Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals


'I STARTED SHAKING': Young Immigrants React To Obama's Momentous Announcement

...Ramos seems very positive thus far: “Great news for Dreamers!!!” he wrote, and went on to explain the new policy in both Spanish and English. (Top that, Brian Williams.) In case you’re not up to speed on Mr. Ramos, now might be a good time to read our profile of him in our last issue. He has the kind of credibility and trust among his viewers that simply doesn’t exist anymore in the English-speaking media, and could very well decide the election.

Political Animal - Spanish-Language Media Aflame About Immigration News
Obama got his ASS KICKED in November 2010 and nothing has changed since then. He's still a radical Marxist.

Just out of curiosity, Obama is pushing for a top marginal tax rate of 39.6%.

How do you square that with Marxism, or, actually, "radical" Marxism?


You mean other than the fact that he has flat out said on camera "the way you do that is SPREAD THE WEALTH"? *Do you even know what Marxism is? *In a nut shell, it can be summed up by Karl Marx's own statement "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". *So if you believe we should spread the wealth from those who do to those who do nothing, then you are a Marxist.

Furthermore, his entire life he has surrounded himself with NOTHING but Socialists/Marxists/Communists. *Consider these facts:

**President Obama Communist connections go back through his whole life. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham (born 12/29/1949 died 11/7/1995) was a communist sympathizer and his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior (born 1936 died 11/24/1982), (who he only met twice) was an anticolonialist Marxist.

**Black communist poet Frank Marshal Davis (born 1905) was a life long mentor to Barack Hussein Obama and was a member of the communist Party's Dorie Miller Club (Chicago-card number 47544) along with involvement in communist front organizations like the National Negro Congress, the League of American Writers, the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties and the Civil Rights Congress. There are some 600 pages in the Frank Davis FBI file including the fact he was still listed in 1973 as an endorser of a major American Communist Party front organization, American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born.

* Obama hired Van Jones to work in the White House. *Van Jones is a SELF-PROFESSED Communist/Marxist.

* The Communist Party USA organization officially endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President (enough said there).

* "The left can and should advance its own views and disagree with the Obama administration without being disagreeable. Its tone should be respectful. We are speaking to a friend.”–Sam Webb, National Chair Communist Party USA

And this is but an extremely small sample of the overwhelming facts that illustrate he is a dirt bag Marxist. *You have to be a fool of EPIC proportions if you think Obama is "capping" the tax rate at 39% because he wants to. *He's doing it because he has no choice right now. *He knows he can't get re-elected if he comes out and admits what he is and that he wants to tax at a 90% rate so he can redistribute wealth.
Just out of curiosity, Obama is pushing for a top marginal tax rate of 39.6%.

How do you square that with Marxism, or, actually, "radical" Marxism?


One of the most fundamental tenets of Marxism is to weaken and disempower the rich and eventually confiscate all their property. And because the less rich people are told over and over and over how the rich are screwing them and cheating them and keeping them down, the Marxist gets plenty of support for the game plan. Once the worst has happened, it is too late to stop it.

Kinda tough to reconcile that with the fact that the last time this country was really humming was when the top marginal tax rate was 39.6%. Such a rate is not going to disempower (not sure that's a word) the rich, it just isn't.

This "sky is falling, the paranoids are out to get us" schtick isn't very intellectually honest.


Well, considering that liberals believe in Communism, they are far from "intellectual" and considering they can't be honest about anything - including their belief in Communism, they are far from "honest". Interesting choice of words...
Think of the money we'll save when He disbands Congress and we don't have to pay all those worthless people and all their staff.

Think of the new free to the needy homes that can be built in the buildings all those occupied and the sense of obligation on the part of those who get moved in for free!

See, He is hoping for change.
You're drawing far more conclusions from my post than anything I said. The question is how pushing for a higher marginal tax rate of 39.6% squares with Marxism. I gave my point of view of how a higher marginal tax rate squares with Marxism.

That does not suppose that other forms of government would not also have high miarginal tax rates. But if you are going to ask the question related to Obama who I have very strong views re his Marxist leanings, and/or a question related to Marxism, you will get an answer that pertains to Marxism.

Okay, let's use your words.

One of the most fundamental tenets of Marxism is to weaken and disempower the rich and eventually confiscate all their property. And because the less rich people are told over and over and over how the rich are screwing them and cheating them and keeping them down, the Marxist gets plenty of support for the game plan. Once the worst has happened, it is too late to stop it.

You appear to be saying that Obama's goal is to, your words, weaken and disempower the rich and eventually confiscate all their property.

