Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Well there is your problem right there. It is not governments job to "help citizens". If you would people would take something called personal responsibility, you wouldn't need to ask government to unconstitutionally "help" you.

Hmm. What's weird is that when Thomas Jefferson, you've heard of him I think, wrote this little thing called the Declaration of Independence, he wrote this:

So let me translate that for you, since you clearly struggle with English comprehension. We are all given those rights, that's what the "endowed by their creator" line means. So we all have them. All of us. Then there's the "that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men..." That's it, right there. Our government does have a duty to secure those rights, for everyone.

Further, the Constitution IS a living document. I know you Conservatives hate hearing that phrase, but it's true. Anyone who remembers their 8th grade civics classes now that. If you want proof of its status, you only need to look at all the amendments. Essentially, the Constitution is whatever the fuck the SCOTUS says it is. If SCOTUS decides, for instance, that the ACA's mandate is Constitutional, guess what? The Constitution now says it's okay for the Feds to require every citizen to have health care.

It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Basically, I'm telling you you're wrong. But then again, all you have to do is read the preamble of the Constitution to know just how fucking dead wrong you are.

...form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

You really dont comprehend what you read do you ?

What do you mean, genius? That my interpretation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution's preamble is incorrect? Why don't you rub a few of your precious brain cell together and tell me WHY I'm incorrect, Smart Buy McPoopymouth?
Really? Tell that to all of the VICTIMS of murder, armed robbery, assualt, and theft at the hands of drug addicts like you who need money for their next fix. Just stop being so fucking stupid. You know drugs are a problem, just because you like them, don't act like they are a utopia of peace and prosperity.

Most of the murders come from organized crime trying to control the drug trade. Just like prohibition. Why does the US have more of a drug problem than countries that have decriminalized drugs?
Our states are overwhelmed with prisoners from drug related crimes which takes away from their ability to help other citizens

Well there is your problem right there. It is not governments job to "help citizens". If you would people would take something called personal responsibility, you wouldn't need to ask government to unconstitutionally "help" you.

As much as conservatives think governments job is to help corporations, they were really established to help "We the People"
...form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

You ready?

They actually believe "promote the general welfare " has something to do with giving money to people who don't work
Hmm. What's weird is that when Thomas Jefferson, you've heard of him I think, wrote this little thing called the Declaration of Independence, he wrote this:

So let me translate that for you, since you clearly struggle with English comprehension. We are all given those rights, that's what the "endowed by their creator" line means. So we all have them. All of us. Then there's the "that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men..." That's it, right there. Our government does have a duty to secure those rights, for everyone.

Further, the Constitution IS a living document. I know you Conservatives hate hearing that phrase, but it's true. Anyone who remembers their 8th grade civics classes now that. If you want proof of its status, you only need to look at all the amendments. Essentially, the Constitution is whatever the fuck the SCOTUS says it is. If SCOTUS decides, for instance, that the ACA's mandate is Constitutional, guess what? The Constitution now says it's okay for the Feds to require every citizen to have health care.

It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Basically, I'm telling you you're wrong. But then again, all you have to do is read the preamble of the Constitution to know just how fucking dead wrong you are.

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

You really dont comprehend what you read do you ?

What do you mean, genius? That my interpretation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution's preamble is incorrect? Why don't you rub a few of your precious brain cell together and tell me WHY I'm incorrect, Smart Buy McPoopymouth?
Yes idiot. A government of the governed you drooling retard is him saying that a people have a God Given right to overthrow a oppressive government. The general welfare is for defense you tool......It is hard to believe you are so ignorant.
Yes idiot. A government of the governed you drooling retard is him saying that a people have a God Given right to overthrow a oppressive government.

Not really. That line refers to us being governed by a government we give our power to. They do in fact talk about being able to break free from an oppressive and tyrannical government, but that line specifically actually just refers to us giving the power to be governed to the government. It's that whole "taxation without representation" think you may have heard of.

The general welfare is for defense you tool......It is hard to believe you are so ignorant.

And here you show YOUR ignorance. General welfare has NOTHING to do with Defense, whatsoever. You're so bad at reading that you can't even look in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE for this bit?

...provide for the common defense...

That is talking about Defense, since you know, the word "Defense" is in the excerpt.

Goddamn you're stupid.
Yes idiot. A government of the governed you drooling retard is him saying that a people have a God Given right to overthrow a oppressive government.

