Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

We don't want them here in Alaska, either. We want those gold mining jobs for legal citizens, thanks.
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

I just wish they wouldn't drag the rest of us into their hellish oblivion.
Let's start with that 39.6% top marginal rate. He has told us over and over that it is the rich who need to pay more, yes? Has he ever once suggested that the 50% of Americans who are paying little or nothing into the federal treasury need to pay more?

I'm not sure if this has been pointed out in the thread yet, but those 50% of the people don't pay income taxes because they don't make enough to be taxed. They DO however pay payroll tax and use taxes like sales and gas taxes. So that is one of the most insulting and stupid rhetoric points that the Right Wing has, by the way.

If by payroll tax you are referring to SS, then that is not the same thing as a tax. That money is ostensibly reserved to pay the individual's SS retirement. Additionally, employers match that contribution, adding to each individual account.
Sales taxes are usually local taxes and do not go into federal coffers. Any other taxes, like the federal tax on fuels, etc, can accurately be described as "little or nothing" when compared to the amount paid as income taxes.
When you take into account the amount paid to that 50% in the form of EIC and various other income tax rebates, they often not only do not contribute to the tax base, they are paid funds in excess of any additional taxes levied by states or municipalities.
But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.

George Bush did disobey this Law - prove me wrong and I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Don't make excuses - it is simple did GW while in office enforce the Immigration Laws? Yes or No it is a very simple question? No matter what was going on, ok.

He either did or didn't - very simple, again. How did you like Reagan's response?

Cite exactly which law Bush disobeyed and how he violated the law, please.
Let's start with that 39.6% top marginal rate. He has told us over and over that it is the rich who need to pay more, yes? Has he ever once suggested that the 50% of Americans who are paying little or nothing into the federal treasury need to pay more?

I'm not sure if this has been pointed out in the thread yet, but those 50% of the people don't pay income taxes because they don't make enough to be taxed. They DO however pay payroll tax and use taxes like sales and gas taxes. So that is one of the most insulting and stupid rhetoric points that the Right Wing has, by the way.

If by payroll tax you are referring to SS, then that is not the same thing as a tax. That money is ostensibly reserved to pay the individual's SS retirement. Additionally, employers match that contribution, adding to each individual account.
Sales taxes are usually local taxes and do not go into federal coffers. Any other taxes, like the federal tax on fuels, etc, can accurately be described as "little or nothing" when compared to the amount paid as income taxes.
When you take into account the amount paid to that 50% in the form of EIC and various other income tax rebates, they often not only do not contribute to the tax base, they are paid funds in excess of any additional taxes levied by states or municipalities.

just like 1500 millionairs that paid no taxes? 94 billion in corporate welfare, 60 billion a year in subsidies for oil companies alone, yet you only bitch only about poor people getting a break!?
He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.

George Bush did disobey this Law - prove me wrong and I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Don't make excuses - it is simple did GW while in office enforce the Immigration Laws? Yes or No it is a very simple question? No matter what was going on, ok.

He either did or didn't - very simple, again. How did you like Reagan's response?

Cite exactly which law Bush disobeyed and how he violated the law, please.

Cite exactly which law Obama disobeyed and how he violated the law, please.
The "law" is the constitution and separation of powers. But it won't be prosecuted in the court room. It will be tried in the court of public opinion in November.

Obama does have discretion about how to enforce the law. He does not have the power to re-write it.

The federal executive branch, like a local district attorney or a traffic cop, has some discretion about how, when, and whether to prosecute certain violations of the law. Not every driver exceeding the speed limit by 4 mph will receive a ticket, and not every teenager caught shoplifting will face a criminal indictment. Police and prosecutors are granted some leeway in these matters - but they cannot change the speed limit or legalize theft. That requires an act of the legislature. By making the liberal use of this discretion mandatory, the Obama administration is in effect writing new law rather than enforcing existing law.

Read more: Blog: Obama's 'executive overreach'
The "law" is the constitution and separation of powers. But it won't be prosecuted in the court room. It will be tried in the court of public opinion in November.

Obama does have discretion about how to enforce the law. He does not have the power to re-write it.

The federal executive branch, like a local district attorney or a traffic cop, has some discretion about how, when, and whether to prosecute certain violations of the law. Not every driver exceeding the speed limit by 4 mph will receive a ticket, and not every teenager caught shoplifting will face a criminal indictment. Police and prosecutors are granted some leeway in these matters - but they cannot change the speed limit or legalize theft. That requires an act of the legislature. By making the liberal use of this discretion mandatory, the Obama administration is in effect writing new law rather than enforcing existing law.

Read more: Blog: Obama's 'executive overreach'

yes he does, and many other presidents have wielded their executive power since 1789, and the blog tries to over strech it's ideaology while ignoring that the president is not ignoring the immigration law.
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Would somebody give Conservaderp a lollipop or something to occupy him so the grown ups can have a discussion here?

Fuck lollipops. I want some cocaineeeeee!

Not really.

I just enjoy bugging the fuck out of you because you make shit up.

Have you said Classical Liberal in this thread yet?

Shocking - idiot liberal asking for cocaine. Is it any wonder that side is destroying America?

repubs are more like meth heads.
'America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job. But I can advocate for changes in the law so that we have a country that is both respectful of the law but also continues to be a great nation of immigrants.'

- Hussien, on the Dream Act
March 2011
feel good about your vote for Obama now?

with over 8% unemployment, he puts illegal immigrants over YOU legal citizens

I don't understand how this is going to work when obama is no longer president, and President Romney revokes obama's dictate. Are those people going to be hunted down and kicked out of America?
'America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job. But I can advocate for changes in the law so that we have a country that is both respectful of the law but also continues to be a great nation of immigrants.'

- Hussien, on the Dream Act
March 2011

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9isifcg9ik&feature=player_embedded"]President Obama's statement on bypassing Congress and issuing an Executive Order for Amnesty - YouTube[/ame]
Obama would sell his grandmother for his re-election.

so selling out the American people he supposedly represents is no surprise
Nah, just in paranoid wingnut wannabe-cold-warrior fantasies.

Everything listed there is FACT - which is why you had NO response other than a juvenile comment. Typical liberal wingnut ignoring reality for fantasy...

Ok, then. Go fight that good fight to show the rest of voting public the Prez has The Red Book on his nightstand. In the meantime I'll just stay in the real world and laugh.

You laugh because your an idiot who ignores reality and lives in liberal fantasy land. I'm still waiting for you to post some facts like I did. No? Didn't think so
feel good about your vote for Obama now?

with over 8% unemployment, he puts illegal immigrants over YOU legal citizens


'America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job. But I can advocate for changes in the law so that we have a country that is both respectful of the law but also continues to be a great nation of immigrants.'

- Hussien, on the Dream Act
March 2011

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9isifcg9ik&feature=player_embedded"]President Obama's statement on bypassing Congress and issuing an Executive Order for Amnesty - YouTube[/ame]

Used to be a very big deal when a POTUS was caught lying to the American public.

This asshat does it three times before breakfast each day, and the media ignores it.
'America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job. But I can advocate for changes in the law so that we have a country that is both respectful of the law but also continues to be a great nation of immigrants.'

- Hussien, on the Dream Act
March 2011

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9isifcg9ik&feature=player_embedded"]President Obama's statement on bypassing Congress and issuing an Executive Order for Amnesty - YouTube[/ame]

Used to be a very big deal when a POTUS was caught lying to the American public.

This asshat does it three times before breakfast each day, and the media ignores it.

That's OK. His pandering is sealing his doom with most of us.

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