Obama calls Trump out on his lie

Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim.

Who exactly said that and when did they say it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

However, Obama never met with Kim and further, Obama could have cared less what Huck or anyone else at Fox said at all.

So do you have a point here? It seems as if your point is that, if hypothetically , Obama would have met with North Korea, someone he didn't respect or listen to in the least might infer he was a traitor?

Doesn't sound like much of a point.
I sure do. Fox and their hosts floated lies about Obama, then said he shouldn't visit Kim, but it was okay for Trump to. Anyone with a functioning brain could tell you in a fraction of a second that Fox is full of shit, and they are liars.

so what if Fox announcers opined that Obama shouldn't visit Kim?

If Obama and Kim wanted to meet, they would have met, the opinions of anyone on Fox not withstanding.

But they didn't, even though Obama would have loved to meet his North Korean counterpart.
Obama's lie about guns got our attention. We recognized it as a lie, and considered the individual who uttered it a liar.

Obama's statement was not truthful, but I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a ''lie''. I'd call it rhetoric. Trump engages in a lot of similar rhetoric which the left then classifies as a ''lie''.
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Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.

Well, Trump often exaggerates and your side calls them ''lies''. I do agree that Trump has told some ''lies'' and I don't like it and I condemn it. Do you acknowledge that Obama and Hillary told significant lies?
There are many shades of gray when it comes to "lies". Compare "Yeah sure you can grab em by the pussy" and "Every family in America will save an average of $2500 per year on health insurance". One was a harmless, tasteless locker room brag. The other was a deliberate deception to the American people to push Government control of health care.
Our HC was already controlling 50 million people before ACA when the industry decided they wouldn't be covering those folks.
Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.

Well, Trump often exaggerates and your side calls them ''lies''. I do agree that Trump has told some ''lies'' and I don't like it and I condemn it. Do you acknowledge that Obama and Hillary told significant lies?
There are many shades of gray when it comes to "lies". Compare "Yeah sure you can grab em by the pussy" and "Every family in America will save an average of $2500 per year on health insurance". One was a harmless, tasteless locker room brag. The other was a deliberate deception to the American people to push Government control of health care.
Our HC was already controlling 50 million people before ACA when the industry decided they wouldn't be covering those folks.

I bet your dumbass ain't never done any due diligence and figured out how it came to that. Well I did, bitch.

Insurance companies bribing comptrollers is how it came to that.

Cut off the legalized bribery and problem solved.
I sure do. Fox and their hosts floated lies about Obama, then said he shouldn't visit Kim, but it was okay for Trump to. Anyone with a functioning brain could tell you in a fraction of a second that Fox is full of shit, and they are liars.

Well, FOX, like CNN or anyone else, has a whole cadre of talking heads who all express opinions. You should single out and identify the person(s) who made the statement(s) with which you disagree rather than indict everyone at FOX. I think it's fair to say that outlets like CNN and MSNBC are FAR more partisan to the Democratic Party than FOX is to Trump. There are a number of commentators at FOX that have lambasted Trump. We never saw that with CNN and MSNBC. You don't seem to have a problem with blind partisanship as long as it's for a Democrat.
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

Well, you made the statement and when asked to back it up, you cannot and then you complain about Trump ''lying'' and others being ''insincere''. You are the one making false statements and who is insincere about acknowledging egregious lies told by Obama.
Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim.

Who exactly said that and when did they say it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

However, Obama never met with Kim and further, Obama could have cared less what Huck or anyone else at Fox said at all.

So do you have a point here? It seems as if your point is that, if hypothetically , Obama would have met with North Korea, someone he didn't respect or listen to in the least might infer he was a traitor?

Doesn't sound like much of a point.
I sure do. Fox and their hosts floated lies about Obama, then said he shouldn't visit Kim, but it was okay for Trump to. Anyone with a functioning brain could tell you in a fraction of a second that Fox is full of shit, and they are liars.

so what if Fox announcers opined that Obama shouldn't visit Kim?

If Obama and Kim wanted to meet, they would have met, the opinions of anyone on Fox not withstanding.

