Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals


I see things how they are you see them through a haze of pot and retardation. Hey I should say thanks to Obama for pissing on the Unions and thus giving more votes for Romney.

You could say that, but you'd look sillier than you already do.

I frankly don't understand the hate, other than a need to be able to look down on someone while you are being pissed on by rich people.

Rich people gave me my job which I am going to right now thats not pissing on me retard. They are employing me to feed my family like a real man does instead of sitting in a basement living off their parents smoking pot and bitching that the world is giving me what they am want like a deluded fucking brat like yourself.

It's Ok. people as Joey enjoy being slaves to Unions and Government. They don't deserve liberty because they've already traded it for security.

I see things how they are you see them through a haze of pot and retardation. Hey I should say thanks to Obama for pissing on the Unions and thus giving more votes for Romney.

You could say that, but you'd look sillier than you already do.

I frankly don't understand the hate, other than a need to be able to look down on someone while you are being pissed on by rich people.

Or you being pissed on by the President.

He was asked to tackle immigration in 09'. Instead he did what he felt was truly important to him.........and it wasn't immigration. He was asked again in March of 2011.

He intentionally put it off.

Obama In March 2011: Can't Stop Deportations Through Executive Order - YouTube
Aww the tears are welling up right now :badgrin: Get a grip pussy you dont reward crime even if they were a bystander. By the way they do speak the language asshat cause they will have to talk with mommy and daddy who refuse to learn ours.

I guess I see things differently.

A guy crossing a border to provide a better life for his family. I don't see that as wrong. It's what my grandfather did in 1925 when he brought the family over here from Germany. I don't fault someone for doing it now.

A guy who buys a company, loads it down with debt, and leaves the employees without jobs, health coverage, or the pensions they paid into, I see that as all kinds of wrong. Especially when the guy was born rich and didnt' really need the money.

In your world, you want to punish the first guy and reward teh second guy by making him president.
The difference being that we can assume that your grandfather came here legally. He played the game by the rules and his children and grandchildren reaped the rewards.
You are looking to reward the children of criminals.
welll, that's becuse you democrats have murdered 50 million unborn American children in the last decade you fucking moron.

That's an interesting assertation.

It's also full of shit.

As many abortion happened before Roe v. Wade as after. There was no plummet in the birth rate in 1973.

What did happen is that we had people having less babies on purpose. But that has more to do with the fact that the corportism you support makes women decide between career and family.

In the Phillippines, abortion is illegal in almost all circumstances, but 500,000 Filipina women have abortions every year in a country of 90 million. About the same rate we have them at in the US. They leave the aborted fetuses on chruch steps so they get into heaven.

In France, abortion is not only legal, but the government pays for them. Yet they have half as many abortions per capita as we do. because the government has universal health care, paid family leave and a government social worker even comes over and helps new mothers with the chores for the first few months.

But left to you whackjobs, we'd end up closer to the Philippines than France. Probably throw in an invective about Cheese eating surrener monkeys.
Aww the tears are welling up right now :badgrin: Get a grip pussy you dont reward crime even if they were a bystander. By the way they do speak the language asshat cause they will have to talk with mommy and daddy who refuse to learn ours.

I guess I see things differently.

A guy crossing a border to provide a better life for his family. I don't see that as wrong. It's what my grandfather did in 1925 when he brought the family over here from Germany. I don't fault someone for doing it now.

A guy who buys a company, loads it down with debt, and leaves the employees without jobs, health coverage, or the pensions they paid into, I see that as all kinds of wrong. Especially when the guy was born rich and didnt' really need the money.

In your world, you want to punish the first guy and reward teh second guy by making him president.
The difference being that we can assume that your grandfather came here legally. He played the game by the rules and his children and grandchildren reaped the rewards.
You are looking to reward the children of criminals.

NO, I'm realizing the law doesn't work. Just like you as a right winger would say most gun bans don't work.

When a law isn't working, you make a new law that does work.

