Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

Or, instead of a massive impossible conspiracy, could it be that we have 2 million assholes who have committed crimes and needed to be locked up for them? Nah, not in the mind of the envious Communist! It all has to be about money, greed, and "evil" wealthy people.

Well, how is it we have 2 million assholes and the Germans have only 78,000.

As a German-American, I can tell you that being an asshole is almost a point of pride.

The fact is, we've developed a prison-industrial complex that makes up excuses to lock people up. Which is why we lock up more people than any country in the world.

Do you feel safer with your gun in your nightstand? I don't.
Yes - she should quit that job and go find another one. See, being a Communist/Marxist/Socialst, what you can't get through your thick skull is that it's all about the value an employee brings to an organization. If your talented, skilled, and driven, nobody is going to dare risk losing you and if they do for some reason, you take your talents to a better organization..

Well, I hope you buy your hypothecial relation some nice kneepads, because the real world doesn't work like that. Please. I've seen hard workers get fired because of the boss's insecurities, and I've seen the moth pathetic ass-kissers get promoted. The real world doesn't work like that because the bosses are just as flawed as the people who work for them--- if not more so.

That's why we don't need unions to extort business and ultimately collapse them (as they did to the auto industry). The only people who need unions are the lazy, worthless Communists who believe they are entitled to wealth without anything in exchange for that paycheck.

You know what, guy, my dad was a union guy. He served in WWII as a combat medic (Normandy and the Bulge) before coming home to a union job, which he worked very hard all his life trying to make a good living for his five kids he raised to be solid citizens, until he died of lung cancer because some Corporate Pigfucker you worship told him the asbestos he was working with was totally save and non-carcinogenic.... So when you whine about lazy union workers, you have no crediblity with me.

You're not abused, you're lazy and entitled. You can start your own business any time you want, but you'd rather bitch about others that have done it and demand that they owe you a lavish lifestyle.

Yup. The Koch Brother takes 9 cookies and then says, "That guy's after your Cookie" and you jump.

"Social justice" literally means Communism. Thank you for illustrating once again that you are a Communist, you just can't admit it for some odd reason. And it was Republican Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves while the oppresive Democrats started a war to keep slaves. You guys are always about control - another trait of Communsim.

No, social justice means exactly what it says. The law applies to everyone equally, and so do the rules. No matter their color, creed or wealth.

Incidently, LIncoln would be ashamed of what the GOP has turned into today. As most decent people are.

No, you are clocked in for 50 hours a week, you probably only do 20 hours worth of work or less. Your entire problem is you want to spend your time playing the victim rather than making yourself indispensable. Go start your own business and you too could be on the golf course half the time.

Yawn, don't beat the Nazis by being a Nazi.... You beat the Nazis by defeating them...

Here's the thing. No one is "indispensible". No one.

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

Try and keep up, Stupid.

A "living" document does not mean it breathes oxygen. Only an uneducated idiot would think that's what it means. However, anyone who took eighth grade, 11th grade or even American History 100 in College knows that the "living" part means that it can be amended and re-interpreted. Hence why it is what the SCOTUS tells us it is.

This is not some new theory, fucktard, which makes me figure you're about 55-70 years old, or just didn't pay much attention in history class because "learnin's for faggots." But I assure you, that any lawyer, and any Constitutional scholar will back me up on this and laugh in your dumb, dumb fucking face.

The Constitution: A Living Document | Scholastic.com
Please click on that one. It's from Scholastic, the people who literally write the text books. And guess what grade it's for?

Grades: Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8

Wait. That's probably above your reading level too...shit.

Well, one of these might help:

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Living Constitution
Constitutional FAQ Answer #93 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
Constitution: Living Document or Original Intent? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
The Constitution – A Living Document? « 27 Years of Thoughts
Byron Williams: Constitution Is Clearly a Living Document
Constitution Living Document
Why is the Constitution called a living document

That, you ignorant, redneck motherfucker, is how to actually "own" someone.

