Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

democrats are working overtime to cover up their tracks:badgrin:

Republicans are trying to cover their tracks and claim they were for it all along

Nothing to cover, everyone knew Rubio and some Democrats were working on this to present to CONGRESS....so the people will see this for what it was..

but hey you Obamabots don't have a worry in the world. you won remember...:badgrin:

That's an old progressive trick blame others for what you are doing.:badgrin:

It's estimated that 40% of the illegal aliens entered the country legally but have overstayed their visa.

Obama got out in front of the Republicans, who EVERYONE KNOWS have been digging their heels into every single possible bill in Congress. Add to that the fact that it was the GOP opposition that killed the Dream Act, and ya'll are crazy dumb if you think the American people won't see anything the GOP does now as blatant pandering.
Another thing I need to point out Joe - this quote from you is absolutley insane:

* "it wasn't the unions that insisted on continuing to make gas guzzlers when the market demanded fuel efficient cars" - probably the most ignorant comment ever posted on this site of ignorant liberal comments. The market has NEVER demanded "fuel efficient cars". As a matter of fact, even in this awful economy Obama created with the highest gas prices we have ever seen (created by Obama), the demand for gas-guzzling Hummer's is so high, Hummer owners received letters asking if they would be interested in selling their Hummers back because the dealerships can't meet the demand for Hummers now that production has ceased. I know first hand - being a proud Hummer owner, I received such a letter. More evidence that you simply do not know what you're talking about when it comes to the economy.

I'm sure that there are always going to be douches who want Hummers, but the fact was, the Japanese got their niche in the 1970's during the first oil shocks. There's a reason why the Auto companies stopped producing Hummers for civilian use.

You ignore the fact that people started buying Japanese cars because of their superior quality at lower prices, compared to the declining quality and skyrocketing prices of union-made American cars.
Obamas end run around Republican opposition to the DREAM act is proving to be a master stroke. He has painted Romney into a corner, established the Republicans as the enemy to Hispanics and shown he is willing to bypass an ineffective Congress

More importantly, he is doing the right thing

Why does obama want undocumented workers in America doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing.
Could it be that undocumented workers are not figured into the workforce data used by obama's labor department? in order to keep the unemployment numbers down?

I was wondering how adding around 800,000 more documented bodies to the work force would affect those unemployment stats, too.
Obamas end run around Republican opposition to the DREAM act is proving to be a master stroke. He has painted Romney into a corner, established the Republicans as the enemy to Hispanics and shown he is willing to bypass an ineffective Congress

More importantly, he is doing the right thing

Why does obama want undocumented workers in America doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing.
Could it be that undocumented workers are not figured into the workforce data used by obama's labor department? in order to keep the unemployment numbers down?

I was wondering how adding around 800,000 more documented bodies to the work force would affect those unemployment stats, too.

Not sure, but one thing I am sure of is that by oct. they will have it figured out so the unemployment numbers will be around 6 percent.:badgrin:
Obamas end run around Republican opposition to the DREAM act is proving to be a master stroke. He has painted Romney into a corner, established the Republicans as the enemy to Hispanics and shown he is willing to bypass an ineffective Congress

More importantly, he is doing the right thing

Why does obama want undocumented workers in America doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing.
Could it be that undocumented workers are not figured into the workforce data used by obama's labor department? in order to keep the unemployment numbers down?

If thats the case, why should we allow immigrants at all?

Here we have people who have lived here most of their lives, are going to school, serving in the military

Sounds like they would make good citizens

Sounds more like some recruiters need to be prosecuted for misfeasance and incompetence for not properly vetting and establishing the bona fides of applicants to join the military. Unless the Feds are now dictating that military recruiters not question the legal status of foreign-born applicants.
No President has the right to order any Department to ignore our laws.

Evidently, they do

Bush ignored environmental, workplace safety and human rights laws

There is a big difference between regulations by Departments and law passed by congress.

There sure are differences. Currently, we have huge bureaucratic agencies that are making regulations that run roughshod over individual rights. These bureaucracies answer to no legislative body and their rulings are executed as though they have the weight of legitimate laws, as passed by the Legislature.
Why does obama want undocumented workers in America doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing.
Could it be that undocumented workers are not figured into the workforce data used by obama's labor department? in order to keep the unemployment numbers down?

I was wondering how adding around 800,000 more documented bodies to the work force would affect those unemployment stats, too.

