Obama calls Trump out on his lie

The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

The Mueller "no Collusion no obstruction" report proved Obama spied on Trump
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

How stupid are you really? Stupid enough to believe that Obama wasn't a bigger liar. Stupid enough to not recognize humor when you see it. You are ok with the lie about Trump's 10.976 lies from the lefty, but you call my equally outrageous post a "damn lie"? How can you be that stupid and still use technology to spread it with is the question of the year.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

Tell the reader what Obama Lied about, and tried to mislead the public.

You hyperbole is ridiculous, and has no substance in terms of examples of any lies by Obama. The fact is you hold Obama for mistakes (57 states, You can keep your doctor) and look past Trump's lies upon lies upon lies.

Evidence for my assessment of Trump's honesty?

Sure: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...o-years/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d94d04252683

But, of course you've been told by trump to ignore the Wash. Post, the NY Times and in fact every media source except for Fox News and his buddy Sean Hannity.

The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Donald Trump Archives - FactCheck.org

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

I'm sure you won't read any of these links, being willfully ignorant (my euphemism for being stupid) you will continue to support trump and his efforts at internecine and iconoclastic policies/behavior.

For 8 years we listed obama’s lengthy list of lies. You have been here the whole time. You know them, you are just being an asshole.

This is another lie ^^^. You're very much like a chronic petty criminal, never admit wrong doing and always lie - even when you are photographed with your hand in the cookie jar, and cookie crumbs in your teeth, you will claim you didn't steal from the cookie jar and it was someone else.

Shut up stupid, no one cares.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)

Those are the main ones and only some of them. We have posted dozens of threads since 2008 here that lay out Obama's lies. They have seen them, they even argued against them. Now they seem to claim that they never existed. Lefties are liars, plain and simple.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

Tell the reader what Obama Lied about, and tried to mislead the public.

You hyperbole is ridiculous, and has no substance in terms of examples of any lies by Obama. The fact is you hold Obama for mistakes (57 states, You can keep your doctor) and look past Trump's lies upon lies upon lies.

Evidence for my assessment of Trump's honesty?

Sure: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...o-years/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d94d04252683

But, of course you've been told by trump to ignore the Wash. Post, the NY Times and in fact every media source except for Fox News and his buddy Sean Hannity.

The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Donald Trump Archives - FactCheck.org

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

I'm sure you won't read any of these links, being willfully ignorant (my euphemism for being stupid) you will continue to support trump and his efforts at internecine and iconoclastic policies/behavior.

For 8 years we listed obama’s lengthy list of lies. You have been here the whole time. You know them, you are just being an asshole.

Where's the list?

It's up your ass, it should be plain to see since that's where your head is.
So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Obama probably should have tried meeting with Un, but I doubt Trump is telling the truth. Kim Jong Un would jump at the chance to meet with any sitting President. It would be stupid for him not to.
Why should Obama have wanted to meet with Kim?

Talks with N. Korea were suspended in 2008, and Obama started to negotiate for talks in 2010, but then cancelled them back in 2012, when N. Korea announced that they were going to launch a satellite, which was one of the things the US said was a deal killer.

But then, N. Korea launches a whole bunch of ballistic missile tests and Trump rewards Un with several summits which he can use for propaganda and to advance his nations standing in the world's eyes.
The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

No it didn’t dnt. You are telling lies or you would have posted it.
I already have. It's called the Mueller report. What page do you think you are smart enough to prove me wrong about? Oh, that's right, the Trump Toads haven't even read it, because the truth and facts are not what they care about. Which is why they are proven liars. Go ahead hot shot, if you have the balls. Debate the Mueller report. Don't be a pussy.
More funny faces on here = losers with their pants down. They have nothing to debate.