Last edited:

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

Try and keep up, Stupid.

A "living" document does not mean it breathes oxygen. Only an uneducated idiot would think that's what it means. However, anyone who took eighth grade, 11th grade or even American History 100 in College knows that the "living" part means that it can be amended and re-interpreted. Hence why it is what the SCOTUS tells us it is.

This is not some new theory, fucktard, which makes me figure you're about 55-70 years old, or just didn't pay much attention in history class because "learnin's for faggots." But I assure you, that any lawyer, and any Constitutional scholar will back me up on this and laugh in your dumb, dumb fucking face.

The Constitution: A Living Document | Scholastic.com
Please click on that one. It's from Scholastic, the people who literally write the text books. And guess what grade it's for?

Grades: Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8

Wait. That's probably above your reading level too...shit.

Well, one of these might help:

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Living Constitution
Constitutional FAQ Answer #93 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
Constitution: Living Document or Original Intent? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
The Constitution – A Living Document? « 27 Years of Thoughts
Byron Williams: Constitution Is Clearly a Living Document
Constitution Living Document
Why is the Constitution called a living document

That, you ignorant, redneck motherfucker, is how actually "own" someone.


You're a dumb son of a bitch.

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

The Constitution is a stronger document and our society is a better society than at the time of our founding fathers
Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

Try and keep up, Stupid.

A "living" document does not mean it breathes oxygen. Only an uneducated idiot would think that's what it means. However, anyone who took eighth grade, 11th grade or even American History 100 in College knows that the "living" part means that it can be amended and re-interpreted. Hence why it is what the SCOTUS tells us it is.

This is not some new theory, fucktard, which makes me figure you're about 55-70 years old, or just didn't pay much attention in history class because "learnin's for faggots." But I assure you, that any lawyer, and any Constitutional scholar will back me up on this and laugh in your dumb, dumb fucking face.

The Constitution: A Living Document | Scholastic.com
Please click on that one. It's from Scholastic, the people who literally write the text books. And guess what grade it's for?

Grades: Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8

Wait. That's probably above your reading level too...shit.

Well, one of these might help:

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Living Constitution
Constitutional FAQ Answer #93 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
Constitution: Living Document or Original Intent? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
The Constitution – A Living Document? « 27 Years of Thoughts
Byron Williams: Constitution Is Clearly a Living Document
Constitution Living Document
Why is the Constitution called a living document

That, you ignorant, redneck motherfucker, is how actually "own" someone.


You're a dumb son of a bitch.

I dropped the mic mother fucker,I don't NEED to say anything else, but I do have one more nug of stank goodness for you...

Just because your Podunk, Mississippi education didn't teach you about how the Constitution works doesn't mean my science isn't PURE GOLD in that post. Mmmm. Suckin' that D like a nuhnahnuhnahhhh.

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

Try and keep up, Stupid.

A "living" document does not mean it breathes oxygen. Only an uneducated idiot would think that's what it means. However, anyone who took eighth grade, 11th grade or even American History 100 in College knows that the "living" part means that it can be amended and re-interpreted. Hence why it is what the SCOTUS tells us it is.

This is not some new theory, fucktard, which makes me figure you're about 55-70 years old, or just didn't pay much attention in history class because "learnin's for faggots." But I assure you, that any lawyer, and any Constitutional scholar will back me up on this and laugh in your dumb, dumb fucking face.

The Constitution: A Living Document | Scholastic.com
Please click on that one. It's from Scholastic, the people who literally write the text books. And guess what grade it's for?

Grades: Grades 3–5, Grades 6–8

Wait. That's probably above your reading level too...shit.

Well, one of these might help:

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Living Constitution
Constitutional FAQ Answer #93 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
Constitution: Living Document or Original Intent? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
The Constitution – A Living Document? « 27 Years of Thoughts
Byron Williams: Constitution Is Clearly a Living Document
Constitution Living Document
Why is the Constitution called a living document

That, you ignorant, redneck motherfucker, is how to actually "own" someone.


