Obama calls Trump out on his lie

BWK Was Obama telling the truth when he went on national tv and said that the motive for the Benghazi terror attack was a YouTube video?

Benghazi wasn’t the real scandal,
it was the illegal war in Libya

Obama failed to get congressional authorization
to militarily intervene in Libya, which was a violation of
the Constitution and the 1973 War Powers Act.

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia

Seems your information on our intervention in the Libyan Civil War was published by the Ministry of Truth.
Oh please

I have neither the crayons nor the time,
let alone a desire, to aggravate myself
Obama probably should have tried meeting with Un, but I doubt Trump is telling the truth. Kim Jong Un would jump at the chance to meet with any sitting President. It would be stupid for him not to.
Obama lol what a joke her was haha
And what a liar Trump is.

Yeah, and you believe that phony Clapper like the gospel?
So you agree then that Obama had no interest in settling the North Korean dispute? Had no interest in ever seeing Kim?
I believe that. He left the mess for Trump. Just like Clinton left Bin Laden for Bush to deal with.
All Obama cared about was his private trips and parties.
If I don't believe him, then what intelligence can you provide besides running your big mouth that proves a different story?
Clapper has such an established history of lying concerning Russia and Hillary, I give him little credibility. Besides, does it make sense to you that our president Obama would never have any interest in meeting with or talking to a guy like Kim who was such an obvious thorn in our side and many others? If not, then just what was Obama's foreign policy? Either way, it does not matter, the simple fact that counts is that at least Trump is trying.
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
you like fake i thought...you do quadruple backflips to defend the guy who lies on video about what he said 5 minutes ago...

on video.

He's fake news, too...but since you like his balls and all...dasssokaaaaayyy
I claim facts, and it seems you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. You didn't read the link, and the source is usually accurate, and when some of the material is not sourced, the editorial board questions it.

Where do you get your information?

I've noticed that the crux of your ''argument'' is calling the other guy a name. You're not persuasive.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You didn't answer the question. Where do you get your information from?

It's an easy question, and you comments suggest you only read / listen to those sources which confirm your biases.
Because they are not egregious lies. Do you know what the word means? No! Obama explained it in a way that he was trying to make it almost funny to get our attention. Again, you are not being honest about your own argument.

Trump's supposed ''lies'' don't remotely compare to the serious lies that Obama told the American people. The American people were made aware that their former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had set up a private server through which she was conducting both official and private business in order to escape oversight from the American people. Obama was asked when he became aware of what Hillary was doing. Rather than tell the truth, Obama LIED and said he didn't know anything about it. If that wasn't an ''egregious'' lie, then there is no such thing as an ''egregious'' lie.
All presidents lie. Trump is different. He lies more often than people wash their hands. In just over two years in office Trump said 10,796 things that were either misleading or outright false. He is averaging about 12 things a day that are untrue. Looking at Trumps lies, most of them were incorrect statement created for effect. He wants to make a point so he creates statements to support his point with no real concern as to the truth in what he's saying. Truth can never testify before congress or a grand jury because he will lie. It comes natural to him. He makes a statement and then creates a fictitious statement as support.
A few Recent statements:
California "admitted" there were "a million" illegal votes in the 2016 presidential election.
— PolitiFact California on Monday, June 24th, 2019

"There has never been, ever before, an administration that’s been so open and transparent."
— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

The Russia investigation "was a coup. This was an attempted overthrow of the United States government."
— PolitiFact National on Monday, April 29th, 2019

"The noise (from windmills) causes cancer."
— PolitiFact National on Monday, April 8th, 2019

Says his father, Fred Trump, was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, April 4th, 2019
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.

So are you saying that Trump doesn't lie.
CNN....The most busted name in fake nooz.
Don't you ever get tired of licking McDonald T-Rumps boots? You've been doing for so long your tongue must be black.

So calling out CNN, who has been busted NUMEROUS times for fake stories, is somehow worshipping Trump? Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Then again, it's only a 3+ year streak you people are on.
Horseshit! CNN has made mistakes that they have owned up to . What fake stories are you referring to.? When did they knowingly lie or make something up?
I miss the days when former presidents had class and so refrained from meddling in the politics of their successor.

It would have been absolutely unheard of for a former president to lead an attempted coup against the sitting president.
I miss the days when former presidents had class and so refrained from meddling in the politics of their successor.

It would have been absolutely unheard of for a former president to lead an attempted coup against the sitting president.
He has a right to defend himself against defamation. He has used remarkable restraint overall. McDonald T-Rump is a liar .
I miss the days when former presidents had class and so refrained from meddling in the politics of their successor.

It would have been absolutely unheard of for a former president to lead an attempted coup against the sitting president.

Damn right, trumps birther movement was and remains seditious. Lock him up!
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