Obama bus tour in full swing * and we're paying for it *

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Now I'm no lawyer but shouldn't he be paying for his "campaign tour" out of his campaign funds? What the hell?

Also I wonder if the same media that scrutinized every detail of Palin's bus tour will do the same with Obama. I for one would love to hear the question
"mr president shouldn't your bus tour be paid out of campaign funds rather than by the tax payer?"

I won't be holding my breath....
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Now I'm no lawyer but shouldn't he be paying for his "campaign tour" out of his campaign funds? What the hell?

Also I wonder if the same media that scrutinized every detail of Palin's bus tour will do the same with Obama. I for one would love to hear the question
"mr president shouldn't your bus tour be paid out of campaign funds rather than by the tax payer?"

I won't be holding my breath....

Fat Chance. The media lap dogs dont even report the gun running by this admin.
Hey, we should just suck up, It's all for the good of HOPE AND CHANGE..:lol:
Is he traveling around the country touting all of the "shovel-ready" jobs he's created ?

What a farse.
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takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

Are you seriously suggesting that he has been breathing this whole time on the tax payers dime?

That is an outrage! And I can't believe this is the first I've heard of it.
Now I'm no lawyer but shouldn't he be paying for his "campaign tour" out of his campaign funds? What the hell?

Also I wonder if the same media that scrutinized every detail of Palin's bus tour will do the same with Obama. I for one would love to hear the question
"mr president shouldn't your bus tour be paid out of campaign funds rather than by the tax payer?"

I won't be holding my breath....

How is this million dollar getaway going to look if Obama heads for Martha's Vinyard on borrowed tax payers money? The economy is crashing and the person who caused it is gonna borrow another million or so dollars so he can party while we all suffer? How do you guys all feel about this?

merged with existing thread
He's off on another vacation?

How timely.

Everything earned on the NYSE for 2011 has been wiped today, and asswipe flies a corporate jet to Martha's Vineyard.

What an elitist little fuck.

He's asking us to sacrfice - and this is what we get?
takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

PB here to defend his War loving, corporate owned big Bush era policy expanding President Obama!

I sure would like to see the complaints over Obama breathing and walking, but this is about what Obama has done and is doing wrong so of course PB must defend!!! The issue is not that Obama might take a “car” on a road trip PB, it’s that he uses public funds to do it and in reality he takes several very costly busses and planes and maybe even car(s), not walk to his campaigning sites.

This is all based on IF the OP is telling the truth of course.
Maybe on his bus tour he'll brag about that "Cash for Clunkers" fiasco ......

And how well the economy is doing
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takes a car, complains
takes a boat, complains,
takes a bus, complains,
take a plane, complains
Walks around, complains
Breaths, complains

We got it, this is pathetic, but we got it.

Oh, please do the world a favor and STFU, you whiney little prick.

Tissue ?

We been listening to your Bush-Bash communist bullshit on the Internets for years.

And you're not too bright either.

Pull your mouth off of Obama's ass for a moment and smell reality, asswipe.
down 500 points... holy crap.

Quick! We need another Stimulus package, or some more shovel ready jobs! Or, better yet, let gets some universal health care going!
So it's clearly for campaigning but they are going to call it... what again? The "It's just Obama getting out there to spread his message, but not campaign buss tour?"

Man, so Ron Paul should just go on a tax payer funded tour of the country and call it a "Just Ron Paul getting out there to spread his message, but not camping buss tour."
yup,as usual,obama is giving 300 million americans the finger,and telling them,,,yo,,im off to martha's vinyard,
Neil Cavuto used the term "underwater"..Those washington asswipes, all of them, need to get their pampered asses back to work.

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