Wow - you posted a few articles written by stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals like you. What an accomplishment (that's actually not sarcasm - for an idiot stoner like you to actually use the internet and do some searches is an accomplishment for people like you). The fact is, you said "the Constitution is what ever the hell SCOTUS says it is". It's so fucking ignorant, it defies logic. The US Constitution has an amendment process - and that's the only way anything in it changes.

Sadly, ignorant liberals like you believe that it's an irrelevant document and that who ever is President has unlimited power. It's not living or breathing. Short of the amendment process, it is set in stone you ignorant liberal dumb fuck. To claim other wise is just as fucking stupid as saying the speed limit on the highway is "living" and open to interpretation by who ever is behind the wheel. Laws are written and put into effect so there is no interpretation you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. That's the entire point of laws!

You get owned and exposed with each post. You should not have dropped out of high school stoner.
Try and keep up, Stupid.

A "living" document does not mean it breathes oxygen. Only an uneducated idiot would think that's what it means. However, anyone who took eighth grade, 11th grade or even American History 100 in College knows that the "living" part means that it can be amended and re-interpreted. Hence why it is what the SCOTUS tells us it is.

This is not some new theory, fucktard, which makes me figure you're about 55-70 years old, or just didn't pay much attention in history class because "learnin's for faggots." But I assure you, that any lawyer, and any Constitutional scholar will back me up on this and laugh in your dumb, dumb fucking face.

The Constitution: A Living Document | Scholastic.com
Please click on that one. It's from Scholastic, the people who literally write the text books. And guess what grade it's for?

Wait. That's probably above your reading level too...shit.

Well, one of these might help:

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Living Constitution
Constitutional FAQ Answer #93 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net
Constitution: Living Document or Original Intent? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
The Constitution – A Living Document? « 27 Years of Thoughts
Byron Williams: Constitution Is Clearly a Living Document
Constitution Living Document
Why is the Constitution called a living document

That, you ignorant, redneck motherfucker, is how actually "own" someone.


You're a dumb son of a bitch.

I dropped the mic mother fucker,I don't NEED to say anything else, but I do have one more nug of stank goodness for you...

Just because your Podunk, Mississippi education didn't teach you about how the Constitution works doesn't mean my science isn't PURE GOLD in that post. Mmmm. Suckin' that D like a nuhnahnuhnahhhh.

The only thing you "dropped" was out of high school you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. Your posts are here for the world to see stupid - you think the Constitution is "whatever the hell SCOTUS says it is" :lol:.

It's hilarious watching you have epic meltdown over epic meltdown because you're uneducated theories & opinions are getting destroyed by facts. You're spend your life so stoned, you think the Constitution can be changed by the Supreme Court :lol:

You have no fucking clue how the Constitution actually works.


Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

The Constitution is a stronger document and our society is a better society than at the time of our founding fathers

Good grief, what the hell is your idea of a "better" society? We have a higher murder rate. We have a higher incarceration rate. We have less liberties. We have a $16 trillion deficit.

Oh wait, at the time of our founding fathers, there were exactly 0 handouts from the U.S. goverment. Now, there are tons of them bankrupting and collapsing our nation. The only people happy about that are the stupid stoned liberals who are too lazy to provide for themselves. So that explains why you feel our society is "better" now
Wow - you posted a few articles written by stupid stoned dumb fuck liberals like you. What an accomplishment (that's actually not sarcasm - for an idiot stoner like you to actually use the internet and do some searches is an accomplishment for people like you). The fact is, you said "the Constitution is what ever the hell SCOTUS says it is". It's so fucking ignorant, it defies logic. The US Constitution has an amendment process - and that's the only way anything in it changes.

