Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

That's correct.

But lets entertain your premise.

Point to a recession, in this country, made better by austerity.

Harding, 1920, who whacked gubmint spending in response to a Depression which nobody ever talks about because he handled it correctly.

Want some more, swallow?

Um, you have to go back 90 years

Your assertion was foolish. Just because we now lavish gubmint debt spending on economic downturns does not mean it is necessary or wise.

Your education was free this time.
How many will legally qualify for the additional child tax credit now? Billions in tax credits have already gone to fictional children of illegal aliens living here and in Mexico. Now that they will all be filing (???) how many more billions will be stolen?
I don't understand how this is going to work when obama is no longer president, and President Romney revokes obama's dictate. Are those people going to be hunted down and kicked out of America?

That's just the conundrum obama wants to leave Romney with.
His thoughts on same-sex marriage he claimed were evolving.

Sorry. He always supported it. He just wanted to announce it in an election year.

The same goes with this announcement on immigration.

He's done nothing to improve the situation. Local law enforcement has been fighting him on it for years.

I figure if you're gonna have borders ether enforce them or remove them and let anyone in who wants to come in........and then suffer the consequences.

Btw, who runs the Open Society Institute?


Just as crazy as left wingers who think there's a Koch brother in his closet.

Let's get real here.

Everyone knew for years that this was a problem. That we had lots of young kids who were brought here as children, played by all the rules, stayed in school, and then found out one day that because of a decision their parents made, they were caught in a legal limbo that everyone agreed needed to be fixed. They were brought up as Americans, spoke ENglish and have known no other home, but now find themselves in a bad situation through no fault of their own.

Even sensible Republicans like George W. Bush and John McCain realized this needed to be fixed.

(Ah, sensible Republicans. remember when we had those? I do.)

Because the GOP is in thrall of extremists, even moderate bills to remedy this situation found themselves dying in Congress, so the President did something about it.

Good on him.

Do I think there was political calcluation? Yup. Or maybe he realizes now that no matter how reasonable or accommedating he's going to try to be, the GOP is not going to work with him as long as the inmates are in charge of the asylum.

GOP congressional leaders are the only ones that would even address the problem you fucken tool.

John McCain almost ruined his career trying to take it on.

You forgot that, didn't you......

Meanwhile the Democrats stood on the sidelines quietly egging it on. Encouraging Latinos into breaking our laws.

What's the saying......"When your enemy is eating himself alive, best thing you can do is just pass the salt".

This is gonna blow up in Obama's face eventually......soon as everyone realizes what's really going on.
How many will legally qualify for the additional child tax credit now? Billions in tax credits have already gone to fictional children of illegal aliens living here and in Mexico. Now that they will all be filing (???) how many more billions will be stolen?

Time will tell...the real reason for this is targeted at getting more on the voter rolls. That's how afraid Obama is that he is losing.
I don't understand how this is going to work when obama is no longer president, and President Romney revokes obama's dictate. Are those people going to be hunted down and kicked out of America?

That's just the conundrum obama wants to leave Romney with.

Mitt is going to inherit one hell of a mess to clean up. :D
Harding, 1920, who whacked gubmint spending in response to a Depression which nobody ever talks about because he handled it correctly.

Want some more, swallow?

Um, you have to go back 90 years

Your assertion was foolish. Just because we now lavish gubmint debt spending on economic downturns does not mean it is necessary or wise.

Your education was free this time.

Uh, guy, you wouldn't want to live in 1920 America and neitehr would anyone else.

You do realize just how miserable people were in that time period, with families crammed into one-room apartments, right?

Let's talk about what really happened in that time period. Prior to WWI, the US was a debtor nation. We brought in more goods than we exported. Then WWI broke out, and we ramped up our factories to produce war goods to sell to the allies, (who brought them from us on Credit) and then eventually had to enter the war ourselves to make sure the allies didn't lose and default on their debt. Meanwhile, consumer goods were rationed. Even food, as we transfered much of our food production to the rest of the world.

World War I. Probably the most useless, pointless war the US ever engaged in.

You then had a huge plague known as the SPanish Flu that killed 20 million people world-wide in 1919.

Finally, you had the Russian Revolution, which isolated the USSR, which had previously been the world's largest exporter of wheat. The US then replaced Russia in this regard.

The point was, the entire economic system of the world was disrupted, and a minor recession resulted. What Harding did was actually kind of unimportant, and the most signifigant thing he did- setting up tariffs to protect our industries as the world economy sorted itself out - is something you Coporatist stooges would never go for today.

So the very fact that you seem to think the most important thing that happened was that Harding cut government spending by a very small amount after Wilson had ramped it up so high (it never got below pre-Wilson levels again). Those other things that happened were far more important.
The president of the United States of America is not suppose to be above the law.....That means he does not have the power to Ignore the law or instruct others to do this. The President is a citizen not a king no mater how much the liberal morons wish it. THIS is why what the president did is wrong. He does not have the power or authority to tell others to ignore the law....Democrats seem to keep doing this.
GOP congressional leaders are the only ones that would even address the problem you fucken tool.

John McCain almost ruined his career trying to take it on.

You forgot that, didn't you......

