Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Pot doesn't do that; at all. It's the least damaging and dangerous of all the vices, medically speaking. In fact cannabanoid research is showing just how many real analgesic qualities it has. It's quite amazing stuff.

And if you try will hard rainbows and unicorns will shoot out of your ass.

I get it; you're ignorant. It happens. Just do some research, look at the facts, and you'll see the science behind marijuana has evolved quite a bit.

You mean the raving of braindead stoners you pass as science????
And if you try will hard rainbows and unicorns will shoot out of your ass.

I get it; you're ignorant. It happens. Just do some research, look at the facts, and you'll see the science behind marijuana has evolved quite a bit.

You mean the raving of braindead stoners you pass as science????

Again, I don't expect you to understand, because clearly you don't actually give a shit about educating and informing yourself. It's fine, no one can force you to be smart.
Imagine how much money we could save as a nation if we released all prisoners, and made EVERYTHING legal (murder, rape, etc.). We would need no police, no prosecutors, no judges.... ah, a liberal utopia! Idiot....

You actually hit the nail on the head. The US has more prisoners than any nation on earth. The result of overzealous conservative drug laws. States are overwhelmed by their prison population of drug related offenders
Legalizing drugs and taxing them would do much to balance our budgets

That would also make a massive dent in crime, as much crime is related to the illegal sale of illicit drugs.

Much like the end of prohibition, decriminalizing drug use would not only end the need to incarcerate those involved in drug activities but end the related gang activities both here and in Mexico
The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.
The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Which law was passed by Congress?

The DREAM Act?
In case you conservatives haven't noticed....the government is facing budget problems

Our President is just try to save money by not enforcing an unpopular immigration policy

Imagine how much money we could save as a nation if we released all prisoners, and made EVERYTHING legal (murder, rape, etc.). We would need no police, no prosecutors, no judges.... ah, a liberal utopia! Idiot....

You actually hit the nail on the head. The US has more prisoners than any nation on earth. The result of overzealous conservative drug laws. States are overwhelmed by their prison population of drug related offenders
Legalizing drugs and taxing them would do much to balance our budgets

It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...
I get it; you're ignorant. It happens. Just do some research, look at the facts, and you'll see the science behind marijuana has evolved quite a bit.

You mean the raving of braindead stoners you pass as science????

Again, I don't expect you to understand, because clearly you don't actually give a shit about educating and informing yourself. It's fine, no one can force you to be smart.

Only an idiot fucking liberal would actually attempt to convince people that doing drugs makes you "smart". Unfuckingbelievable what a fucking tool you are. Go get high son and let the adults talk. You're embarassing yourself (of course, being stoned and killing your brain cells, you're too fucking stupid to know it).
It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Yeah, like all those people murdering and robbing people to get their next pack of smokes, or beer?

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

You're an idiot. This is such a stupid fucking analogy it's not even funny. How does the forced sexual penetration by a sexual predator in ANY WAY compare to someone using drugs? It doesn't; at all. Unless of course you're a dumbfuck Social Conservative who thinks drugs are bad but drinks his Bud Light and smokes his Marlboros happily.

What a dumb, fucking IDIOTIC comparison to draw.

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Ah, and there we have it. You show your stripes. What a fucking twat you are, huh? First you compare legalizing a drug like pot to rape (what are you fucking 81 years old? Have you ever smoked pot?), and now you take it to this stupid place. What a fucking dopey dope dope you are.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Ask the county of Los Angeles, CA how "stupid" it was to embrace medical marijuana. Go on, ask them. They'll point to the massive influx of cash into their local economy. Go ahead and look up any alarming rise in crime in L.A. county coinciding with the medical marijuana laws.

You won't find any. This is a place where Social Conservatives are severely brain-dead. You stay ignorant of science, and you stay ignorant of facts and you wind up looking like a dumb, old coot sitting on his porch chattering away about the "dangers" of drug use.

Yet you're all for going to war to kill little brown people. Yup. You have a fuck-ton of moral high ground to stand on.
This will win Obama the election.


That is the funniest thing I have read in decades. A dalmation with down syndrome has a better chance of being elected than Obama does of being re-elected (of course, the dalmation is exponentially smarter than the radical Marxist Obama)
You mean the raving of braindead stoners you pass as science????

Again, I don't expect you to understand, because clearly you don't actually give a shit about educating and informing yourself. It's fine, no one can force you to be smart.

Only an idiot fucking liberal would actually attempt to convince people that doing drugs makes you "smart". Unfuckingbelievable what a fucking tool you are. Go get high son and let the adults talk. You're embarassing yourself (of course, being stoned and killing your brain cells, you're too fucking stupid to know it).