So you're NOT saying that he would "weaken and disempower the rich" through the tax system, a 39.6% top marginal rate? If that's not what you're saying, and my question about the 39.6%, why did you say it?

And precisely what is Obama doing to confiscate all their property, or to "eventually" confiscate all their property? How are you thinking this would be accomplished, logistically?

Short answer: he isn't.

Short answer for ignorants with no facts: "he isn't". Long answer with FACTS:

You mean other than the fact that he has flat out said on camera "the way you do that is SPREAD THE WEALTH"? *Do you even know what Marxism is? *I highly doubt it. *But in a nut shell, it can be summed up by Karl Marx's own statement "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". *So if you believe we should spread the wealth from those who do to those who do nothing, then you are a Marxist.

Furthermore, his entire life he has surrounded himself with NOTHING but Socialists/Marxists/Communists. *Consider these facts:

**President Obama Communist connections go back through his whole life. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham (born 12/29/1949 died 11/7/1995) was a communist sympathizer and his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior (born 1936 died 11/24/1982), (who he only met twice) was an anticolonialist Marxist.

**Black communist poet Frank Marshal Davis (born 1905) was a life long mentor to Barack Hussein Obama was a member of the communist Party's Dorie Miller Club (Chicago-card number 47544) along with involvement in communist front organizations like the National Negro Congress, the League of American Writers, the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties and the Civil Rights Congress. There are some 600 pages in the Frank Davis FBI file including the fact he was still listed in 1973 as an endorser of a major American Communist Party front organization, American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born.

* Obama hired Van Jones to work in the White House. *Van Jones is a SELF-PROFESSED Communist/Marxist.

* The Communist Party USA organization officially endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President (enough said there).

* "The left can and should advance its own views and disagree with the Obama administration without being disagreeable. Its tone should be respectful. We are speaking to a friend.”–Sam Webb, National Chair Communist Party USA

And this is but an extremely small sample of the overwhelming facts that illustrate he is a dirt bag Marxist. *You have to be a fool of EPIC proportions if you think Obama is "capping" the tax rate at 39% because he wants to. *He's doing it because he has no choice right now. *He knows he can't get re-elected if he comes out and admits what he is and that he wants to tax at a 90% rate so he can redistribute wealth.

Game. Set. Match.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

Many of us tried to point out obama's severely lacking track record and his even more lacking character in 2008. But we were condemned as racists and shouted down by the racist hordes who supported his candidacy on the basis of his skin color alone.
Okay, let's use your words.

One of the most fundamental tenets of Marxism is to weaken and disempower the rich and eventually confiscate all their property. And because the less rich people are told over and over and over how the rich are screwing them and cheating them and keeping them down, the Marxist gets plenty of support for the game plan. Once the worst has happened, it is too late to stop it.

You appear to be saying that Obama's goal is to, your words, weaken and disempower the rich and eventually confiscate all their property.

So you're NOT saying that he would "weaken and disempower the rich" through the tax system, a 39.6% top marginal rate? If that's not what you're saying, and my question about the 39.6%, why did you say it?

And precisely what is Obama doing to confiscate all their property, or to "eventually" confiscate all their property? How are you thinking this would be accomplished, logistically?

Short answer: he isn't.

Short answer for ignorants with no facts: "he isn't". Long answer with FACTS:

You mean other than the fact that he has flat out said on camera "the way you do that is SPREAD THE WEALTH"? *Do you even know what Marxism is? *I highly doubt it. *But in a nut shell, it can be summed up by Karl Marx's own statement "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need". *So if you believe we should spread the wealth from those who do to those who do nothing, then you are a Marxist.

Furthermore, his entire life he has surrounded himself with NOTHING but Socialists/Marxists/Communists. *Consider these facts:

**President Obama Communist connections go back through his whole life. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham (born 12/29/1949 died 11/7/1995) was a communist sympathizer and his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior (born 1936 died 11/24/1982), (who he only met twice) was an anticolonialist Marxist.

**Black communist poet Frank Marshal Davis (born 1905) was a life long mentor to Barack Hussein Obama was a member of the communist Party's Dorie Miller Club (Chicago-card number 47544) along with involvement in communist front organizations like the National Negro Congress, the League of American Writers, the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties and the Civil Rights Congress. There are some 600 pages in the Frank Davis FBI file including the fact he was still listed in 1973 as an endorser of a major American Communist Party front organization, American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born.

* Obama hired Van Jones to work in the White House. *Van Jones is a SELF-PROFESSED Communist/Marxist.

* The Communist Party USA organization officially endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President (enough said there).