Not sure, but one thing I am sure of is that by oct. they will have it figured out so the unemployment numbers will be around 6 percent.:badgrin:

When everything you do is fiction, you can make the numbers sing. Oh, did I euphemistically refer to deceit and lies as "fiction"? Bad me!
democrats are working overtime to cover up their tracks:badgrin:

Republicans are trying to cover their tracks and claim they were for it all along

Nothing to cover, everyone knew Rubio and some Democrats were working on this to present to CONGRESS....so the people will see this for what it was..

but hey you Obamabots don't have a worry in the world. you won remember...:badgrin:

Obama's executive order is only good for two years. Lets see how sincere Republicans are in passing the DREAM act to make it permanent

My guess is that the Rubio version will include a tax cut for billionaires as well as abortion restrictions
No President has the right to order any Department to ignore our laws.

And yet, Congress continues to sit on their asses and allow him to do whatever the hell he wants.

I have the same complaint. :evil:

Me too, but when you have a surrogate mainstream media on your side, you can sufficiently control the message for four or five months making it essentially impossible for the Republicans to do anything about it without being made to look like they are the evil, unreasonable ideologues who hate Hispanics and hate children. The issue of overriding Congress or usurping the Constitution of the United States will take a back seat and be buried deep within the context every time it comes up while the Republicans, most facing election in November, are made to look like the hard hearted, unreasonable, uncompromising villains.

Are we willing to stand on principle that will give Obama four more years in Washington?
I do hope however, that every person here who claims to love his/her country and who still has some convictions of honor, fairness, integrity, and justice, will look at this fairly short Youtube clip:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seAR1S1Mjkc]Obama on Presidential Signing Statements - YouTube[/ame]
Yea, something more permanent is definitely in order. Obama did this only to score political votes, he doesn't give two sh*ts about Hispanics. If he did, he would have done something when he had both houses of Congress.

I will insist my representatives ensure permanent immigration issues are addressed and ENFORCED.
Why does obama want undocumented workers in America doing jobs that unemployed Americans could be doing.
Could it be that undocumented workers are not figured into the workforce data used by obama's labor department? in order to keep the unemployment numbers down?

If thats the case, why should we allow immigrants at all?

Here we have people who have lived here most of their lives, are going to school, serving in the military

Sounds like they would make good citizens

Sounds more like some recruiters need to be prosecuted for misfeasance and incompetence for not properly vetting and establishing the bona fides of applicants to join the military. Unless the Feds are now dictating that military recruiters not question the legal status of foreign-born applicants.

My grandfather fought for the US in WWII and was not a US citizen. He was drafted just the same
And yet, Congress continues to sit on their asses and allow him to do whatever the hell he wants.

I have the same complaint. :evil:

Me too, but when you have a surrogate mainstream media on your side, you can sufficiently control the message for four or five months making it essentially impossible for the Republicans to do anything about it without being made to look like they are the evil, unreasonable ideologues who hate Hispanics and hate children. The issue of overriding Congress or usurping the Constitution of the United States will take a back seat and be buried deep within the context every time it comes up while the Republicans, most facing election in November, are made to look like the hard hearted, unreasonable, uncompromising villains.

Are we willing to stand on principle that will give Obama four more years in Washington?

I am at this point for giving the entire District Of Criminals a dire enema from the top down. Starting WITH Obama.
Another thing I need to point out Joe - this quote from you is absolutley insane:

* "it wasn't the unions that insisted on continuing to make gas guzzlers when the market demanded fuel efficient cars" - probably the most ignorant comment ever posted on this site of ignorant liberal comments. The market has NEVER demanded "fuel efficient cars". As a matter of fact, even in this awful economy Obama created with the highest gas prices we have ever seen (created by Obama), the demand for gas-guzzling Hummer's is so high, Hummer owners received letters asking if they would be interested in selling their Hummers back because the dealerships can't meet the demand for Hummers now that production has ceased. I know first hand - being a proud Hummer owner, I received such a letter. More evidence that you simply do not know what you're talking about when it comes to the economy.

I'm sure that there are always going to be douches who want Hummers, but the fact was, the Japanese got their niche in the 1970's during the first oil shocks. There's a reason why the Auto companies stopped producing Hummers for civilian use.

You ignore the fact that people started buying Japanese cars because of their superior quality at lower prices, compared to the declining quality and skyrocketing prices of union-made American cars.

I was there, quality had nothing to do with it, consumers wanted the cheaper cars, they didn't care where they came from or what it did to our economy. In fact, the first one's in my neighborhood that bought those Japanese cars, were strangely enough, among the first to lose their jobs. Karma, I love it!
Evidently, they do

Bush ignored environmental, workplace safety and human rights laws

There is a big difference between regulations by Departments and law passed by congress.

There sure are differences. Currently, we have huge bureaucratic agencies that are making regulations that run roughshod over individual rights. These bureaucracies answer to no legislative body and their rulings are executed as though they have the weight of legitimate laws, as passed by the Legislature.
Federal regulations are the enforceable rules behind acts that are passed into law by Congress. They carry the same weight of laws as the legislation. In other words, the legislation empowers the administration to create and enforce the rules needed to carry out the legislation.

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