Not really. That line refers to us being governed by a government we give our power to. They do in fact talk about being able to break free from an oppressive and tyrannical government, but that line specifically actually just refers to us giving the power to be governed to the government. It's that whole "taxation without representation" think you may have heard of.

The general welfare is for defense you tool......It is hard to believe you are so ignorant.

And here you show YOUR ignorance. General welfare has NOTHING to do with Defense, whatsoever. You're so bad at reading that you can't even look in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE for this bit?

...provide for the common defense...

That is talking about Defense, since you know, the word "Defense" is in the excerpt.

Goddamn you're stupid.
How do you dress yourself with so little brain power?
Yes idiot. A government of the governed you drooling retard is him saying that a people have a God Given right to overthrow a oppressive government.

Not really. That line refers to us being governed by a government we give our power to. They do in fact talk about being able to break free from an oppressive and tyrannical government, but that line specifically actually just refers to us giving the power to be governed to the government. It's that whole "taxation without representation" think you may have heard of.

And here you show YOUR ignorance. General welfare has NOTHING to do with Defense, whatsoever. You're so bad at reading that you can't even look in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE for this bit?

...provide for the common defense...

That is talking about Defense, since you know, the word "Defense" is in the excerpt.

Goddamn you're stupid.
How do you dress yourself with so little brain power?

Oh, good. We've gotten to the point where you've seen how wrong you are and now you're left to personal insults. Enjoy those, Dummy McMisunderstandsEnglishWriting.
Hmm. What's weird is that when Thomas Jefferson, you've heard of him I think, wrote this little thing called the Declaration of Independence, he wrote this:

So let me translate that for you, since you clearly struggle with English comprehension. We are all given those rights, that's what the "endowed by their creator" line means. So we all have them. All of us. Then there's the "that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men..." That's it, right there. Our government does have a duty to secure those rights, for everyone.

Further, the Constitution IS a living document. I know you Conservatives hate hearing that phrase, but it's true. Anyone who remembers their 8th grade civics classes now that. If you want proof of its status, you only need to look at all the amendments. Essentially, the Constitution is whatever the fuck the SCOTUS says it is. If SCOTUS decides, for instance, that the ACA's mandate is Constitutional, guess what? The Constitution now says it's okay for the Feds to require every citizen to have health care.

It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Basically, I'm telling you you're wrong. But then again, all you have to do is read the preamble of the Constitution to know just how fucking dead wrong you are.

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

You really dont comprehend what you read do you ?

What do you mean, genius? That my interpretation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution's preamble is incorrect? Why don't you rub a few of your precious brain cell together and tell me WHY I'm incorrect, Smart Buy McPoopymouth?

Well, since you were stoned during 8th grade civics class, I will excuse your extreme ignorance. To claim the Constitution is a "living, breathing documents" is hilarious on all levels. First, it is a piece of paper. So in a literal sense, it is not breathing and most certainly it is not living (though it probably appears that way to you LSD assholes on a bad trip). In a theoretical sense, you contradict yourself. You mention the amdendment process, then turn around and say "it's whatever the hell the SCOTUS says it is".

Um, no you dumb ignorant stone fuck - if you read it, you would see the SCOTUS has zero fucking power to say what the Constitution is or is not. It is written in stone, in black & white, and the only way it changes is through the amendment process, which has nothing to do with SCOTUS, you dumb ignorant stoned fuck. You just contradicted yourself and showed everyone what a dumb stoned asshole you are. Now go away so the grown up can talk. Go smoke your pot and plaly your little video games.
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Most of the murders come from organized crime trying to control the drug trade. Just like prohibition. Why does the US have more of a drug problem than countries that have decriminalized drugs?
Our states are overwhelmed with prisoners from drug related crimes which takes away from their ability to help other citizens

Well there is your problem right there. It is not governments job to "help citizens". If you would people would take something called personal responsibility, you wouldn't need to ask government to unconstitutionally "help" you.

As much as conservatives think governments job is to help corporations, they were really established to help "We the People"

No, it wasn't. Perhaps if you had spent less time getting high and more time reading the document that gives you the very freedom to spew your nonsense, you would know that it does not say "help" the people anywhere in our founding documents. It is clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence that our government was formed to secure the rights given to us by God (ie freedom). Nothing about "helping" people. Nothing about providing for people. It doesn't exist. And you just make shit up as you go because your stoned and uneducated.
Well there is your problem right there. It is not governments job to "help citizens". If you would people would take something called personal responsibility, you wouldn't need to ask government to unconstitutionally "help" you.

