Obama calls Romney speech 'a cow pie of distortion'

Absolutely Classless

By Kristen Welker, NBC News

DES MOINES, IA – President Barack Obama delivered one of his most direct attacks against Mitt Romney here Thursday night, painting Romney as an out-of-touch corporate raider.

At this event, held before an enthusiastic crowd of 2,500 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Obama reminded the crowd that Romney said “corporations are people,” while stumping in Iowa last August during the Republican primary. The president said there may be value in Romney’s experience in corporate buyouts, “but it’s not in the White House.”

He also noted that the former governor doesn’t talk about his record in Massachusetts.

Speaking directly to Iowans, Obama used local lingo to slam Romney: “Governor Romney came to Des Moines last week and warned of a prairie fire of debt,” he said. “But he left out some facts. His speech was more like a cow pie of distortion.”

the rest here from the Obama channel
First Read - Obama calls Romney speech 'a cow pie of distortion'

There is one thing I will give Obama full credit for, when it comes to bullshit, lies, distortions, spin, and all manner of prevarication, he is the master. Unfortunately, he also tends to project his personality flaws onto others.
He's running around the country sounding more and more divorced from reality every day. No wonder his own party is running away from him.

Obama stumbles out of the gate - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

So nothing inspires more angst than when that same Obama stumbles, as he has leaving the gate in 2012.

That’s the unmistakable reality for Democrats since Obama officially launched his re-election campaign three weeks ago. Obama, not Mitt Romney, is the one with the muddled message — and the one who often comes across as baldly political. Obama, not Romney, is the one facing blowback from his own party on the central issue of the campaign so far – Romney’s history with Bain Capital. And most remarkably, Obama, not Romney, is the one falling behind in fundraising.

Read more: Obama stumbles out of the gate - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com
The Romney camp is reeling because their big bluff about wanting to make the campaign all about the economy got called by Obama and now they don't know what the fuck to do.
Cowpie-gate? Sounds like the kind of thing that could unify the Reps! :lmao:
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Romney is attacking our problems and Obama is attacking Romney

I think the American people are sick and tired of Obama and Democrats divisive rhetoric. Time for real change and this time for the better

They loved Obama in Iowa last election.

He's barely getting by this time.

America is sick of his bullshit/ineptness/Chickenhawk-warmongering
Naw, I just think his "local speak" was quite hysterical and way off the mark. We're laughing at the stupid man and how he brought himself "down to their level". :lol: :lol: :lol:

Would you feel better if he called Romney's fairy tales a foie gras pate' of distortion?

I think I would feel better if he could campaign on his accomplishments. Your turn to toss the cow pie.

He has and will but he is also going to campaign on republican's shitty defeatist attitude.
I think I would feel better if he could campaign on his accomplishments. Your turn to toss the cow pie.

He has and will but he is also going to campaign on republican's shitty defeatist attitude.

Awww, you missed.........too bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bullshit, republicans are all about telling America that we can't do anything but retreat on the American dream because it costs too much anymore. Maybe you do not see this as defeatist but it is.
Would you feel better if he called Romney's fairy tales a foie gras pate' of distortion?

I think I would feel better if he could campaign on his accomplishments. Your turn to toss the cow pie.

He has and will but he is also going to campaign on republican's shitty defeatist attitude.

This from a supporter of a guy who thinks ATMs are a roadblock to job growth.

FriGGen priceless.
He has and will but he is also going to campaign on republican's shitty defeatist attitude.

Awww, you missed.........too bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bullshit, republicans are all about telling America that we can't do anything but retreat on the American dream because it costs too much anymore. Maybe you do not see this as defeatist but it is.

The American dream starts with being able to do it on your own
Awww, you missed.........too bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bullshit, republicans are all about telling America that we can't do anything but retreat on the American dream because it costs too much anymore. Maybe you do not see this as defeatist but it is.

The American dream starts with being able to do it on your own

They say that as they attempt to make sure that everyone is on their own by abandoning the social contract.
It just gets more and more bizarre.

This from the Administration that thought it would be hilarious to do a low level fly-over of NYC just to see how many hosers would shit their pants.

That was choice.
Absolutely spot on, Mr President.

Mittens is dishonest, even by R low standards.


Do you have a list of 200 falsehoods Romney has said?

I have a list of 200 that Obama said, of course it could be 300, I have not added to it in 3 years :lol:

Absolutely Classless

the rest here from the Obama channel
First Read - Obama calls Romney speech 'a cow pie of distortion'

Yes, those are the signs of a man with nothing constructive to say. His record is in the toilet because America wouldn't succumb to his radical, socialist, third world vision, so he's left with moronic, pathetic, Saul Alinsky shit talk.

B,bye Ovomit. Anyone in America with half a functioning brain is tired of your gas. Might as well start packin' now 'cause you're done.

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