Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.
Divide and conquer. I shudder at the thought of a second term.

divide and conquer?

you mean like saying "our primary objective is to make sure that obama is a one term president"?

that type of divide and conquer?

the minute rushbo told the GOP to say "i hope he fails"...

the president should have found his cojones and kicked your butts. at least then he'd get blamed for what he actually did... instead of for congress' obstruction and what the rightwingnuts make up.

as for the second term... eh... i sucked it up for 8 years of the worst president in my lifetime. and couldn't wait til shrub hit the road.

and he didn't even WIN election the first time around.

so i'd suggest getting over it.

The worst president of your lifetime is currently in office.

Nah. He's back on his ranch at Crawford, Gramps. Thanks for trying.
Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

Well said. Bush was a mess on the Immigration issue, but he didn't do this. This President has set some very dangerous precedents. The People cheering for this now, will someday deeply regret it. We don't want our Presidents becoming Dictators or Kings. It's why we had a Revolution in the first place. We are now dangerously close to Dictatorship in this country.

Americans better start paying attention to what's going on. It's not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue. This stuff is much more serious. It's very regrettable seeing our current President behaving this way. He had so much promise and opportunity. He sqandered it all. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.
Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

Translation: When someone in MY party does it, it's fine. When someone in YOUR party does, it's wrong, bad,evil and he should be impeached.

Jesus, ya'all really do love your Conservatism...you're not even afraid to look totally uneducated and ignorant in defense of it. Good on ya.
Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

Well, the point here is that after GW just suggested a law and it didn't get anywhere, even with a friendly Congress. It's a fair point, too.

Another question you asked earlier didn't really get an answer, though:

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?
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Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

exactly, now I'm wondering how many more times the stupid obama apologizers are gonna ask this stupid question.

You are making it to easy to respond - so I will just keep quoting this -

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.
Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.
Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.

The Rule of Law and our Constitution are under daily assault. Obama just moved us a bit closer to Dictatorship. These are very dark times for sure.
Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.

George Bush did disobey this Law - prove me wrong and I'll give you the benefit of doubt. Don't make excuses - it is simple did GW while in office enforce the Immigration Laws? Yes or No it is a very simple question? No matter what was going on, ok.

He either did or didn't - very simple, again. How did you like Reagan's response?
But GW had both house/Congress as well as executive Order power - so I am not sure your excuse for him not abiding the Law?, nor Clinton, nor Reagan, nor Bush 1.

Honestly you make no sense regarding this particular Law, unless excuses , ignoring, and cover ups is what your what to achieve.

He gave no orders to disobey the law, which we cannot say of the current occupant of the White House. President Bush had eight months in office when 9/11 happened and that and the aftermath and other issues (healthcare, education, tax reform, etc.) pretty much took up most of his and Congress's time and energy after that.

I am not excusing President Bush for not being proactive in stepping up enforcement of immigration laws, but he didn't throw up any roadblocks to their enforcement either. And he made no executive orders to disobey or disregard any law and he sure as hell didn't use an executive order to replace an existing law.

The Rule of Law and our Constitution are under daily assault. Obama just moved us a bit closer to Dictatorship. These are very dark times for sure.

Relax, we will be ok we are NOT under attack.
Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

Well said. Bush was a mess on the Immigration issue, but he didn't do this. This President has set some very dangerous precedents. The People cheering for this now, will someday deeply regret it. We don't want our Presidents becoming Dictators or Kings. It's why we had a Revolution in the first place. We are now dangerously close to Dictatorship in this country.

Americans better start paying attention to what's going on. It's not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue. This stuff is much more serious. It's very regrettable seeing our current President behaving this way. He had so much promise and opportunity. He sqandered it all. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

In addition to immigration that did receive a chilly reception from the GOP controlled Congress, President Bush was a mess on a lot of issues. His Senior Prescription Drug bill should never have been passed, but unfortunately the GOP reformers that had blessed Clinton's presidency had mostly term limited themselves out by the time GWB took office. His energy program was a disaster. NCLB had some good features but has obviously produced more negatives than positivies. In fact just about everything he compromised with the Democrats on has proved to be a mistake.

But President Bush did not disobey the laws he didn't like. He didn't order anybody not to enforce them. And he didn't use Executive Orders to set aside existing law and make a new one.
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

And I say you're a racist piece of shit.

That's what I say. Are we still typing what we say?

