Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Let's start with that 39.6% top marginal rate. He has told us over and over that it is the rich who need to pay more, yes? Has he ever once suggested that the 50% of Americans who are paying little or nothing into the federal treasury need to pay more? No he has not. But he keeps hammering away at the rich and people like JoeB thrust their fists into the air and say "YES!!! The rich are evil." With the people behind him he receives little resistance.[

Oh my God, is this your belief, that "the people" would be totally for it, because the rich are evil?

Has it occurred to you that most of us just think it's fair that they pay more? The problem with the oft-cited horshit about the "50% that pay nothing" is that it works on the assumption that the only tax that exists out there is Federal Income Tax. besides the fact that the "half who pay nothing" include children and retired people and disabled people and people who have no jobs or income, the very few people who produce have an income and pay no tax on it are making so little there's nothing there to tax.

The other problem with that thinking is that it ignores the other taxes that do slaughter the working class. Sales taxes, ciagarete taxes, gasoline taxes, Social Securtiy (capped at 100K) Medicare (capped at 100K) State income taxes (usually flat).

For instance, I got a much bigger check back from the Feds this year because I paid a much bigger tax to Springfield this year, and I itemize on Schedule A.

Then when that milestone is reached what if he would declare the supremacy of unions which JoeB also wants and via executive order makes it almost impossible to do business with the government or any large corporations without being unionized? Another step necessary to take down the rich and concentrate the power even more. And then raise taxes more and rachet up more regulation etc.

Oh, noes, you mean rich people won't be able to fire people without actually being able to prove their case that peson needed to be fired, because they might have a union that will go to bat for them? The horror, the horror.

Whenever a conservatard (not to be confused with the dying species, conservative) talks about "Freedom", they are usually talking about the ability of rich people to screw with poor people. Even though m ost of them aren't rich themselves. But they might be, some day. They really need to believe that.

All this is speculatiive yes, but it still addresses your question of how raising the marginal tax rate squares with Marxism.

So when are you going to answer his actual question. How is a top marginal rate of 39% (the same rate it was under Reagan) a form of "Marxism"?

And this very thread is about a President who is presuming to take more and more personal power. The last thing he did so far is to countermand the law of the land, a law passed by a duly elected Congress of our representatives, and make a brand new law all on his own.

No, he used the authority of the executive branch to resolve a problem because a do-nothing congress was not addressing a criticial issue. By the way, Bush pulled stuff like this all the time, and you usually didn't have a problem with it.

If that doesn't chill the blood of every freedom loving American, I fear that the frog will be boiled before we finally wake up and say no more.

Which is what Marxism counts on in order to take over everything.

I'm sorry, how exactly is it hurting you that some kid who was brought here as a 2 year old is going to get some legal protection?

Incidently, the thing about boiled frogs is a myth. Frogs do not stay in water when it gets too hot for them.

Conservatards, however, keep bending over for the wealthy, no matter how many times they get screwed.
Ha ha ha.

Someone missed the train to Joke Town, and got on the Fucktard Express instead.


That's your idea of a joke? "I want some cocaine"? Wow - that is soooooo funny. Keep your day job, because you're about as funny as a funeral. Which part of that is "funny" exactly? Fucking juvenile tool... Please go play with your toys and let the grown ups talk.
California is glaring evidence of the catastrophic failure of liberal policy. The most liberal state in the union, lead by idiot liberal politicians for the overwhelming majority of the past 50+ years, the state is failing miserably with a $16 billion deficit. I hope they do raise taxes - because it will cause them to have more businesses leave, higher unemployment, and an even larger deficit. Of course, the idiot liberal will still ignore reality and pretend it's not their policy that is the cause. *But at least the rest of America will see the truth.

"Firms, people, investments, and tax revenues are fleeing California, repelled by the most onerous antigrowth business environment in the United States,” Arthur Laffer writes in City Journal.

“California’s after-tax rate of return for doing business lags so far behind other states… that the exodus shouldn’t surprise anyone. Yet the state’s Democratic leadership is pushing a November ballot measure aimed at raising income and sales taxes in order to make up*for lost revenue,” he adds.

