their constituents don't even know they are being conditioned. Many people believe Sander's would have won over Hillary if the Democrats didn't put the fix in for her”

So which one of my statements do you disagree with? Democrats are incremental. Baby steps, baby steps, but they have a grand goal in mind even if it takes years for them to achieve.

I remember as a child when they pushed for no smoking in movie theaters. That's all they wanted, movie theaters. Fast forward to today, you can't even smoke outside in some liberal cities. I remember in the mid 60's when my father built our house. He installed an incinerator. The Democrats started to cry about that because of pollution. It was outlawed and my father had to take it out. Fast forward to today and look at all the products we were forced to quit using, and we're paying for it unknowingly because the costs are hidden in our products many don't know about. I remember when they wanted gays out of the closet. That's all they wanted, just to let them out of the closet. Today not only are they getting married, it was forced on states by the Supreme Court. They even adopt children.

You see it took them decades to accomplish all this and more. Very patient people. They say they only want step A, but after a while, step A isn't good enough, so they proceed to step B, then step C. They wanted step G all along, but if they presented it at the time, the people would have totally rejected it. If you condition the people incrementally, they can be trained to eventually accept step G.

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