More roof you are telling lies. You run the mouth, yet produce nothing that says Trump colluded with Russia or obstructed justice.
Read the Mueller report DA.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
What lies?
So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
Those are the main ones and only some of them. We have posted dozens of threads since 2008 here that lay out Obama's lies. They have seen them, they even argued against them. Now they seem to claim that they never existed. Lefties are liars, plain and simple.
No you haven't. "They have seen them?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Seriously? Where? In your imagination? Up against almost 11000. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Shit man! That's fucked up. Can't you do better than that?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

Tell the reader what Obama Lied about, and tried to mislead the public.

You hyperbole is ridiculous, and has no substance in terms of examples of any lies by Obama. The fact is you hold Obama for mistakes (57 states, You can keep your doctor) and look past Trump's lies upon lies upon lies.

Evidence for my assessment of Trump's honesty?

Sure: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...o-years/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d94d04252683

But, of course you've been told by trump to ignore the Wash. Post, the NY Times and in fact every media source except for Fox News and his buddy Sean Hannity.

The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Donald Trump Archives - FactCheck.org

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

I'm sure you won't read any of these links, being willfully ignorant (my euphemism for being stupid) you will continue to support trump and his efforts at internecine and iconoclastic policies/behavior.

For 8 years we listed obama’s lengthy list of lies. You have been here the whole time. You know them, you are just being an asshole.

Where's the list?

It's up your ass, it should be plain to see since that's where your head is.

Boss, you're a grade A loser without a list. Get back in your miserable hole. You aren't prepared to take anyone on here.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.
10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.

First of all Fuck You. Now, mea culpa, I wasn't aware that google and other sources kept track, nor did I listen carefully enough to catch some of them during his time in the White House. Most were innocuous, and the quantity was far less than those I've heard from the trumps mouth.
  • Thanks
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Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.

First of all Fuck You. Now, mea culpa, I wasn't aware that google and other sources kept track, nor did I listen carefully enough to catch some of them during his time in the White House. Most were innocuous, and the quantity was far less than those I've heard from the trumps mouth.

No, YOU fuck off. No I'm not sorry for telling an idiot like you to fuck off. As the great Yoda would say, fuck off you must.

See, Google leads you to pages of Obozo lies. Your obvious deflection and boot licking of Obozo is just pathetic.
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.

First of all Fuck You. Now, mea culpa, I wasn't aware that google and other sources kept track, nor did I listen carefully enough to catch some of them during his time in the White House. Most were innocuous, and the quantity was far less than those I've heard from the trumps mouth.

No, YOU fuck off. No I'm not sorry for telling an idiot like you to fuck off. As the great Yoda would say, fuck off you must.

See, Google leads you to pages of Obozo lies. Your obvious deflection and boot licking of Obozo is just pathetic.

President Obama is a good man, President Trump is just like you, an asshole.
Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.

First of all Fuck You. Now, mea culpa, I wasn't aware that google and other sources kept track, nor did I listen carefully enough to catch some of them during his time in the White House. Most were innocuous, and the quantity was far less than those I've heard from the trumps mouth.

No, YOU fuck off. No I'm not sorry for telling an idiot like you to fuck off. As the great Yoda would say, fuck off you must.

See, Google leads you to pages of Obozo lies. Your obvious deflection and boot licking of Obozo is just pathetic.

President Obama is a good man, President Trump is just like you, an asshole.

You seem to have some spooge on your chin there..... You are a good little Gruberite aren't you?
Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
There isn't enough on Google to push out a good Trump fart. Get a life and scram. Your bs is boring.
Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
You type in Obama lies lazy ass.
Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.

Typical leftie. Ignore all the threads from years gone by detailing Obozo's lies. Even Google gives several thousand pages of Obozo lies. If ignorance is bliss, every leftie here must be really happy.
Show us liar.

Try typing in Obama lies on Google. Oh I forgot, you won't because you're a chicken shit liar who has had EVERYTHING you claim debunked. Now shut up you admitted know nothing foreigner.
You type in Obama lies lazy ass.

Your forfeit is noted. I did type in Obama lies on Google you stupid fuck. Learn how to read. You're still a lying little loser.:21::21::21::21: Now get lost and stop using mommy's co outer to spread lies.

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