Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Obamas end run around Republican opposition to the DREAM act is proving to be a master stroke. He has painted Romney into a corner, established the Republicans as the enemy to Hispanics and shown he is willing to bypass an ineffective Congress

More importantly, he is doing the right thing
Hispanics are a 65/35 - 60/40 voting block. I know the Marxists hope they can exploit this minority for the benefit of the Marxist party in the future but its never going to be more then a 65/35 vote because Hispanics are Catholic and hated working. Doesn't fit with the manipulation hopes of the left. IMO

I am not sure Republicans can count on the Hispanic Catholic vote

Now if it were the White, Hispanic, fundamentalist christian male vote...they would be in good shape
Obamas end run around Republican opposition to the DREAM act is proving to be a master stroke. He has painted Romney into a corner, established the Republicans as the enemy to Hispanics and shown he is willing to bypass an ineffective Congress

More importantly, he is doing the right thing
Hispanics are a 65/35 - 60/40 voting block. I know the Marxists hope they can exploit this minority for the benefit of the Marxist party in the future but its never going to be more then a 65/35 vote because Hispanics are Catholic and hated working. Doesn't fit with the manipulation hopes of the left. IMO
Without the support of the minorities, the long term future of the conservatives is looking pretty bleak because the minorities are becoming the majority.
The ball is now in Republicans court.....how will they respond?

If Romney wins, will he reverse Obama's executive order and alienate millions of hispanics?
If Republicans take the House and Senate, will they pass legislation revoking DREAM status?
Will Republicans take the DREAM executive order to the Supreme Court?

Any way they play it....Republicans lose


"That's not part of his power, but this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he goes along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress," then-Senator Obama said as a presidential candidate in 2008.
No President has the right to order any Department to ignore our laws.

Evidently, they do

Bush ignored environmental, workplace safety and human rights laws

There is a big difference between regulations by Departments and law passed by congress.

The DREAM act was not passed by Congress. As usual, they could not pass legislation that most congressmen agreed with

Now the cat is out of the bag with the DREAM act. It would be suicide for Republicans to repeal Obamas order
No President has the right to order any Department to ignore our laws.

That's not what he did. He directed resources under his executive powers where to direct their time and energy. And seriously, are you saying you'd rather that they work on deporting five and six year olds before they start finding actual criminals within the country?

The Right's blustering on this issue is only going to further drive the Latino/Hispanic voters further away, and probably a good portion of the country since they support the president's stance by a 2-to-1 margin.

Obama Immigration Policy Favored 2-to-1 by Likely Voters - Bloomberg
No President has the right to order any Department to ignore our laws.

Evidently, they do

Bush ignored environmental, workplace safety and human rights laws

There is a big difference between regulations by Departments and law passed by congress.
It's the prerogative of the executive branch to determine which laws will be enforced. It's simple a matter of allocation of resources. It is quite reasonable that the president should order the INS to redirect their efforts from the deportation of young people that are just living in the US to the deportations of drug runners, terrorist, and other criminals.
How cute, he directed resources to catching illegal immigrants in our country..

I wonder if he'll do that next for rapist and murderers?
Transparency and Open Government | The White House

Transparency and Open Government

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government

My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
How cute, he directed resources to catching illegal immigrants in our country..

I wonder if he'll do that next for rapist and murderers?

You really don't get how life actually works do you? What grade level did you get to? If you got anything higher than a D+ in High School Civics class I'd be STUNNED. Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II all did this stuff too. It's part of the executive powers.

You're dumb. Please stop being so dumb. Thanks.


A Not-Dumb Person
How cute, he directed resources to catching illegal immigrants in our country..

I wonder if he'll do that next for rapist and murderers?

You really don't get how life actually works do you? What grade level did you get to? If you got anything higher than a D+ in High School Civics class I'd be STUNNED. Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II all did this stuff too. It's part of the executive powers.

You're dumb. Please stop being so dumb. Thanks.


A Not-Dumb Person

go outside and play child
How cute, he directed resources to catching illegal immigrants in our country..

I wonder if he'll do that next for rapist and murderers?

You really don't get how life actually works do you? What grade level did you get to? If you got anything higher than a D+ in High School Civics class I'd be STUNNED. Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II all did this stuff too. It's part of the executive powers.

You're dumb. Please stop being so dumb. Thanks.


A Not-Dumb Person

go outside and play child

Go back to school, Grandma.
DREAM is turning into a NIGHTMARE for Republicans

democrats are working overtime to cover up their tracks:badgrin:

Republicans are trying to cover their tracks and claim they were for it all along

Nothing to cover, everyone knew Rubio and some Democrats were working on this to present to CONGRESS....so the people will see this for what it was..

but hey you Obamabots don't have a worry in the world. you won remember...:badgrin:
Another thing I need to point out Joe - this quote from you is absolutley insane:

* "it wasn't the unions that insisted on continuing to make gas guzzlers when the market demanded fuel efficient cars" - probably the most ignorant comment ever posted on this site of ignorant liberal comments. The market has NEVER demanded "fuel efficient cars". As a matter of fact, even in this awful economy Obama created with the highest gas prices we have ever seen (created by Obama), the demand for gas-guzzling Hummer's is so high, Hummer owners received letters asking if they would be interested in selling their Hummers back because the dealerships can't meet the demand for Hummers now that production has ceased. I know first hand - being a proud Hummer owner, I received such a letter. More evidence that you simply do not know what you're talking about when it comes to the economy.

I'm sure that there are always going to be douches who want Hummers, but the fact was, the Japanese got their niche in the 1970's during the first oil shocks. There's a reason why the Auto companies stopped producing Hummers for civilian use.

And here everyone was thinking the real douches were the ones buying chevy volts.....

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