Obama calls Trump out on his lie

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Where did I say that?

I only quoted your post where you stated:" You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?"

And Ovomit has done that ...and then some!
Who did he murder, and what country did he invade, then take over their government like Putin did?

look....are you trolling?

I have said and explained all to you
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I saw clapper but at which point in that video did this occur with Obama.
Obama probably should have tried meeting with Un, but I doubt Trump is telling the truth. Kim Jong Un would jump at the chance to meet with any sitting President. It would be stupid for him not to.
Obama lol what a joke her was haha
And what a liar Trump is.

Yeah, and you believe that phony Clapper like the gospel?
So you agree then that Obama had no interest in settling the North Korean dispute? Had no interest in ever seeing Kim?
I believe that. He left the mess for Trump. Just like Clinton left Bin Laden for Bush to deal with.
All Obama cared about was his private trips, vacations and parties.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

It's a lie. He didn't give the Iranians $150 Billion dollars. You are a liar once again. That money was always theirs.
Obama probably should have tried meeting with Un, but I doubt Trump is telling the truth. Kim Jong Un would jump at the chance to meet with any sitting President. It would be stupid for him not to.
Obama lol what a joke her was haha
And what a liar Trump is.

Yeah, and you believe that phony Clapper like the gospel?
So you agree then that Obama had no interest in settling the North Korean dispute? Had no interest in ever seeing Kim?
I believe that. He left the mess for Trump. Just like Clinton left Bin Laden for Bush to deal with.
All Obama cared about was his private trips and parties.
If I don't believe him, then what intelligence can you provide besides running your big mouth that proves a different story?
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Uncle Pooty had a dispute with the leaders of Ukraine as to the rightful sovereignty of Crimea.

Crimea was historically part of Russia, its a majority ethnic Russian, Ukraine strongman Nikita Khrushchev brought it into Ukraine in the 1950's.

Further, Russian occupation of Crimea happened during Obama's watch, and he did nothing.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I saw clapper but at which point in that video did this occur with Obama.

Did what occur?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

It's a lie. He didn't give the Iranians $150 Billion dollars. You are a liar once again. That money was always theirs.

The money was the Iranian people's not the Iranian mullahs who are terrorizing the country. Most Iranians are like Shahs of Sunset, not murderous terrorists.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Uncle Pooty had a dispute with the leaders of Ukraine as to the rightful sovereignty of Crimea.

Crimea was historically part of Russia, its a majority ethnic Russian, Ukraine strongman Nikita Khrushchev brought it into Ukraine in the 1950's.

Further, Russian occupation of Crimea happened during Obama's watch, and he did nothing.
He implemented sanctions. Which is a shit load more than your traitor in chief did to him.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

It's a lie. He didn't give the Iranians $150 Billion dollars. You are a liar once again. That money was always theirs.

The money was the Iranian people's not the Iranian mullahs who are terrorizing the country. Most Iranians are like Shahs of Sunset, not murderous terrorists.

And did you see where the bags of cash went? No! You're just a liar.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

That's not what all the experts on Fox were telling us. They claimed Obama would be a traitor if he tried to meet with Kim.

Obama never listened to the people at Fox.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

That's not what all the experts on Fox were telling us. They claimed Obama would be a traitor if he tried to meet with Kim.

Obama never listened to the people at Fox.

Because he was never an idiot like the one's who do. Did you see the bags of cash again?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

I saw clapper but at which point in that video did this occur with Obama.

Did what occur?

Obama calling trump a liar, even if trump is lying I find it hard to believe Obama would stoop low enough to engage in that kind of language, that's what the white liberals are for.
Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama.
And the still portion of the video also makes the claim and the CNN banner claims "HE IS GOING TO JAIL" in quotes
It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Anyone should be called out for lying. Do you acknowledge that Obama too told significant lies?
Trump is a verified compulsive liar, a thief and a disgrace.

Since when did you have a problem with lying? You obviously didn't have a problem with lying when Obama and Hillary were regularly engaging in it, and they told some SIGNIFICANT lies, unlike Trump.
It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Anyone should be called out for lying. Do you acknowledge that Obama too told significant lies?

I don't think its proper for Obama or anyone else to call out President Trump for "lies" when he is engaged in important international dialogue trying to prevent Nuclear Holocaust.

I know that if a war broke out , that Obama would blame Trump regardless and take the side of any terror country.

But that still isn't right, to root for the enemy for political advantage.
It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Anyone should be called out for lying. Do you acknowledge that Obama too told significant lies?

I don't think its proper for Obama or anyone else to call out President Trump for "lies" when he is engaged in important international dialogue trying to prevent Nuclear Holocaust.

I know that if a war broke out , that Obama would blame Trump regardless and take the side of any terror country.

But that still isn't right, to root for the enemy for political advantage.
Bull shit! Trump lied about Obama on the international stage. Fuck Trump.
Trump is a verified compulsive liar, a thief and a disgrace.

Since when did you have a problem with lying? You obviously didn't have a problem with lying when Obama and Hillary were regularly engaging in it, and they told some SIGNIFICANT lies, unlike Trump.
Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.
Bull shit! Trump lied about Obama on the international stage. Fuck Trump.

When Obama campaigned, he said he would be willing to meet with North Korean leadership. So why are you so sure that he didn't ask for a meeting?

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