Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Which law was passed by Congress?

The DREAM Act?

Immigration laws passed by Congress have been in force for decades.

Immigration regulation is the control of the people, and their numbers, who may enter a nation's sovereign territory. It applies both to persons seeking to live and work in a particular nation (or part of it) and tourists, persons on layover due to travel issues, and those wishing to study or otherwise make use of a country's facilities.

Immigration control of one form or another is imposed by most countries. It is an inherent right of a sovereign state.
I agree with you, but what Obama did in this instance does not constitute acting above the law, in my opinion.

The President takes an oath as follows:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States

This is from the Constitution:
Article II - The Executive Branch

3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

He is not faithfully executing the laws that were passed by the Congress and signed into law by a previous administration.
The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Waaaayyyttt for it!
Imagine how much money we could save as a nation if we released all prisoners, and made EVERYTHING legal (murder, rape, etc.). We would need no police, no prosecutors, no judges.... ah, a liberal utopia! Idiot....

You actually hit the nail on the head. The US has more prisoners than any nation on earth. The result of overzealous conservative drug laws. States are overwhelmed by their prison population of drug related offenders
Legalizing drugs and taxing them would do much to balance our budgets

It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Will there be a bag limit? Can we purchase extra tags? Will we need a license, or will they be considered "unclassified"? Will we be required to salvage the meat to feed our dogs, or just take the trophy?
The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.

Waaaayyyttt for it!
here I'll do it for you

I agree with you, but what Obama did in this instance does not constitute acting above the law, in my opinion.

This coming from a stoned little high school drop out who, in his "opinion", thinks drugs should be legalized and that drugs make you smarter. :lol:
Why haven't we had a budget since Bush left?? Oh yea, I forgot it's Bush's fault.
Obama's plan 9.99 as illustrated in your pic chosen, is now the 2.99 plan as we come closer to this election, so isn't it funny how these gas prices are also coming down now, and this happily happening the closer we get to this election ? Hmmmmm, you reckon he has struck some back door deals with the oil industry now, sort of like he was doing with Putin off mic ?
Why haven't we had a budget since Bush left?? Oh yea, I forgot it's Bush's fault.
Obama's plan 9.99 as illustrated in your pic chosen, is now the 2.99 plan as we come closer to this election, so isn't it funny how these gas prices are also coming down now, and this happily happening the closer we get to this election ? Hmmmmm, you reckon he has struck some back door deals with the oil industry now, sort of like he was doing with Putin off mic ?

Nah, that would be dishonest. The progressive messiah would never do anything dishonest.:eusa_liar:
Why haven't we had a budget since Bush left?? Oh yea, I forgot it's Bush's fault.
Obama's plan 9.99 as illustrated in your pic chosen, is now the 2.99 plan as we come closer to this election, so isn't it funny how these gas prices are also coming down now, and this happily happening the closer we get to this election ? Hmmmmm, you reckon he has struck some back door deals with the oil industry now, sort of like he was doing with Putin off mic ?

Oil Industry will get free reign if Romney wins. You would think it would be in their best interests to jack up prices to make sure Obama loses
The thread title should be "Obama Bypasses Republicans, Pussies on USMB Permanently Sore"

The thread title should be "Obama decides which laws passed by Congress that he wants to enforce and which ones he decides not to enforce."

Then he should renounce the oath he took when he was sworn in as President and declare himself dictator for life.
At least we would all know where we stand then, because the lies are getting bigger and bigger as we all go along unhappily together now in this nation.
In case you conservatives haven't noticed....the government is facing budget problems

Our President is just try to save money by not enforcing an unpopular immigration policy

Are there any other laws that you feel Obama shouldn't enforce to save money?

Our Drug laws are crippling us....he could start there

Bush had lots of laws he didn't enforce. Environmental, labor, healthcare....
Imagine how much money we could save as a nation if we released all prisoners, and made EVERYTHING legal (murder, rape, etc.). We would need no police, no prosecutors, no judges.... ah, a liberal utopia! Idiot....

You actually hit the nail on the head. The US has more prisoners than any nation on earth. The result of overzealous conservative drug laws. States are overwhelmed by their prison population of drug related offenders
Legalizing drugs and taxing them would do much to balance our budgets

It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Rape and murder have victims to be protected. Drug use is a victimless crime. Other nations have reduced and eliminated penalties for drug use and do not face a Reefer Madness society. They also don't have prisons stocked with nonviolent offenders and gangs fighting for control of the drug market
Why haven't we had a budget since Bush left?? Oh yea, I forgot it's Bush's fault.
Obama's plan 9.99 as illustrated in your pic chosen, is now the 2.99 plan as we come closer to this election, so isn't it funny how these gas prices are also coming down now, and this happily happening the closer we get to this election ? Hmmmmm, you reckon he has struck some back door deals with the oil industry now, sort of like he was doing with Putin off mic ?

Oil Industry will get free reign if Romney wins. You would think it would be in their best interests to jack up prices to make sure Obama loses

hope so, and fracking and th rest. we need jobs...oh wait green before bread....got it...why do you hate jobs?
You actually hit the nail on the head. The US has more prisoners than any nation on earth. The result of overzealous conservative drug laws. States are overwhelmed by their prison population of drug related offenders
Legalizing drugs and taxing them would do much to balance our budgets

It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Rape and murder have victims to be protected. Drug use is a victimless crime. Other nations have reduced and eliminated penalties for drug use and do not face a Reefer Madness society. They also don't have prisons stocked with nonviolent offenders and gangs fighting for control of the drug market

Really? Tell that to all of the VICTIMS of murder, armed robbery, assualt, and theft at the hands of drug addicts like you who need money for their next fix. Just stop being so fucking stupid. You know drugs are a problem, just because you like them, don't act like they are a utopia of peace and prosperity.
Why do liberals care about illegals, but don't give a damn about Mexicans in Mexico
It would also "do much" to add to the theft, armed robbery, and murder rates as drug addicts try to get the money for their next hit.

Also, by that same logic, let's legalize rape and tax it. How great would it be that for a small fee, you could have sex with any woman you want whether she was ok with it or not?

Wait, better yet, let's make it legal to murder liberals. Not only would it create additional revenue by taxing it, but we could get rid of the welfare and social security programs since you lazy, worthless liberals are the one's on those programs.

Still on board with your stupid "make illegal things legal and tax" idea? Idiot...

Rape and murder have victims to be protected. Drug use is a victimless crime. Other nations have reduced and eliminated penalties for drug use and do not face a Reefer Madness society. They also don't have prisons stocked with nonviolent offenders and gangs fighting for control of the drug market

Really? Tell that to all of the VICTIMS of murder, armed robbery, assualt, and theft at the hands of drug addicts like you who need money for their next fix. Just stop being so fucking stupid. You know drugs are a problem, just because you like them, don't act like they are a utopia of peace and prosperity.

Most of the murders come from organized crime trying to control the drug trade. Just like prohibition. Why does the US have more of a drug problem than countries that have decriminalized drugs?
Our states are overwhelmed with prisoners from drug related crimes which takes away from their ability to help other citizens

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