* "The left can and should advance its own views and disagree with the Obama administration without being disagreeable. Its tone should be respectful. We are speaking to a friend.”–Sam Webb, National Chair Communist Party USA

And this is but an extremely small sample of the overwhelming facts that illustrate he is a dirt bag Marxist. *You have to be a fool of EPIC proportions if you think Obama is "capping" the tax rate at 39% because he wants to. *He's doing it because he has no choice right now. *He knows he can't get re-elected if he comes out and admits what he is and that he wants to tax at a 90% rate so he can redistribute wealth.

Game. Set. Match.

Nah, just in paranoid wingnut wannabe-cold-warrior fantasies.
So how do we go about dealing with a rogue President who is making executive orders that countermand the law of the land? Does anybody here honestly think such a concept is legitimate? When he is inaugerated, the President swears:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.​

Should we add the phrase "....and uphold the laws of the land." or some such?

The mainstream media will continue to shrug off any misdoings by this President, and our resident liberals on this and countless other blogs will also defend him in anything, to deflect and justify by pointing to sins of Republicans, and accuse us of being hateful, racist, partisan, ideologues, etc. when we object.

Obviously impeachment at this late date is not an option.

Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

When I see the hate Obama crowd resort to paranoia such as this I know they don't have anything (sound familiar?).

Here's a better answer: He hasn't done anything more than be the President and that's not enough to charge him with anything, no matter how much the people who stick pins in dolls of him would like to believe otherwise.
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

Well ain't you a peach...
Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

When I see the hate Obama crowd resort to paranoia such as this I know they don't have anything (sound familiar?).

Here's a better answer: He hasn't done anything more than be the President and that's not enough to charge him with anything, no matter how much the people who stick pins in dolls of him would like to believe otherwise.
"Hate, hate, hate". Such a bullshit strawman. :rolleyes:
I say we just start shooting the bastards as they come across the border the way they did in the old days, and set every illegal we find on a ship which will take them to Alaska where they will be put into chain gangs and set to work in the gold mines.

Well ain't you a peach...

Can you deny that it would significantly reduce our illegal immigration problems?

Go away... you are not helping things.
Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

Many of us tried to point out obama's severely lacking track record and his even more lacking character in 2008. But we were condemned as racists and shouted down by the racist hordes who supported his candidacy on the basis of his skin color alone.
And look where it got us.
Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

When I see the hate Obama crowd resort to paranoia such as this I know they don't have anything (sound familiar?).

Here's a better answer: He hasn't done anything more than be the President and that's not enough to charge him with anything, no matter how much the people who stick pins in dolls of him would like to believe otherwise.
"Hate, hate, hate". Such a bullshit strawman. :rolleyes:

Just responding in kind to one of her earlier posts.
I somewhat get people are upset, I just don't understand why? What is new about Obama stating we won't relocate illegal Citizens. Or, maybe a better question is when was the last time we did, if ever?
Why don't they just charge him with a host of criminal charges? He has violated the US Constitution on multiple occassions (a Constitution which he took an oath to uphold). He has broken the law numerous times - why don't we just charge him and remove him from office? I suppose the thought of drunk Joe Biden running the country scares everyone too much to actually stop Barack Hussein from breaking the law.

Because there is only six month's left in this term and less than that until we have the next Presidential election. Barack Hussein Obama controls the White House, the Senate, and largely controls the media and therefore largely controls the message for anybody who doesn't do their own research and analysis which is most Americans. The Republicans will be made out to be the worst kind of ideologues and political opportunists, witch hunters, and all that all the way to the election and there is no way they would be able to make their case and show people the truth within that time frame.

And Fearless Leader knows it which is why he is waiting until now to make moves like this.

If nothing else should persuade us to look to the track record and character of the person we are electing to high office, this should be a really good lesson. Alas, it likely won't be.

Many of us tried to point out obama's severely lacking track record and his even more lacking character in 2008. But we were condemned as racists and shouted down by the racist hordes who supported his candidacy on the basis of his skin color alone.

Oh, but that's not entirely true. A good many of us have pointed out how you guys would be just as boneheaded with a white Democrat in office.
I somewhat get people are upset, I just don't understand why? What is new about Obama stating we won't relocate illegal Citizens. Or, maybe a better question is when was the last time we did, if ever?

Well, as far as why people are upset, that's pretty simple: he knocked Romney off message and made him have to answer questions on a subject he'd rather not deal with.
We've now witnessed the end of respecting the Rule of Law. This is very bad for all Americans. It sets an awfully dangerous and Treasonous precedent. Those cheering this now, will someday regret it.

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