And your an idiot who doesn't know what racism is, did i say only Mexicans should be shot no i didn't i said all illegal immigrants but if i had then that would have been racism dumbass.
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I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

And I say you're a racist piece of shit.

That's what I say. Are we still typing what we say?

And your an idiot who doesn't know what racism is, did i say only Mexicans should be deported no i didn't i said all illegal immigrants but if i had then that would have been racism dumbass.

You said to "start shooting the bastards as they come across the border."

Right? You said that. No one else said it You said it.

Now, maybe I'm crazy, and you could have totally meant Canadians. But usually we're speaking about people coming up from Mexico when we talk like this right?

Yeah. Walk back the racism all you want, but it's racism, Pops. Pure and simple. You is be an racist.
Rule by Proclamation & Decree. My God, we've gone backwards. We fought a Revolution and founded a Nation over this stuff. What's going on?
Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

Well said. Bush was a mess on the Immigration issue, but he didn't do this. This President has set some very dangerous precedents. The People cheering for this now, will someday deeply regret it. We don't want our Presidents becoming Dictators or Kings. It's why we had a Revolution in the first place. We are now dangerously close to Dictatorship in this country.

Americans better start paying attention to what's going on. It's not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue. This stuff is much more serious. It's very regrettable seeing our current President behaving this way. He had so much promise and opportunity. He sqandered it all. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

In addition to immigration that did receive a chilly reception from the GOP controlled Congress, President Bush was a mess on a lot of issues. His Senior Prescription Drug bill should never have been passed, but unfortunately the GOP reformers that had blessed Clinton's presidency had mostly term limited themselves out by the time GWB took office. His energy program was a disaster. NCLB had some good features but has obviously produced more negatives than positivies. In fact just about everything he compromised with the Democrats on has proved to be a mistake.

But President Bush did not disobey the laws he didn't like. He didn't order anybody not to enforce them. And he didn't use Executive Orders to set aside existing law and make a new one.

I am back to my first response to you then -

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?

Can you show me in the last twenty years what/who supported that Law? Vocal or not?

It's okay to say GW messed up as well as others before him, it's not ok to say Obama is I have to think of a good PC word then what comes to mind -neglectful.
And I say you're a racist piece of shit.

That's what I say. Are we still typing what we say?

And your an idiot who doesn't know what racism is, did i say only Mexicans should be deported no i didn't i said all illegal immigrants but if i had then that would have been racism dumbass.

You said to "start shooting the bastards as they come across the border."

Right? You said that. No one else said it You said it.

Now, maybe I'm crazy, and you could have totally meant Canadians. But usually we're speaking about people coming up from Mexico when we talk like this right?

Yeah. Walk back the racism all you want, but it's racism, Pops. Pure and simple. You is be an racist.

This is whats wrong with people these days they confuse racism, its not racism unless i start shooting mexicans simply "Because" their mexican that wouldn't limit it to Illegals, you merely saw what you wanted to see and assumed the worst on your own, don't blame others for your own shortsightedness.
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Well said. Bush was a mess on the Immigration issue, but he didn't do this. This President has set some very dangerous precedents. The People cheering for this now, will someday deeply regret it. We don't want our Presidents becoming Dictators or Kings. It's why we had a Revolution in the first place. We are now dangerously close to Dictatorship in this country.

Americans better start paying attention to what's going on. It's not just a Democrat vs. Republican issue. This stuff is much more serious. It's very regrettable seeing our current President behaving this way. He had so much promise and opportunity. He sqandered it all. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

In addition to immigration that did receive a chilly reception from the GOP controlled Congress, President Bush was a mess on a lot of issues. His Senior Prescription Drug bill should never have been passed, but unfortunately the GOP reformers that had blessed Clinton's presidency had mostly term limited themselves out by the time GWB took office. His energy program was a disaster. NCLB had some good features but has obviously produced more negatives than positivies. In fact just about everything he compromised with the Democrats on has proved to be a mistake.

But President Bush did not disobey the laws he didn't like. He didn't order anybody not to enforce them. And he didn't use Executive Orders to set aside existing law and make a new one.

I am back to my first response to you then -

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?

Can you show me in the last twenty years what/who supported that Law? Vocal or not?

It's okay to say GW messed up as well as others before him, it's not ok to say Obama is I have to think of a good PC word then what comes to mind -neglectful.

I've already said I didn't like President Bush's immigration policy. I didn't like Carter, Reagan, or Clinton's immigration policies either and they were all equally ineffective in stopping the flood of illegals across our border.