But they didn't, even though Obama would have loved to meet his North Korean counterpart.
At the end of the day, you can't exclude Fox from this debate, because they were so central in it. They were against talks with kim, before they were for them with Trump. How can any honest human being with a functioning brain take anything Fox news says seriously? You have to savor in the moment of the grotesque hypocrisy coming from Fox, the number one news station for the Republican party, and appreciate the context for what it is, when it was said, and by whom. Lol! We are talking about the entire Republican party talking out of both sides of their mouths about foreign policy, for which they proved to the entire country what "shit for brains" they have about foreign policy. It blows the mind away.
This is a stupid question to ask, because Obama was trying to make a point about guns as a way to get our attention.

I agree. Obama was being rhetorical. When Trump makes a similar, rhetorical statement, you guys call it a ''lie'' and add it to your list. That's how Trump got to 9,000 ''lies''.

Anyway, do you have any comment about Obama's significant lie about not knowing about Hillary's secret server? Is it fair to say that you don't have a problem with dishonesty and lying as long as it's your side that's doing it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

Well, you made the statement and when asked to back it up, you cannot and then you complain about Trump ''lying'' and others being ''insincere''. You are the one making false statements and who is insincere about acknowledging egregious lies told by Obama.
Because they are not egregious lies. Do you know what the word means? No! Obama explained it in a way that he was trying to make it almost funny to get our attention. Again, you are not being honest about your own argument.
This is a stupid question to ask, because Obama was trying to make a point about guns as a way to get our attention.

I agree. Obama was being rhetorical. When Trump makes a similar, rhetorical statement, you guys call it a ''lie'' and add it to your list. That's how Trump got to 9,000 ''lies''.

Anyway, do you have any comment about Obama's significant lie about not knowing about Hillary's secret server? Is it fair to say that you don't have a problem with dishonesty and lying as long as it's your side that's doing it?

If there's proof he sent her emails, that's not going to look good.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Trump being a liar is yesterdays news. The public expects him to spin, exaggerate, and lie about everything. People calling him out keeps in the news which is exactly what he wants. There is only one thing Trump can't stand and that's to be ignored. So I'm going to ignore the shit out him tonight.
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This is a stupid question to ask, because Obama was trying to make a point about guns as a way to get our attention.

I agree. Obama was being rhetorical. When Trump makes a similar, rhetorical statement, you guys call it a ''lie'' and add it to your list. That's how Trump got to 9,000 ''lies''.

Anyway, do you have any comment about Obama's significant lie about not knowing about Hillary's secret server? Is it fair to say that you don't have a problem with dishonesty and lying as long as it's your side that's doing it?
That is not true. When I hear Trump make a statement that "Obama taped my phones", that is a person making a claim of fact, and he repeated it. There is a difference. And the claim proved to be a lie, because no one ever proved it to be true. Obama never repeated that because it was not meant literally.
BWK at night:
At the end of the day, you can't exclude Fox from this debate, because they were so central in it. They were against talks with kim, before they were for them with Trump.

I agree that there were some at FOX that criticized Obama for saying that he would meet with Jung-Un without any preconditions. But nobody on the left complained but now, since it's Trump meeting with Jung-Un, the left is now criticizing Trump for doing so. So, yea, the hypocrisy flows both ways. Do you agree?
Because they are not egregious lies. Do you know what the word means? No! Obama explained it in a way that he was trying to make it almost funny to get our attention. Again, you are not being honest about your own argument.

Trump's supposed ''lies'' don't remotely compare to the serious lies that Obama told the American people. The American people were made aware that their former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, had set up a private server through which she was conducting both official and private business in order to escape oversight from the American people. Obama was asked when he became aware of what Hillary was doing. Rather than tell the truth, Obama LIED and said he didn't know anything about it. If that wasn't an ''egregious'' lie, then there is no such thing as an ''egregious'' lie.
That is not true. When I hear Trump make a statement that "Obama taped my phones", that is a person making a claim of fact, and he repeated it. There is a difference. And the claim proved to be a lie, because no one ever proved it to be true. Obama never repeated that because it was not meant literally.

Obama did FAR more than just spy on Trump. He set in motion the conspiracy to frame Trump on a lie that he and his goons fabricated. The truth will come out. Obama is, by far, the most corrupt president our nation ever had. Hillary would have been the most corrupt on day one, if she had won the election.

I don't get why guys like you are happy to tolerate extreme lying and corruption at the highest levels of government. Hillary would sell you and I both out, along with the rest of the American people, if it would put a dollar in her pocket.

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