Although Laffer — himself a member of the California exodus — has lobbied for a flat tax in the broken state for years, his efforts have been met with little success. However, now that California’s financial crisis has taken on comical proportions, an embarrassing $16 billion shortfall, maybe — just maybe — state lawmakers will listen to what he has to say.

“California needs is a radical tax overhaul — to be precise, a single, low-rate flat tax. Such a reform would spur a renewal of economic activity and investment while continuing to raise the revenues that the state needs,” Laffer writes, arguing that the idea of taxing oneself into prosperity is absurd.
I was wondering how a Leftist union pimp such as you, Joe, would apologize for Obama ignoring our laws and bending the workin man over to give your jobs to illegals.

Soooo predictable.

Hey Joe - I know you think running a business is so easy (even though you refuse to do it yourself), but allow me to let you in on a little secret. If you own a business, you are not going to "invest" in anything (people, assets, infrastructure, etc.) when the government is run by radical Marxists who demonize you 24x7 as "evil" and the cause of all problems, and who then implement anti-business policies like the Frank-Dodd Finance Reform bill and Obamacare. And let's not forget the endless threats to raise taxes on those "evil" business owners who create jobs.

If you want them to invest, then vote the idiot liberals the fuck out of office and wake up to the realization that there isn't a poor person in America who has EVER hired one single person. Jobs come from the wealthy. Opportunity comes from the wealthy. No one on food stamps has ever hired anyone.

Actually, guy, here's the thing.

Consumer demand creates jobs, not investment and not businessmen. This is one of the fallacies you Conservatards believe, because they spend a lot of money getting you to believe it.

We have never gotten out of a recession without a huge burst of government spending.

Decent salaries for working people create jobs, NOT wealthy people having more wealth. Clinton raised the tax on the wealthy, and we had the best decade of growth in my lifetime. Let's try that again.
I was wondering how a Leftist union pimp such as you, Joe, would apologize for Obama ignoring our laws and bending the workin man over to give your jobs to illegals.

Soooo predictable.


Obama is just being compassionate by allowing 800,000 illegals to compete for their jobs, don't ya know
I'm suspecting that opposition to amnesty has won the day here. The pro amensty/pro Obama group is out of arguments defending that and are now focused on attacking Rush Limbaugh and Hannity. That's a pretty sure indication they're out of ammunition. :)

Or we just concluded watching you thrash around trying to condemn it without looking like a bunch of racists was amusing for a while, but kind of silly.
We have never gotten out of a recession without a huge burst of government spending.



That's correct.

But lets entertain your premise.

Point to a recession, in this country, made better by austerity.

Harding, 1920, who whacked gubmint spending in response to a Depression which nobody ever talks about because he handled it correctly.

Want some more, swallow?
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My favorite thing about you liberals Joe B. is the helpless "woe is me" pitty-party you all have for yourselves every 5 minutes. Guess what, the rich pay the "working man" exactly what he is worth. You command your own salary by your skill sets and the value you bring to an organization.

If you're not making the money you want Joe B., it's your own damn fault, because you're not of any value to the organization. You know why Alex Rodriquez could command a quarter of a billion dollars in free agency? Because his skill sets bring tremendous value to an organization. You know Steve Jobs made billions of dollars in his life? Because his skill sets brought tremendous value to every organization.

Obviously, you're way of thinking/working has not worked out too well for you in life as you hate the salary you make and have been laid off no less than 3 times. How about you just give my way a try? Instead of buying the liberal bullshit that just because you were born, you are entitled to a job and a huge salary (not to mention healthcare, housing, and on and on) - why don't you invest in yourself, increase your skill sets, and work your ass of on the job? I'll bet you'll see your salary go way up and your layoffs go way down.

But of course, it's much easier to just bitch and vote liberal than to actually improve yourself and work hard, right?

Um, I got laid off twice, and one company I worked for went completely out of business because the rich fucks who ran it were too busy putting coke up their nose when their parents left it to them.

And frankly, I think it's obscene that we pay ANYONE 8 figures. Sports figures, CEO's or anyone else, really.

But I know you need to make it about me because you can't defend the system. (Actually, I do reasonably well, all things considered.)