Meanwhile the Democrats stood on the sidelines quietly egging it on. Encouraging Latinos into breaking our laws.

What's the saying......"When your enemy is eating himself alive, best thing you can do is just pass the salt".

This is gonna blow up in Obama's face eventually......soon as everyone realizes what's really going on.

I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.
GOP congressional leaders are the only ones that would even address the problem you fucken tool.

John McCain almost ruined his career trying to take it on.

You forgot that, didn't you......

Meanwhile the Democrats stood on the sidelines quietly egging it on. Encouraging Latinos into breaking our laws.

What's the saying......"When your enemy is eating himself alive, best thing you can do is just pass the salt".

This is gonna blow up in Obama's face eventually......soon as everyone realizes what's really going on.

I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.

Aww the tears are welling up right now :badgrin: Get a grip pussy you dont reward crime even if they were a bystander. By the way they do speak the language asshat cause they will have to talk with mommy and daddy who refuse to learn ours.
GOP congressional leaders are the only ones that would even address the problem you fucken tool.

John McCain almost ruined his career trying to take it on.

You forgot that, didn't you......

Meanwhile the Democrats stood on the sidelines quietly egging it on. Encouraging Latinos into breaking our laws.

What's the saying......"When your enemy is eating himself alive, best thing you can do is just pass the salt".

This is gonna blow up in Obama's face eventually......soon as everyone realizes what's really going on.

I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.

Good for you lying democrats, you have now sparked a renewed wave of illegal immigrants,, they now know that every decade will see new advantages heaped upon them by desperate black people.. who happen to be cutting off their own noses to spite their faces.. it's just too damn funny.
Aww the tears are welling up right now :badgrin: Get a grip pussy you dont reward crime even if they were a bystander. By the way they do speak the language asshat cause they will have to talk with mommy and daddy who refuse to learn ours.

I guess I see things differently.

A guy crossing a border to provide a better life for his family. I don't see that as wrong. It's what my grandfather did in 1925 when he brought the family over here from Germany. I don't fault someone for doing it now.

A guy who buys a company, loads it down with debt, and leaves the employees without jobs, health coverage, or the pensions they paid into, I see that as all kinds of wrong. Especially when the guy was born rich and didnt' really need the money.

In your world, you want to punish the first guy and reward teh second guy by making him president.
Aww the tears are welling up right now :badgrin: Get a grip pussy you dont reward crime even if they were a bystander. By the way they do speak the language asshat cause they will have to talk with mommy and daddy who refuse to learn ours.

I guess I see things differently.

A guy crossing a border to provide a better life for his family. I don't see that as wrong. It's what my grandfather did in 1925 when he brought the family over here from Germany. I don't fault someone for doing it now.

A guy who buys a company, loads it down with debt, and leaves the employees without jobs, health coverage, or the pensions they paid into, I see that as all kinds of wrong. Especially when the guy was born rich and didnt' really need the money.

In your world, you want to punish the first guy and reward teh second guy by making him president.

I see things how they are you see them through a haze of pot and retardation. Hey I should say thanks to Obama for pissing on the Unions and thus giving more votes for Romney.
GOP congressional leaders are the only ones that would even address the problem you fucken tool.

John McCain almost ruined his career trying to take it on.

You forgot that, didn't you......

Meanwhile the Democrats stood on the sidelines quietly egging it on. Encouraging Latinos into breaking our laws.

What's the saying......"When your enemy is eating himself alive, best thing you can do is just pass the salt".

This is gonna blow up in Obama's face eventually......soon as everyone realizes what's really going on.

I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.

Good for you lying democrats, you have now sparked a renewed wave of illegal immigrants,, they now know that every decade will see new advantages heaped upon them by desperate black people.. who happen to be cutting off their own noses to spite their faces.. it's just too damn funny.

Frankly, the only thing that seperates us from dying countries is fresh immigration.

Otherwise, we'd be like Japan- Lots of old people and not enough young people to support them.

I see things how they are you see them through a haze of pot and retardation. Hey I should say thanks to Obama for pissing on the Unions and thus giving more votes for Romney.

You could say that, but you'd look sillier than you already do.

I frankly don't understand the hate, other than a need to be able to look down on someone while you are being pissed on by rich people.
I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.

Good for you lying democrats, you have now sparked a renewed wave of illegal immigrants,, they now know that every decade will see new advantages heaped upon them by desperate black people.. who happen to be cutting off their own noses to spite their faces.. it's just too damn funny.

Frankly, the only thing that seperates us from dying countries is fresh immigration.

Otherwise, we'd be like Japan- Lots of old people and not enough young people to support them.

welll, that's becuse you democrats have murdered 50 million unborn American children in the last decade you fucking moron.

I see things how they are you see them through a haze of pot and retardation. Hey I should say thanks to Obama for pissing on the Unions and thus giving more votes for Romney.

You could say that, but you'd look sillier than you already do.

I frankly don't understand the hate, other than a need to be able to look down on someone while you are being pissed on by rich people.

Rich people gave me my job which I am going to right now thats not pissing on me retard. They are employing me to feed my family like a real man does instead of sitting in a basement living off their parents smoking pot and bitching that the world is giving me what they want like a deluded fucking brat like yourself.
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