Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?

Picking and choosing which Laws you're going to enforce, is a very dangerous slippery-slope. Like i said, those cheering this now will someday regret it. This is bad for the Nation.
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

Obama is a modern day Benedict Arnold!
He's not showing his hand until after the election. If he is reelected, his abuses against the Constitution will escalate.
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?

Picking and choosing which Laws you're going to enforce, is a very dangerous slippery-slope. Like i said, those cheering this now will someday regret it. This is bad for the Nation.

No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

Obama is a modern day Benedict Arnold!
He's not showing his hand until after the election. If he is reelected, his abuses against the Constitution will escalate.

Translation: If he's reelected he'll continue to pursue policies people like me won't like.

Oh, the horror....
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?

It is different because Obama used an executive order to countermand a long standing law that was passed and made law by a substantial majority of the duly elected representatives of the people. In effect he overturned the law of the land and used an executive order to make a brand new law without the consent of Congress, without the consent of the people, without the consent of the courts, and without the consent of anybody but his own arrogance.

If that had been George W. Bush doing such a thing, the leftists on this board would have started 200 threads now howling about it.

Any freedom loving person who isn't chilled to the bone by this has lost all perspective re the division of powers, the Constitution, and the law of the land.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that is what Obama is counting on.
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We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?

It is different because Obama used an executive order to countermand a long standing law that was passed and made law by a substantial majority of the duly elected representatives of the people. In effect he overturned the law of the land and used an executive order to make a brand new law without the consent of Congress, without the consent of the people, without the consent of the courts, and without the consent of anybody but his own arrogance.

If that had been George W. Bush doing such a thing, the leftists on this board would have started 200 threads now howling about it.

Any freedom loving person who isn't chilled to the bone by this has lost all perspective re the division of powers, the Constitution, and the law of the land.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that is what Obama is counting on.

So you are upset that he was vocal about not supporting that Law? verses Not being vocal and ignoring that Law? Is this correct?

Can you show me in the last twenty years what/who supported that Law? Vocal or not?
But, the truth is it is not NOW, unless you can provide me with stats/data proving otherwise.

I am not cheering it, I've become accustom to it at least in my lifetime. So, how and why is this different?

Picking and choosing which Laws you're going to enforce, is a very dangerous slippery-slope. Like i said, those cheering this now will someday regret it. This is bad for the Nation.

No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

You're just not getting it. Our President acting like a Dictator and unitlaterally deciding which Laws will be enforced or not, is just wrong. It's wrong whether it's a Democrat or Republican President doing it. It's very dangerous, and in my opinion, Treasonous.
No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.
Picking and choosing which Laws you're going to enforce, is a very dangerous slippery-slope. Like i said, those cheering this now will someday regret it. This is bad for the Nation.

No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

You're just not getting it. Our President acting like a Dictator and unitlaterally deciding which Laws will be enforced or not, is just wrong. It's wrong whether it's a Democrat or Republican President doing it. It's very dangerous, and in my opinion, Treasonous.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.
No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.
Let's start with that 39.6% top marginal rate. He has told us over and over that it is the rich who need to pay more, yes? Has he ever once suggested that the 50% of Americans who are paying little or nothing into the federal treasury need to pay more?

I'm not sure if this has been pointed out in the thread yet, but those 50% of the people don't pay income taxes because they don't make enough to be taxed. They DO however pay payroll tax and use taxes like sales and gas taxes. So that is one of the most insulting and stupid rhetoric points that the Right Wing has, by the way.
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

And I say you're a racist piece of shit.

That's what I say. Are we still typing what we say?
No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.
No one picked and chose a law did they? In the last twenty years what DHS, POTUS took the time or innitiative to take back illegals to their home land? Which one?

So, again my question is how is this different then what we know and have lived?

Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Well, there are recent Republican administrations' records on enforcing regs on big business they don't like...
yeah right, your alls excuse of him is Congress won't work with him...well too damn bad the man doesn't get everything he wishes for..Still doesn't give him the RIGHT to be our dictator.

A real leader would find a way to work with Congress. but not this dude, he's like most left wingers a big assed whiner.

How the hell do you work with some one who is hell bent on you failing? and made it clear from day one. If Romney was in he place, he would do the same damn thing. Just watch if he get in office. Amnesty

The Republicans stand for LEGAL immigration. Period. And I'm gonna tell ya something else.. obama's memory is good enough to remember the negative reaction by Americans to McCain Kennedy plans to give amnesty to illegals so I kind figure obama was poking his finger in the eye of legal American citizens. The Republican position has been clear. Seal the damn border and then we'll talk about what to do with the 15-20 million people who are here illegaly.
Yes, Obama is Picking and choosing laws.

Or do you think our Immigration Laws say people under 30 not here legally should not be deported?

This is the Second Law I know of that Obama has Publicly Come right out and said he is no longer going to enforce. Libs keep saying it's happened before. When, Name the president and the specific law he publicly Announced he would no longer Enforce.

Is that ANY different then the previous POTUS"s regarding this particular Law? Please prove me wrong and I will admit my miscommunication/knowledge.

I am getting it clearly verses those opaque.

Yes. George W. Bush suggested an immigration policy that only a Leftist could love and he met with strong resistance from his conservative base. Which is why it never saw the light of day. He did not presume to take it upon himself and just set aside the existing law and do it how he wanted to do it.

While many will not appreciate many of President Bush's executive orders, I don't think anybody will find one that orders law enforcement not to enforce a law that Congress has passed or one that creates a brand new law to replace an existing one.

exactly, now I'm wondering how many more times the stupid obama apologizers are gonna ask this stupid question.

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