But now if you really REALLY focus, I think you might be able to understand that a President's views of immigration are NOT what this thread is about. I know that is hard for an Obama supporter to do, but I have faith in you that you are capable of getting it, Olivia. This is NOT about anybody's views on immigration or which President did more or less or enough to enforce immigration laws.

This is about a President who uses an executive order to set aside a law that our duly elected representatives have passed on our behalf. This is about a President who not only sets it aside but uses an Executive Order to make a brand new law.

President Obama has done that.

President Bush did not.
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And your an idiot who doesn't know what racism is, did i say only Mexicans should be deported no i didn't i said all illegal immigrants but if i had then that would have been racism dumbass.

You said to "start shooting the bastards as they come across the border."

Right? You said that. No one else said it You said it.

Now, maybe I'm crazy, and you could have totally meant Canadians. But usually we're speaking about people coming up from Mexico when we talk like this right?

Yeah. Walk back the racism all you want, but it's racism, Pops. Pure and simple. You is be an racist.

This is whats wrong with people these days they confuse racism, its not racism unless i start shooting mexicans simply "Because" their mexican that wouldn't limit it to Illegals, you merely saw what you wanted to see and assumed the worst on your own, don't blame others for your own shortsightedness.

Okay, racist.
In addition to immigration that did receive a chilly reception from the GOP controlled Congress, President Bush was a mess on a lot of issues. His Senior Prescription Drug bill should never have been passed, but unfortunately the GOP reformers that had blessed Clinton's presidency had mostly term limited themselves out by the time GWB took office. His energy program was a disaster. NCLB had some good features but has obviously produced more negatives than positivies. In fact just about everything he compromised with the Democrats on has proved to be a mistake.

But President Bush did not disobey the laws he didn't like. He didn't order anybody not to enforce them. And he didn't use Executive Orders to set aside existing law and make a new one.

I am back to my first response to you then -

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?

Can you show me in the last twenty years what/who supported that Law? Vocal or not?

It's okay to say GW messed up as well as others before him, it's not ok to say Obama is I have to think of a good PC word then what comes to mind -neglectful.

I've already said I didn't like President Bush's immigration policy. I didn't like Carter, Reagan, or Clinton's immigration policies either and they were all equally ineffective in stopping the flood of illegals across our border.

But now if you really REALLY focus, I think you might be able to understand that a President's views of immigration are NOT what this thread is about. I know that is hard for an Obama supporter to do, but I have faith in you that you are capable of gettingit, Olivia. This is NOT about anybody's views on immigration.

This is about a President who uses an executive order to set aside a law that our duly elected representatives have passed on our behalf. This is about a President who not only sets it aside but uses an Executive Order to make a brand new law.

President Obama has done that.

President Bush did not.

US Illegal Immigrant Population Stagnant In 2010 | Neon Tommy
In addition to immigration that did receive a chilly reception from the GOP controlled Congress, President Bush was a mess on a lot of issues. His Senior Prescription Drug bill should never have been passed, but unfortunately the GOP reformers that had blessed Clinton's presidency had mostly term limited themselves out by the time GWB took office. His energy program was a disaster. NCLB had some good features but has obviously produced more negatives than positivies. In fact just about everything he compromised with the Democrats on has proved to be a mistake.

But President Bush did not disobey the laws he didn't like. He didn't order anybody not to enforce them. And he didn't use Executive Orders to set aside existing law and make a new one.

I am back to my first response to you then -

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?

Can you show me in the last twenty years what/who supported that Law? Vocal or not?

It's okay to say GW messed up as well as others before him, it's not ok to say Obama is I have to think of a good PC word then what comes to mind -neglectful.

I've already said I didn't like President Bush's immigration policy. I didn't like Carter, Reagan, or Clinton's immigration policies either and they were all equally ineffective in stopping the flood of illegals across our border.

But now if you really REALLY focus, I think you might be able to understand that a President's views of immigration are NOT what this thread is about. I know that is hard for an Obama supporter to do, but I have faith in you that you are capable of getting it, Olivia. This is NOT about anybody's views on immigration or which President did more or less or enough to enforce immigration laws.

This is about a President who uses an executive order to set aside a law that our duly elected representatives have passed on our behalf. This is about a President who not only sets it aside but uses an Executive Order to make a brand new law.

President Obama has done that.

President Bush did not.

OOps I went by the title, and it is exactly what {I} am talking about. Have a good night and thanks for no name calling. Agree to dis agree. : )

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