Obama calls for cops to wear body cameras


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Which I guarantee you will exonerate police officers the majority of the time.

Be careful what you wish for.

Obama Calls for Police to Resist 'Militarized Culture'

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Calls for Police to Wear Body Cameras
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President Barack Obama asked federal agencies on Monday for concrete recommendations to ensure the U.S. isn't building a "militarized culture" within police departments, as he promoted the use of body cameras by police in the wake of the shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri.

Obama spoke after meeting with mayors, civil rights leaders and law enforcement officials at the White House to discuss a recently completed review of federal programs that provide military-style equipment to local police departments — such as the kind used to dispel racially charged protests in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot dead. Although Obama didn't call for those programs to be pulled back, he said there was a need to create accountability, transparency and trust between police and the communities they serve.

"This is not a problem just of Ferguson, Missouri. This is a national problem," Obama said.

In tandem with the meeting, the White House announced it wants more police to wear cameras that capture their interactions with civilians. The cameras are part of a $263 million spending package to help police departments improve their community relations. Of the total, $74 million would be used to help pay for 50,000 of the small, lapel-mounted cameras to record police on the job, with state and local governments paying half the cost

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Calls for Police to Wear Body Cameras
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Which I guarantee you will exonerate police officers the majority of the time.
Be careful what you wish for.
Doesn't matter which way it works out as long as we know what in the hell actually happened. This will back the police way off, if we can get our hands on the tapes that is.

The PC Police will find a way around this. Those cameras can't catch everything, and the PC Police will be more than happy to "fill in the blanks".

White cop, and a call involving a black person? Go the other way if you value your life and your career.

I'm sure there will be those that will automatically claim the recordings we're edited if it shows the officer was justified to take whatever force was necessary, etc etc.
I'm sure there will be those that will automatically claim the recordings we're edited if it shows the officer was justified to take whatever force was necessary, etc etc.

Yep, easily done.

All that is needed is the accusation, and away we go.


We have the store video of MB, and some still say it shows Brown paying (where and how is never answered)

Does anyone believe that even if video is offered there still won't be questions?
A body camera should be required of every single police officer in this country. When they know their actions are being filmed you're going to see their attitudes and the way they interact with the public change quite a bit.
This reminds me of the (Audi) "unintended acceleration" scam that unscrupulous lawyers made millions off of. Somehow, making drivers put their feet on the brake pedal before shifting into "Drive" magically solved this "product defect."

In the same way, cameras will disprove 90% of the bogus "police brutality" claims. (Of course the mainstream media will "edit" the tapes to stir up their constituent zombies, just like they did for Rodney King and Trevor Martin.)
Oh and by the way, Al Sharpton the tax evader was part of Obama's team at this event.
Which I guarantee you will exonerate police officers the majority of the time.

Be careful what you wish for.

Obama Calls for Police to Resist 'Militarized Culture'

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Calls for Police to Wear Body Cameras
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

President Barack Obama asked federal agencies on Monday for concrete recommendations to ensure the U.S. isn't building a "militarized culture" within police departments, as he promoted the use of body cameras by police in the wake of the shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri.

Obama spoke after meeting with mayors, civil rights leaders and law enforcement officials at the White House to discuss a recently completed review of federal programs that provide military-style equipment to local police departments — such as the kind used to dispel racially charged protests in Ferguson after Michael Brown was shot dead. Although Obama didn't call for those programs to be pulled back, he said there was a need to create accountability, transparency and trust between police and the communities they serve.

"This is not a problem just of Ferguson, Missouri. This is a national problem," Obama said.

In tandem with the meeting, the White House announced it wants more police to wear cameras that capture their interactions with civilians. The cameras are part of a $263 million spending package to help police departments improve their community relations. Of the total, $74 million would be used to help pay for 50,000 of the small, lapel-mounted cameras to record police on the job, with state and local governments paying half the cost

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Calls for Police to Wear Body Cameras
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
Thugs in general hate cameras, they are a recorded witness that doesn't lie.
Good. The more cameras the better. Had Darren Wilson had a camera on he would still have a job and would be totally and completely exonerated. Brown, on the other hand, would be seen as the violent thug that he WAS!! We can all feel a little safer that he is a WAS and not an IS.
Maybe we should also require body cameras be worn by everyone with concealed and open carry licenses.
Good. The more cameras the better. Had Darren Wilson had a camera on he would still have a job and would be totally and completely exonerated. Brown, on the other hand, would be seen as the violent thug that he WAS!! We can all feel a little safer that he is a WAS and not an IS.

Why do you have an almost religious amount of faith in his side of the story?
Maybe we should also require body cameras be worn by everyone with concealed and open carry licenses.
Perhaps body cameras will be whe wave of the future for everyone.

Maybe we should also require body cameras be worn by everyone with concealed and open carry licenses.
These guys would suggest that we just implant cameras in the foreheads of all young blank men. Problem solved.
Good. The more cameras the better. Had Darren Wilson had a camera on he would still have a job and would be totally and completely exonerated. Brown, on the other hand, would be seen as the violent thug that he WAS!! We can all feel a little safer that he is a WAS and not an IS.

Why do you have an almost religious amount of faith in his side of the story?
He wouldn't, if you reverse the races.
Good. The more cameras the better. Had Darren Wilson had a camera on he would still have a job and would be totally and completely exonerated. Brown, on the other hand, would be seen as the violent thug that he WAS!! We can all feel a little safer that he is a WAS and not an IS.

Why do you have an almost religious amount of faith in his side of the story?
Why do you have an almost religious amount of faith in his lying accomplice's side of the story?

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