Ha ha ha.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzG0_F8wRVc]Marijuana Kills Brain Cells DEBUNKED - YouTube[/ame]
It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Yeah, like all those people murdering and robbing people to get their next pack of smokes, or beer?

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

You're an idiot. This is such a stupid fucking analogy it's not even funny. How does the forced sexual penetration by a sexual predator in ANY WAY compare to someone using drugs? It doesn't; at all. Unless of course you're a dumbfuck Social Conservative who thinks drugs are bad but drinks his Bud Light and smokes his Marlboros happily.

What a dumb, fucking IDIOTIC comparison to draw.

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Ah, and there we have it. You show your stripes. What a fucking twat you are, huh? First you compare legalizing a drug like pot to rape (what are you fucking 81 years old? Have you ever smoked pot?), and now you take it to this stupid place. What a fucking dopey dope dope you are.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Ask the county of Los Angeles, CA how "stupid" it was to embrace medical marijuana. Go on, ask them. They'll point to the massive influx of cash into their local economy. Go ahead and look up any alarming rise in crime in L.A. county coinciding with the medical marijuana laws.

You won't find any. This is a place where Social Conservatives are severely brain-dead. You stay ignorant of science, and you stay ignorant of facts and you wind up looking like a dumb, old coot sitting on his porch chattering away about the "dangers" of drug use.

Yet you're all for going to war to kill little brown people. Yup. You have a fuck-ton of moral high ground to stand on.

I love watching you have a complete meltdown when I OWN your stoned ass in a debate. Your fellow idiot liberal is trying to make the case to legalize drugs to increase recenue because that's what you two imbeciles love. Well, who the fuck are you guys to stop there? Rapists love rape - if you can have your precious little heroin for tax revenue, why can't rapists have rape for tax revenue?

Aww, did the stoned little 17 year old bitch just get owned again? Aww, no intelligent response now that the ignorance behind your little stoned thought process get exposed? Now go on another senseless rant with endless swear words because you got owned again. You're like a little child (ie bitch) who can't express his frustration other than throwing himself on the ground and screaming. It's hilarious to watch...
[The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Bullshit Vern. I'm definitely not an Obama supporter. But he is right on this one:

There is a valid and constitutional argument to be made that the president may refrain from defending and enforcing laws that he believes are palpably and demonstrably unconstitutional

In case you conservatives haven't noticed....the government is facing budget problems

Our President is just try to save money by not enforcing an unpopular immigration policy

Are there any other laws that you feel Obama shouldn't enforce to save money?
I love watching you have a complete meltdown when I OWN your stoned ass in a debate.

You have a really incorrect definition of "meltdown" and "own," dummy. You didn't do any such thing, and all I did was systematically dismantle your idiotic assertions on a subject that you're clearly at least 20 years behind science on.

Your fellow idiot liberal is trying to make the case to legalize drugs to increase recenue because that's what you two imbeciles love. Well, who the fuck are you guys to stop there? Rapists love rape - if you can have your precious little heroin for tax revenue, why can't rapists have rape for tax revenue?

Look, Idiot DumbFuckFace, if YOU don't see the difference between legalizing a vice and legalizing a sexual crime, then that says way more about your problems than anyone else's. Seriously, most normal adults don't compare smoking pot to raping people.

Where do you live? Remind me to never let my kids within an inch of your school systems because they really, really fucked up with you.


Aww, did the stoned little 17 year old bitch just get owned again?

You'd have had to school me once, Gramps. And if you double that number, you'll get a little closer to my actual age. You'll also have hit your IQ score, so double win!

Aww, no intelligent response now that the ignorance behind your little stoned thought process get exposed?

Mmm. All this talk of pot reminds me I get to go to my local dispensary tomorrow and pick up an eighth of some sweet Indica. Mmm. And I'll still be a gainfully employed, tax paying, law abiding citizen. Goddamn I love living in a state of enlightenment and education.

Now go on another senseless rant with endless swear words because you got owned again.

Shit piss fuck. Tits. Balls. Nipples. Doody.

You're like a little child (ie bitch) who can't express his frustration other than throwing himself on the ground and screaming. It's hilarious to watch...

And you're like an ignorant and arrogant baby boomer who can't admit he doesn't know fuck-all about actual, real science. But I know, if Jesus had told you to smoke pot you'd call anyone not smoking pot a "Liberal Fag Who Hates America."
[The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Bullshit Vern. I'm definitely not an Obama supporter. But he is right on this one:

There is a valid and constitutional argument to be made that the president may refrain from defending and enforcing laws that he believes are palpably and demonstrably unconstitutional


There is not a damned thing unconstitutional about deporting those that are in this country illegally.

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