As much as conservatives think governments job is to help corporations, they were really established to help "We the People"

No, it wasn't. Perhaps if you had spent less time getting high and more time reading the document that gives you the very freedom to spew your nonsense, you would know that it does not say "help" the people anywhere in our founding documents. It is clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence that our government was formed to secure the rights given to us by God (ie freedom). Nothing about "helping" people. Nothing about providing for people. It doesn't exist. And you just make shit up as you go because your stoned and uneducated.

Really...missed that "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" stuff

The government is of the people and for the people. They are the ones who elect them. Nowhere in the Constitution does it restrict the ability of the Government to help the American people or even imply that the role of Government is constrained to the few pages of the Constitution

The Constitution is a Governmental framework. It is not a cookbook telling you which meals ou are allowed to serve
It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Hey asshole, just because it wasn't meant to be "rigid", doesn't mean it was meant to be violated at every whim that the idiot stoned liberal asshole like you has. There is an amendment process, and doing anything outside of what is written without the amendment process is a violation of the Constituion, you stupid stoned dumb fuck.

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

Promote the general welfare does not mean provide for the general welfare, you stupid stoned dumb fuck. It means to get the fuck out of the way of the people so they can be successful. To create an environment of freedom and prosperity. The exact opposite of you stupid stoned fucking liberals who oppress the people with your need to control, with your oppresive regulations, and with your stifling taxes, all because your too fucking lazy to provide for yourseves. That's what promote means. If you weren't stoned, perhaps you wouldn't confuse it with provide, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal.

Once again, you got owned. How are you not embarassed? How do you not just go away so you stop proving what a stupid, stoned, ignorant dumb fuck liberal you are? You clearly don't have any understanding of the English vocabulary, because you don't know the difference between flexible and violate or promote and provide. You should have stayed in high school instead of dropping out to get stoned.
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It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Hey asshole, just because it wasn't meant to be "rigid", doesn't mean it was meant to be violated at every whim that the idiot stoned liberal asshole like you has. There is an amendment process, and doing anything outside of what is written without the amendment process is a violation of the Constituion, you stupid stoned dumb fuck.

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

Promote the general welfare does not mean provide for the general welfare, you stupid stoned dumb fuck. It means to get the fuck out of the way of the people so they can be successful. To create an environment of freedom and prosperity. The exact opposite of you stupid stoned fucking liberals who oppress the people with your need to control, with your oppresive regulations, and with your stifling taxes, all because your too fucking lazy to provide for yourseves. That's what promote means. If you weren't stoned, perhaps you wouldn't confuse it with provide, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal.

Once again, you got owned. How are you not embarassed? How do you not just go away so you stop proving what a stupid, stoned, ignorant dumb fuck liberal you are?

Blah blah blah "owned" blah blah blah.

Look, it's not my job to educate you about how the Constitution actually works. Just don't blame me when something else happens you don't like and I'll be all, "Shoulda paid attention in civics class, asshole."

And no, you didn't own anything. Promote means whatever the fuck the SCOTUS and President and Congress says it does, genius. Wow, you really are fucking dumb. A dumb fucking fuck.
President Romney should follow Obama's lead and only enforce only the laws that he wants to

Amen! Better yet, why doesn't he abuse his power like Barack Hussein and change immigration laws on his own. Instead of letting in criminals, he could force out liberals to Cuba. Funny, the liberals hate the US Constitution, but see how fast they would try to hide behind that document of Romney pulled a Barack Hussein... :lol:

(On a side note, don't you love how liberals promote everything about Cuba's policies, yet they won't go live there to enjoy the "utopia" created by their own policies? :lol:)
It's how prohibition was both started and ended. "Strict Constitutionalism" is ironically a practice in undermining the very reason the document exists. It was NEVER meant to be rigid. It was NEVER meant to stay as just one complete document and never changed or revised. Because the founders knew, unlike Strict Constitutionalists, that they didn't have all the answers, and could not see into the future, so the left room for chance.

Hey asshole, just because it wasn't meant to be "rigid", doesn't mean it was meant to be violated at every whim that the idiot stoned liberal asshole like you has. There is an amendment process, and doing anything outside of what is written without the amendment process is a violation of the Constituion, you stupid stoned dumb fuck.

What exactly do you think insure domestic tranquility and promote general welfare means?

