Obama calls Trump out on his lie

No prior President wanted to meet Kim or his father for this reason. They are not leaders, they are criminals against humanity no different than Hitler, Pol Pot and other megalomaniacs who don't value human life.
BULLSHIT. The Kenyan refused to return calls to Dennis Rodman, who-as fucked up as he is,was a big asset in this dealio. Fuck Obama and Kenya too.

Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I think Trump's comment comes from this:

It all started with a question during a CNN/YouTube debate on July 24, 2007.

"Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?"

"I would," Obama said. "And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration — is ridiculous."

So how many leaders of the aforementioned countries did BONOBO met with face to face??????????????
BOBOBO was too busy dropping burning cigarettes on the carpet in the Oval office.
The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.
So how many leaders of the aforementioned countries did BONOBO met with face to face??????????????
BOBOBO was too busy dropping burning cigarettes on the carpet in the Oval office.
And Fox news was too busy criticizing him for wanting to talk to them. Go figure. Just a bunch of Right-wing hypocrites.
The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

No it didn’t dnt. You are telling lies or you would have posted it.
So the guy who lied about everything for eight years expects us to believe him? Fuck obama.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trump's 10, 976 lies and you want to talk about Obama. Stop posting stupid shit.

10,976 in two+ years? He’d better pick up the pace or he’ll never catch obama.

Now a damn lie to cover up your effort to defame President Obama. You can't name any effort by Obama to mislead the public, and yet you continue to lie; no wonder you support Trump, you're two of kind - dishonest and deplorable.

Obozocare will save you $2500 a year on your premiums. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. ISIS is a JV team. Al Queda is decimated. Benghazi was caused by a video. That's just a start. Now shut up. (Mic drop)
So the lying score now stands at:
Obama 5 over 9 years
Trump 10974 over 5 years.
What, no counter arguments to your figures? :auiqs.jpg:What a joke. 5 against 10,974. Say it ain't so. :auiqs.jpg:Trump lies up against Obama's. These Toads are so pitiful.
^^^ As the election gets closer and Trump falls further behind in the polling, this is the quality of “debate” we can expect from the panicked wingnuts. ^^^

You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

No it didn’t dnt. You are telling lies or you would have posted it.
I already have. It's called the Mueller report. What page do you think you are smart enough to prove me wrong about? Oh, that's right, the Trump Toads haven't even read it, because the truth and facts are not what they care about. Which is why they are proven liars. Go ahead hot shot, if you have the balls. Debate the Mueller report. Don't be a pussy.
Obama probably should have tried meeting with Un, but I doubt Trump is telling the truth. Kim Jong Un would jump at the chance to meet with any sitting President. It would be stupid for him not to.
Obama lol what a joke her was haha
And what a liar Trump is.
Obamacare can never be topped.

obamacare really wasn't a believable lie.

I sure the hell wasn't counting on the $2500 promised by O
That was the Obama plan in the campaign. The ACA is not the Obama plan.

But don;t think the ACA has not saved you money in reducing the rise in premium costs.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I think Trump's comment comes from this:

It all started with a question during a CNN/YouTube debate on July 24, 2007.

"Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?"

"I would," Obama said. "And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration — is ridiculous."

What Obama said and what Trump said, have nothing to do with one another. Trump lied.
No prior President wanted to meet Kim or his father for this reason. They are not leaders, they are criminals against humanity no different than Hitler, Pol Pot and other megalomaniacs who don't value human life.
Kim is playing Trump like a fiddle but Trump doesn't mind because he's getting what he wants. Kim hopes to use his new found friend in the US as leverage in working out trade deals with China and Russia. Trump just wants to maintain the illusion that NK will give up their nuclear weapons, at least till after the election. So expect the mutual admiration society between the US and NK to continue thru next year.
The only reason Obama never visited NK was because they don't have Muslim prayer rugs
Nah, it's because Fox news said it was a horrible, irresponsible idea. But not for Trump. He fits right in with dictators, thugs, and murderers.
You mean Donald "Has no path to the White House" Trump?
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

No it didn’t dnt. You are telling lies or you would have posted it.
I already have. It's called the Mueller report. What page do you think you are smart enough to prove me wrong about? Oh, that's right, the Trump Toads haven't even read it, because the truth and facts are not what they care about. Which is why they are proven liars. Go ahead hot shot, if you have the balls. Debate the Mueller report. Don't be a pussy.
More funny faces on here = losers with their pants down. They have nothing to debate.
He has a clear path to “the big house”.

The Mueller "No Collusion/No Obstruction" Report was a bigger bust than Fitzmas
Except the Mueller report confirmed collusion and obstruction. A thousand prosecutors also said so. And your claim is absent of any legal argument. You lose.

No it didn’t dnt. You are telling lies or you would have posted it.
I already have. It's called the Mueller report. What page do you think you are smart enough to prove me wrong about? Oh, that's right, the Trump Toads haven't even read it, because the truth and facts are not what they care about. Which is why they are proven liars. Go ahead hot shot, if you have the balls. Debate the Mueller report. Don't be a pussy.
More funny faces on here = losers with their pants down. They have nothing to debate.

More roof you are telling lies. You run the mouth, yet produce nothing that says Trump colluded with Russia or obstructed justice.

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