Obama calls Trump out on his lie

So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
You type in Obama lies lazy ass.

Your forfeit is noted. I did type in Obama lies on Google you stupid fuck. Learn how to read. You're still a lying little loser.:21::21::21::21: Now get lost and stop using mommy's co outer to spread lies.
How many compared to Trump? Remember, Trump has only been here two and a half years and has 11,000. Based on a percentage, how long would it take Obama to catch up? :auiqs.jpg:
Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
You type in Obama lies lazy ass.

Your forfeit is noted. I did type in Obama lies on Google you stupid fuck. Learn how to read. You're still a lying little loser.:21::21::21::21: Now get lost and stop using mommy's co outer to spread lies.
How many compared to Trump? Remember, Trump has only been here two and a half years and has 11,000. Based on a percentage, how long would it take Obama to catch up? :auiqs.jpg:

So now you change your tune and admit Obozo lied. You just lost idiot! Obozo the Clown has the last documented lies of any president in history. All your claims and you ha e never posted ONE thing that proves any of your BD. Get lost moron. You're all done here.:abgg2q.jpg:
Well Obama went off and visited a controversial country leader , but the media had thought that it was great.

The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Do you feel better when you lie to yourself?

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