Sadly, ignorant liberals like you believe that it's an irrelevant document and that who ever is President has unlimited power. It's not living or breathing. Short of the amendment process, it is set in stone you ignorant liberal dumb fuck. To claim other wise is just as fucking stupid as saying the speed limit on the highway is "living" and open to interpretation by who ever is behind the wheel. Laws are written and put into effect so there is no interpretation you stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal. That's the entire point of laws!

You get owned and exposed with each post. You should not have dropped out of high school stoner.

I would laugh my ass off if joe the union tool woke up to a gun in his face from a Mexican in his bedroom at 3am.

Reality biting them in the proverbial ASS won't wake them up...they'll FIND a way to blame Repubs/Conservatives and treat the perp as a VICTIM.


I used to find a Mexican in my bedroom every night, but then I broke up with her.

Incidently, most Mexican Americans I've known are awesome, nice, hard-working people.

but let's talk about who is really responsible for the "illegal" problem. We could end the illegal problem very easily.

Chasing down illegals is pointless because if they don't sneak back in, someone else will.

Instead, go after the reason why they come here to start with.

The reason they come here is because the Plutocrats you worship don't want to pay an American a fair wage. So they want a workforce that is relatively powerless.

You could end the illegal problem by switching the enforcement strictly against the employers.

First offense- $10,000 fine, and they put you on a watch list.

Second offense, $100,000 fine, and you have to put a sign in your place of business telling all your customers and vendors what you did.

Third Offense- Complete confiscation of all assets.

No "his papers looked okay." If he's on your worksite and he or she is illegal, you're toast.

But of course, that's not what it's about. It's about keeping angry white males like you angry so you don't notice they've taken away your middle class lifestyle.
your full of crap dr. phil in diapers...eh i have a penis and she has a vagina.....lessons learned from dumb down liberal cockie cutter approaches.
Wow, that statement made no sense.... I guess you just couldn't get your mind around it...

You're being played, dude. The people who invite the illegals here are the same ones getting you upset about it.
Says the stupid stoned dumb fuck liberal who said (and I quote) "the Constitution is a living document that is what ever the hell the SCOTUS says it is" :lol:

What a complete, stoned, tool with absolutely ZERO understanding of the document that grants him all of his freedoms...

The Constitution is a stronger document and our society is a better society than at the time of our founding fathers

Good grief, what the hell is your idea of a "better" society? We have a higher murder rate. We have a higher incarceration rate. We have less liberties. We have a $16 trillion deficit.

Oh wait, at the time of our founding fathers, there were exactly 0 handouts from the U.S. goverment. Now, there are tons of them bankrupting and collapsing our nation. The only people happy about that are the stupid stoned liberals who are too lazy to provide for themselves. So that explains why you feel our society is "better" now

My god! It's true......you are a caveman

You cherish a society where men held other men as property. A society where women had no rights as citizens. A society of profit or perish. A society that sent children to work in mines.

Our citizens were never as free as they are today. Open access to employment, housing, education. A society that looks after ALL citizens....not just the ones with the most property
In case you conservatives haven't noticed....the government is facing budget problems

Our President is just try to save money by not enforcing an unpopular immigration policy

Imagine how much money we could save as a nation if we released all prisoners, and made EVERYTHING legal (murder, rape, etc.). We would need no police, no prosecutors, no judges.... ah, a liberal utopia! Idiot....

You might be on to something. Oh, not about the murderers and rapists...

But I've always wondered, how is it that the US locks up 2 million people, and we have one of the highest crime rates in the industrialized world, but a "soooooocialist" country (as you would call it) like Germany only locks up 78,000 people and they have a lower crime rate?

Oh, wait. Could it be that someone is making an obscene amount of money off prison industries?
Could be that a failed notion of "Extreme Freedoms" without conditions or laws or constitutuions guiding it and/or to be abided by, is what has lead this nation into the state that it is in currently in, where as in the past these stats weren't as bad in this nation of course (and don't go all population explosion on me next either), but we have been "progressing" towards what, running off of the edge of the cliff ever since this hope or drive to finally reach the edge of that cliff has been the goals by these "Extreme Freedom" lovers now in America, who have a twisted ideal of what freedom really is, or how to protect what is deemed good freedoms in this nation, instead of trying to protect the bad freedoms in this nation.