Incidently, being German between the World Wars, no one was throwing him a parade.
I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

The only thing that ruined John McCain's career is that instead of taking on the whackos in his own party, he decided to embrace them. Tancredo, who was the guy who was screaming the loudest about those evil illegals, was only polling at 1%, but everyone decided they needed to out-Racist him in 2008.

Even Mitt Romney admitted in 2006 that we can't deport them all. Now he acts like we can because he is appealling to the lowest common denominator in his party.

Good for you lying democrats, you have now sparked a renewed wave of illegal immigrants,, they now know that every decade will see new advantages heaped upon them by desperate black people.. who happen to be cutting off their own noses to spite their faces.. it's just too damn funny.

Frankly, the only thing that seperates us from dying countries is fresh immigration.

Otherwise, we'd be like Japan- Lots of old people and not enough young people to support them.

This is so dumb it's breathtaking.:eek:

So......what do you want to do to get rid of the old people, refuse health care????

Btw, didn't you use Japan as a shining example of a great health care system a couple of days ago? They have a lower childbirth mortality rate?

Make up your mind bud. :eusa_liar:
welll, that's becuse you democrats have murdered 50 million unborn American children in the last decade you fucking moron.

That's an interesting assertation.

It's also full of shit.

As many abortion happened before Roe v. Wade as after. There was no plummet in the birth rate in 1973.

What did happen is that we had people having less babies on purpose. But that has more to do with the fact that the corportism you support makes women decide between career and family.

In the Phillippines, abortion is illegal in almost all circumstances, but 500,000 Filipina women have abortions every year in a country of 90 million. About the same rate we have them at in the US. They leave the aborted fetuses on chruch steps so they get into heaven.

In France, abortion is not only legal, but the government pays for them. Yet they have half as many abortions per capita as we do. because the government has universal health care, paid family leave and a government social worker even comes over and helps new mothers with the chores for the first few months.

But left to you whackjobs, we'd end up closer to the Philippines than France. Probably throw in an invective about Cheese eating surrener monkeys.

50 million dead unborn aborted American babies in the last decade and that's a fact jack.
Or you being pissed on by the President.

He was asked to tackle immigration in 09'. Instead he did what he felt was truly important to him.........and it wasn't immigration. He was asked again in March of 2011.

He intentionally put it off.

Obama In March 2011: Can't Stop Deportations Through Executive Order - YouTube

I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm not worried about an illegal taking my job. I"m worried that they might move my job to China before I get a better one.

Look, are you whining because he outmanuevered you guys in an election year, that's not my problem. The GOP could have passed the DREAM act in 2011 and defused this whole issue, but you were too enthralled to the Nativists assholes.

You stuck yourselves to this tar baby, don't go whining about it now.
I guess I see things differently.

A guy crossing a border to provide a better life for his family. I don't see that as wrong. It's what my grandfather did in 1925 when he brought the family over here from Germany. I don't fault someone for doing it now.

A guy who buys a company, loads it down with debt, and leaves the employees without jobs, health coverage, or the pensions they paid into, I see that as all kinds of wrong. Especially when the guy was born rich and didnt' really need the money.

In your world, you want to punish the first guy and reward teh second guy by making him president.
The difference being that we can assume that your grandfather came here legally. He played the game by the rules and his children and grandchildren reaped the rewards.
You are looking to reward the children of criminals.

NO, I'm realizing the law doesn't work. Just like you as a right winger would say most gun bans don't work.

When a law isn't working, you make a new law that does work.

Incidently, being German between the World Wars, no one was throwing him a parade.

being German he damn sure didn't and doesn't deserve any parade.. how many millions of people did the germans murder??
50 million dead unborn aborted American babies in the last decade and that's a fact jack.

Fetuses aren't babies. And they'd have still been aborted no matter what the laws were.

Also, your figures are kind of wrong.

In the last decade, the abortion rate has been 1.2 million a year. So that's tops, 12 million abortions....

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics
50 million dead unborn aborted American babies in the last decade and that's a fact jack.

Fetuses aren't babies. And they'd have still been aborted no matter what the laws were.

Also, your figures are kind of wrong.

