Obama calls Trump out on his lie

Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)

Well, most of those are not efforts to mislead the public, they were mistakes. Trump is the liar who does lie to the public and seeks to mislead them for his benefit.
Well, most of those are not efforts to mislead the public, they were mistakes. Trump is the liar who does lie to the public and seeks to mislead them for his benefit.

Plus Trump hurts your twat, which is your #1 reason to hate him.
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.
Horseshit! CNN has made mistakes that they have owned up to . What fake stories are you referring to.? When did they knowingly lie or make something up?
More important, when has Trump every come clean when he was caught lying. When he's called out, I love the way he tills his head back a little with his nose high in the air and just ignores it. On rare occasion he does apologize but that''s usually for what someone else did. In his twisted mind, an apology is a sign of weakness. Trump's motto is never apologize and never defend but always attack. He claimed he got that from his mentor, Roy Cohn.
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Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)

So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.

Tell the reader what Obama Lied about, and tried to mislead the public.

You hyperbole is ridiculous, and has no substance in terms of examples of any lies by Obama. The fact is you hold Obama for mistakes (57 states, You can keep your doctor) and look past Trump's lies upon lies upon lies.

Evidence for my assessment of Trump's honesty?

Sure: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...o-years/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d94d04252683

But, of course you've been told by trump to ignore the Wash. Post, the NY Times and in fact every media source except for Fox News and his buddy Sean Hannity.

The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Donald Trump Archives - FactCheck.org

After 10,000 ‘false or misleading claims,’ are we any better at calling out Trump’s lies?

I'm sure you won't read any of these links, being willfully ignorant (my euphemism for being stupid) you will continue to support trump and his efforts at internecine and iconoclastic policies/behavior.

For 8 years we listed obama’s lengthy list of lies. You have been here the whole time. You know them, you are just being an asshole.

Where's the list?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama is no one to call anyone else out for lying. He's one of the biggest lairs that have ever occupied the Whitehouse and overtaking Clinton in that respect took some doing.

Not more than 10976.
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.
What fake stories?

Been listed multiple times on other threads. But you and Regressive Idiot have to show your stupidity. No surprise you support a failing network whose "reporters" have to get physical with women.
You're a liar. There is no list.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.
What fake stories?

Been listed multiple times on other threads. But you and Regressive Idiot have to show your stupidity. No surprise you support a failing network whose "reporters" have to get physical with women.
Post them or shut the fuck up!

Been done numerous times. So NO! Your laziness is not my problem.
The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs

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