Promote the general welfare does not mean provide for the general welfare, you stupid stoned dumb fuck. It means to get the fuck out of the way of the people so they can be successful. To create an environment of freedom and prosperity. The exact opposite of you stupid stoned fucking liberals who oppress the people with your need to control, with your oppresive regulations, and with your stifling taxes, all because your too fucking lazy to provide for yourseves. That's what promote means. If you weren't stoned, perhaps you wouldn't confuse it with provide, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal.

Once again, you got owned. How are you not embarassed? How do you not just go away so you stop proving what a stupid, stoned, ignorant dumb fuck liberal you are?

Blah blah blah "owned" blah blah blah.

Look, it's not my job to educate you about how the Constitution actually works. Just don't blame me when something else happens you don't like and I'll be all, "Shoulda paid attention in civics class, asshole."

And no, you didn't own anything. Promote means whatever the fuck the SCOTUS and President and Congress says it does, genius. Wow, you really are fucking dumb. A dumb fucking fuck.

LMAO!!! "Blah, Blah, Blah" is liberal code for "I just got fucking owned and I have no intelligent response" :lol:

I clearly just exposed that you have no idea what you are talking about. Furthermore, you started off saying the US Constitution is "living" and therefor "whatever the hell SCOTUS says it is" and now you've turned around and already changed that in one post to "whatever the hell SCOTUS, POTUS, and Congress says it is" :lol:.

By the way, you and your fellow stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals are the only one's to blame. You're the only fucking moron saying that SCOTUS or POTUS can dictate what ever the hell they want about the "living" Constitution. Which means, when Romney gets in office, you'll totally support it if he choses to imprison and the export all of you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals to Cuba? Because, after all - in your own words, the Constituion is "living" and is "what ever the hell SCOTUS or POTUS says it is". Do you now realize how ignorant you are? Or are you seriously going to try to convince people you are right? I hope you do actually, because I'd love to see Romney kick your Communist ass to Cuba, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. If the Constitution was "living" and was "whatever the hell POTUS says it is" like you think, then you could lose all of your rights on a whim if the President deemed. Is that really the country you want to live in, stoned boy?
Has anyone found out why liberals care more for illegals than they do Mexicans?
Hey asshole, just because it wasn't meant to be "rigid", doesn't mean it was meant to be violated at every whim that the idiot stoned liberal asshole like you has. There is an amendment process, and doing anything outside of what is written without the amendment process is a violation of the Constituion, you stupid stoned dumb fuck.

Promote the general welfare does not mean provide for the general welfare, you stupid stoned dumb fuck. It means to get the fuck out of the way of the people so they can be successful. To create an environment of freedom and prosperity. The exact opposite of you stupid stoned fucking liberals who oppress the people with your need to control, with your oppresive regulations, and with your stifling taxes, all because your too fucking lazy to provide for yourseves. That's what promote means. If you weren't stoned, perhaps you wouldn't confuse it with provide, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal.

Once again, you got owned. How are you not embarassed? How do you not just go away so you stop proving what a stupid, stoned, ignorant dumb fuck liberal you are?

Blah blah blah "owned" blah blah blah.

Look, it's not my job to educate you about how the Constitution actually works. Just don't blame me when something else happens you don't like and I'll be all, "Shoulda paid attention in civics class, asshole."

And no, you didn't own anything. Promote means whatever the fuck the SCOTUS and President and Congress says it does, genius. Wow, you really are fucking dumb. A dumb fucking fuck.

LMAO!!! "Blah, Blah, Blah" is liberal code for "I just got fucking owned and I have no intelligent response" :lol:

I clearly just exposed that you have no idea what you are talking about. Furthermore, you started off saying the US Constitution is "living" and therefor "whatever the hell SCOTUS says it is" and now you've turned around and already changed that in one post to "whatever the hell SCOTUS, POTUS, and Congress says it is" :lol:.

By the way, you and your fellow stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals are the only one's to blame. You're the only fucking moron saying that SCOTUS or POTUS can dictate what ever the hell they want about the "living" Constitution. Which means, when Romney gets in office, you'll totally support it if he choses to imprison and the export all of you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals to Cuba? Because, after all - in your own words, the Constituion is "living" and is "what ever the hell SCOTUS or POTUS says it is". Do you now realize how ignorant you are? Or are you seriously going to try to convince people you are right? I hope you do actually, because I'd love to see Romney kick your Communist ass to Cuba, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. If the Constitution was "living" and was "whatever the hell POTUS says it is" like you think, then you could lose all of your rights on a whim if the President deemed. Is that really the country you want to live in, stoned boy?

