Obama calls Trump out on his lie

It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Anyone should be called out for lying. Do you acknowledge that Obama too told significant lies?

I don't think its proper for Obama or anyone else to call out President Trump for "lies" when he is engaged in important international dialogue trying to prevent Nuclear Holocaust.

I know that if a war broke out , that Obama would blame Trump regardless and take the side of any terror country.

But that still isn't right, to root for the enemy for political advantage.
Bull shit! Trump lied about Obama on the international stage. Fuck Trump.

So you are for war? At least if you can blame it on the Trumpster?
Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.

Well, Trump often exaggerates and your side calls them ''lies''. I do agree that Trump has told some ''lies'' and I don't like it and I condemn it. Do you acknowledge that Obama and Hillary told significant lies?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I saw clapper but at which point in that video did this occur with Obama.

Did what occur?

Obama calling trump a liar, even if trump is lying I find it hard to believe Obama would stoop low enough to engage in that kind of language, that's what the white liberals are for.
Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama.
And the still portion of the video also makes the claim and the CNN banner claims "HE IS GOING TO JAIL" in quotes

That was a big lie. And Fox proved it for us.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I saw clapper but at which point in that video did this occur with Obama.

Did what occur?

Obama calling trump a liar, even if trump is lying I find it hard to believe Obama would stoop low enough to engage in that kind of language, that's what the white liberals are for.
Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama.
And the still portion of the video also makes the claim and the CNN banner claims "HE IS GOING TO JAIL" in quotes

He stood up for the truth. Trump told a very big lie, that if it hadn't been called out would have been left for Fox news to make hay about Obama when they themselves were talking out of both sides of their mouths.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Trump is a verified compulsive liar, a thief and a disgrace.

Nothing new.

Exactly, nothing new
That is why he is qualified to be in Washington

But anyhoo, as far as lies go, I’ll take...
Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un

You can keep your healthcare plans
Lobbyists won’t find a job in my White House
Transparency, changing the way we do business in Washington
$700 Billion dollars

...any day!
Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.

Well, Trump often exaggerates and your side calls them ''lies''. I do agree that Trump has told some ''lies'' and I don't like it and I condemn it. Do you acknowledge that Obama and Hillary told significant lies?
No! And you can't name a significant number either because they do not exist.
Obama is the LAST person that should complain about someone else lying.
No! And you can't name a significant number either because they do not exist.

Really? Here's one, for starters. Did Obama tell the truth when he said he heard about Hillary's private server while watching the evening news?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Trump is a verified compulsive liar, a thief and a disgrace.

Nothing new.

Exactly, nothing new
That is why he is qualified to be in Washington

But anyhoo, as far as lies go, I’ll take...
Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un

You can keep your healthcare plans
Lobbyists won’t find a job in my White House
Transparency, changing the way we do business in Washington
$700 Billion dollars

...any day!

Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim. Now Fox thinks it's a good idea for Trump to do it. If anyone was looking for the best definition for "full of shit," Fox news is it.
No! And you can't name a significant number either because they do not exist.

Really? Here's one, for starters. Did Obama tell the truth when he said he heard about Hillary's private server while watching the evening news?
Do you have proof he wasn't telling the truth? By the way, how much has Jarod and Ivanka used private servers to conduct government business? Where is the outrage? Cummings: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's private emails, texts raise security concerns

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Use Private Accounts for Official Business, Their Lawyer Says

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He stood up for the truth. Trump told a very big lie, that if it hadn't been called out would have been left for Fox news to make hay about Obama when they themselves were talking out of both sides of their mouths.
I just want to know where that is in the video proof you provided, that's all.
If you can't click on the video I posted bud, you may want to crawl back into your hole. I don't hand out pacifiers on political forums.
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I have begun to regard as plausible the claims that one of the putatively "female" Democrat candidates is actually Obama in drag. That position is reinforced with every word out of his mouth. Admittedly not all that many as said mouth is usually otherwise OCCUPIED.
No! And you can't name a significant number either because they do not exist.

Really? Here's one, for starters. Did Obama tell the truth when he said he heard about Hillary's private server while watching the evening news?
Do you have proof he wasn't telling the truth?

Obama is a reasonably intelligent and informed individual. He knew he was getting emails from Mrs. Clinton's g-mail account and not her official government account. And he could see where he was responding to.

Further, the Obama FBI was investigating International Paedophile Anthony Weiner and I'm sure they told him about the State Dept emails found on Weiner's machine. Why wouldn't they?

What makes you think Obama was out of the loop?
Do you have proof he wasn't telling the truth?

Uh, yea. Obama created a private, anonymous email address which he used to communicate with Hillary on her private server. That all came out in the Inspector General's report. Have you been in a coma?
BWK Was Obama telling the truth when he went on national tv and said that the motive for the Benghazi terror attack was a YouTube video?
BWK Was this a truthful statement by Obama?

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