These other nations that you list, yes they rule with an iron fist still in many cases, keeping their stats lower, but here in America where the liberals have convinced the more conservative citizens that it is somehow best to live and let live, party everynight till the break of dawn, use drugs as much as you wish, sex it up as much as you can with no decency involved, and on and on and on it all goes, well you begin to get the full picture of it all finally don't you ? Nothing wrong with Freedom as longs as it is a responsible decent type of freedom, steeped in abiding by our given laws and based upon good American cultures, surrounded by our American bible teachings or the Bible, in which gives us a blueprint on how to make it all work out, just like it did for so many years before our rapid decline that we are all now in, where once family could flourish, and their kids could play without the Sandusky's and his ilk FREELY doing what they did under a twisted vail of this so called loose freedom in America, in which has been re-interpreted or attempted to be re-interpreted for so many years now, because people have been convinced that we must have this total freedom in society now, which is the only way to true happiness and bliss in life. This is what they think now, but rather it is a killer of civilized societies, not an enhancer of those societies as they wish for all to believe now. If you want to go by stats, than that is fine, because the stats don't lie, and how you suppose to fix those stats, may just add to them in a negative way, so becareful what you hope for in life, because you just might get it, then what ?
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The Constitution is a stronger document and our society is a better society than at the time of our founding fathers

Good grief, what the hell is your idea of a "better" society? We have a higher murder rate. We have a higher incarceration rate. We have less liberties. We have a $16 trillion deficit.

Oh wait, at the time of our founding fathers, there were exactly 0 handouts from the U.S. goverment. Now, there are tons of them bankrupting and collapsing our nation. The only people happy about that are the stupid stoned liberals who are too lazy to provide for themselves. So that explains why you feel our society is "better" now

My god! It's true......you are a caveman

You cherish a society where men held other men as property. A society where women had no rights as citizens. A society of profit or perish. A society that sent children to work in mines.

Our citizens were never as free as they are today. Open access to employment, housing, education. A society that looks after ALL citizens....not just the ones with the most property
It's all wrong and/or seperating fast, and this no matter what prism one is looking through anymore these days, so what America needs, is a new resurgence of what it actually means to be American, and it needs to start to define the American culture/attribute or what ever it takes to make up the American culture in which unifies and makes us stronger as a united states again.

The pandering by our politicians/canidates for votes, and this from various/different groups, races and genders within the nation, instead of from "Americans" only, should be a huge eye opener as to the corruption that exsist among us now in this nation with these cats, and it has opened the doors for classwarfare to rage onward and out of control in each sector of our societies at large by these foolish actions in which they are choosing to take right before our very eyes. Anyone finally had enough of it all yet ???
"The Obama administration has brought hard times to Hispanics in America. The unemployment rate has jumped to 11% since January 2009 and the number of unemployed Hispanics has increased by 506,000 people, the graphic says, citing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics". :lol:
"The Obama administration has brought hard times to Hispanics in America. The unemployment rate has jumped to 11% since January 2009 and the number of unemployed Hispanics has increased by 506,000 people, the graphic says, citing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics". :lol:

Maybe by November? It will be over the 800,000 figure he's giving amnesty to...:eusa_whistle:
My god! It's true......you are a caveman

My god! It's true......you are a communist

You cherish a society where men held other men as property.

You cherish a society where men hold other men as property through government with guns. Taking, against one's will, money earned through labor and handing it over to someone who did nothing to earn it is the very definition of slavery. And you love it because your the stoned slave owner sitting home collecting money from the labor of the rest of us conservatives.

A society that looks after ALL citizens....not just the ones with the most property

That's called Communism. Ask the U.S.S.R. how that worked out, you fool...

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