But please don't go out there and tell me that because of luck or greed, that A-Rod or Steve Jobs have more virtue than average working people. Because it's laughable.
Obama got his ASS KICKED in November 2010 and nothing has changed since then. He's still a radical Marxist.

Just out of curiosity, Obama is pushing for a top marginal tax rate of 39.6%.

How do you square that with Marxism, or, actually, "radical" Marxism?


You mean other than the fact that he has flat out said on camera "the way you do that is SPREAD THE WEALTH"? *Do you even know what Marxism is? *In a nut shell, it can be summed up by Karl Marx's own statement "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". *So if you believe we should spread the wealth from those who do to those who do nothing, then you are a Marxist.

Furthermore, his entire life he has surrounded himself with NOTHING but Socialists/Marxists/Communists. *Consider these facts:


That works on the assumption that the majority of us are actually "doing nothing" or that the wealthy who have 50% of the wealth have actually earned it.

Are they doing 50% of the things that need to be done? Or are they just cheating the people who work for them out of their fair share by playing them off against each other?

And since the latter is obviously the truth, why on earth would you ever consider it a good thing.

Yes, Marxism is an awful idea, because eventually, people figure out that they can get by with doing nothing. This is largely the problem with the modern welfare state, truth to be told.

But the notion of a system where a few get rich and the rest work ourselves to death to make them that way is equally ridiculous- and dangerous to the well-being of the nation.

Wealth disparity never ends well. Just ask the Bourbons or the Romanovs.
I was wondering how a Leftist union pimp such as you, Joe, would apologize for Obama ignoring our laws and bending the workin man over to give your jobs to illegals.

Soooo predictable.


Obama is just being compassionate by allowing 800,000 illegals to compete for their jobs, don't ya know

He's doing what he usually does. Nothing.

All he's done is change the dialog.

Before, he was claiming he was deporting them but it seemed to everyone in border-states that he refused to obey our laws. Now all he's done is give a speech about what he's been doing all along to enforce border security. Not a damned thing.
His thoughts on same-sex marriage he claimed were evolving.

Sorry. He always supported it. He just wanted to announce it in an election year.

The same goes with this announcement on immigration.

He's done nothing to improve the situation. Local law enforcement has been fighting him on it for years.

I figure if you're gonna have borders ether enforce them or remove them and let anyone in who wants to come in........and then suffer the consequences.

Btw, who runs the Open Society Institute?

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His thoughts on same-sex marriage he claimed were evolving.

Sorry. He always supported it. He just wanted to announce it in an election year.

The same goes with this announcement on immigration.

He's done nothing to improve the situation. Local law enforcement has been fighting him on it for years.

I figure if you're gonna have borders ether enforce them or remove them and let anyone in who wants to come in........and then suffer the consequences.

Btw, who runs the Open Society Institute?


Just as crazy as left wingers who think there's a Koch brother in his closet.

Let's get real here.

Everyone knew for years that this was a problem. That we had lots of young kids who were brought here as children, played by all the rules, stayed in school, and then found out one day that because of a decision their parents made, they were caught in a legal limbo that everyone agreed needed to be fixed. They were brought up as Americans, spoke ENglish and have known no other home, but now find themselves in a bad situation through no fault of their own.

Even sensible Republicans like George W. Bush and John McCain realized this needed to be fixed.

(Ah, sensible Republicans. remember when we had those? I do.)

Because the GOP is in thrall of extremists, even moderate bills to remedy this situation found themselves dying in Congress, so the President did something about it.

Good on him.

Do I think there was political calcluation? Yup. Or maybe he realizes now that no matter how reasonable or accommedating he's going to try to be, the GOP is not going to work with him as long as the inmates are in charge of the asylum.


That's correct.

But lets entertain your premise.

Point to a recession, in this country, made better by austerity.

Harding, 1920, who whacked gubmint spending in response to a Depression which nobody ever talks about because he handled it correctly.

Want some more, swallow?

Um, you have to go back 90 years to find an extreme example?

Let's look at what was being faced, and what else Harding did.

Harding really didn't cut much of anything as far as government spending, outside of the military, which had been built up for WWI.

He did cut top income taxes, but he also increased tariffs to protect American markets as industry switched from wartime production to civilian production again.

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