In the last decade, the abortion rate has been 1.2 million a year. So that's tops, 12 million abortions....

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

what are they frogs? are you telling me that if allowed to be born they'd come out frogs? what a fucking moron you are.
The difference being that we can assume that your grandfather came here legally. He played the game by the rules and his children and grandchildren reaped the rewards.
You are looking to reward the children of criminals.

NO, I'm realizing the law doesn't work. Just like you as a right winger would say most gun bans don't work.

When a law isn't working, you make a new law that does work.

Incidently, being German between the World Wars, no one was throwing him a parade.

being German he damn sure didn't and doesn't deserve any parade.. how many millions of people did the germans murder??

I'm not aware he murdered anyone, even when he served in the Kaiser's Army in WWI.

But every nation has skeletons in their closet, even ours.
50 million dead unborn aborted American babies in the last decade and that's a fact jack.

Fetuses aren't babies. And they'd have still been aborted no matter what the laws were.

Also, your figures are kind of wrong.

In the last decade, the abortion rate has been 1.2 million a year. So that's tops, 12 million abortions....

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

what are they frogs? are you telling me that if allowed to be born they'd come out frogs? what a fucking moron you are.

When they are born they are babies. When they are fetuses, they are not babies.

Just that simple, even for a stupid person.
NO, I'm realizing the law doesn't work. Just like you as a right winger would say most gun bans don't work.

When a law isn't working, you make a new law that does work.

Incidently, being German between the World Wars, no one was throwing him a parade.

being German he damn sure didn't and doesn't deserve any parade.. how many millions of people did the germans murder??

I'm not aware he murdered anyone, even when he served in the Kaiser's Army in WWI.

But every nation has skeletons in their closet, even ours.

I suspect there's a whole lot you're "not aware" of. but that's because you're a fucking moron.
We are becoming a Nation ruled by Proclamation and Decree. We're becoming exactly what our Founding Fathers fought against. We don't need or want a Dictator/King. This President needs to be reigned in. Hopefully, Congress will reassume its role of providing vital Checks & Balances. Maybe November will bring those Checks & Balances back. I guess we'll see. Get out and vote people.
Fetuses aren't babies. And they'd have still been aborted no matter what the laws were.

Also, your figures are kind of wrong.

In the last decade, the abortion rate has been 1.2 million a year. So that's tops, 12 million abortions....

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

what are they frogs? are you telling me that if allowed to be born they'd come out frogs? what a fucking moron you are.

When they are born they are babies. When they are fetuses, they are not babies.

Just that simple, even for a stupid person.

just that simple for a narrowminded fucking moron of a german democrat.. that's why it was so easy murdering 15 million people,, you didn't think of them as humans.
welll, that's becuse you democrats have murdered 50 million unborn American children in the last decade you fucking moron.

That's an interesting assertation.

It's also full of shit.

As many abortion happened before Roe v. Wade as after. There was no plummet in the birth rate in 1973.

What did happen is that we had people having less babies on purpose. But that has more to do with the fact that the corportism you support makes women decide between career and family.

In the Phillippines, abortion is illegal in almost all circumstances, but 500,000 Filipina women have abortions every year in a country of 90 million. About the same rate we have them at in the US. They leave the aborted fetuses on chruch steps so they get into heaven.

In France, abortion is not only legal, but the government pays for them. Yet they have half as many abortions per capita as we do. because the government has universal health care, paid family leave and a government social worker even comes over and helps new mothers with the chores for the first few months.

But left to you whackjobs, we'd end up closer to the Philippines than France. Probably throw in an invective about Cheese eating surrener monkeys.

50 million dead unborn aborted American babies in the last decade and that's a fact jack.

Assuming this is true..

You care, why?

You hate people.
Telling the intensity of hatred Obama’s enemies have for the president, that they’d willingly lie and be willfully ignorant of the facts in cases such as this.

I think most folks aren't as hateful as you are... I'm still waiting for you to justfy sending a kid back to a country he left as an infant and doesn't even speak the language.

True. And in such circumstances deportation would indeed be pointless.

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