235 years of case law says he is right. The Constitution is what the courts say it is. It evolves with each court decision. It was never intended that 18th century politicians would decide how a modern society would operate
Blah blah blah "owned" blah blah blah.

Look, it's not my job to educate you about how the Constitution actually works. Just don't blame me when something else happens you don't like and I'll be all, "Shoulda paid attention in civics class, asshole."

And no, you didn't own anything. Promote means whatever the fuck the SCOTUS and President and Congress says it does, genius. Wow, you really are fucking dumb. A dumb fucking fuck.

LMAO!!! "Blah, Blah, Blah" is liberal code for "I just got fucking owned and I have no intelligent response" :lol:

I clearly just exposed that you have no idea what you are talking about. Furthermore, you started off saying the US Constitution is "living" and therefor "whatever the hell SCOTUS says it is" and now you've turned around and already changed that in one post to "whatever the hell SCOTUS, POTUS, and Congress says it is" :lol:.

By the way, you and your fellow stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals are the only one's to blame. You're the only fucking moron saying that SCOTUS or POTUS can dictate what ever the hell they want about the "living" Constitution. Which means, when Romney gets in office, you'll totally support it if he choses to imprison and the export all of you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals to Cuba? Because, after all - in your own words, the Constituion is "living" and is "what ever the hell SCOTUS or POTUS says it is". Do you now realize how ignorant you are? Or are you seriously going to try to convince people you are right? I hope you do actually, because I'd love to see Romney kick your Communist ass to Cuba, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. If the Constitution was "living" and was "whatever the hell POTUS says it is" like you think, then you could lose all of your rights on a whim if the President deemed. Is that really the country you want to live in, stoned boy?

235 years of case law says he is right. The Constitution is what the courts say it is. It evolves with each court decision. It was never intended that 18th century politicians would decide how a modern society would operate

235 years of case law say you are both DEAD wrong. Have liberal SCOTUS judges done what liberals do and abused their power to make law from the bench? Sure. Does that mean it was right or Constitutional? Of course not. Just like it says drugs are illegal, but you two being liberals still get stoned. That action doesn't make drugs legal, it just means you're idiots who break the law. The same goes with liberal SCOTUS judges - they've broken the law and not upheld the Constitution they took an oath to defend.

The only way to change the Constitution is to amend it through the amendment process. Period.
LMAO!!! "Blah, Blah, Blah" is liberal code for "I just got fucking owned and I have no intelligent response" :lol:

I clearly just exposed that you have no idea what you are talking about. Furthermore, you started off saying the US Constitution is "living" and therefor "whatever the hell SCOTUS says it is" and now you've turned around and already changed that in one post to "whatever the hell SCOTUS, POTUS, and Congress says it is" :lol:.

By the way, you and your fellow stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals are the only one's to blame. You're the only fucking moron saying that SCOTUS or POTUS can dictate what ever the hell they want about the "living" Constitution. Which means, when Romney gets in office, you'll totally support it if he choses to imprison and the export all of you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals to Cuba? Because, after all - in your own words, the Constituion is "living" and is "what ever the hell SCOTUS or POTUS says it is". Do you now realize how ignorant you are? Or are you seriously going to try to convince people you are right? I hope you do actually, because I'd love to see Romney kick your Communist ass to Cuba, you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. If the Constitution was "living" and was "whatever the hell POTUS says it is" like you think, then you could lose all of your rights on a whim if the President deemed. Is that really the country you want to live in, stoned boy?

235 years of case law says he is right. The Constitution is what the courts say it is. It evolves with each court decision. It was never intended that 18th century politicians would decide how a modern society would operate

235 years of case law say you are both DEAD wrong. Have liberal SCOTUS judges done what liberals do and abused their power to make law from the bench? Sure. Does that mean it was right or Constitutional? Of course not. Just like it says drugs are illegal, but you two being liberals still get stoned. That action doesn't make drugs legal, it just means you're idiots who break the law. The same goes with liberal SCOTUS judges - they've broken the law and not upheld the Constitution they took an oath to defend.

The only way to change the Constitution is to amend it through the amendment process. Period.

235 years and every decision was by a liberal

Are you seriously this stupid

What the Supreme Court says is Constitutional whether you or I agree.
You want to change the Constitution? Amend it
You want an interpretation? Go to court
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