Obama calls Trump out on his lie

Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Why do you care when you’re not American? More propaganda posts?

Stupid question when you were already asked to prove it, and you didn't ,so you are a liar. Take a hike. You have nothing to offer.

Excuse me? So you are stating you are American for the record? Go ahead. Lie again. I told You. No chance I let a foreign troll spew your divisive rhetoric here unchallenged.

I thought you were going to report it hot shot? Lol! You're a liar and a coward.

Shows you’re a foreigner. I said you should be banned but I am not a sissy who reports people.
You don’t understand our idioms. You’re a foreigner and I have exposed you again. LMAO. Time to back pedal and disappear again.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

LOL, and we are supposed to just believe the Hussein, who lied about his birth place (he once claimed he was from Kenya, then later claimed Hawaii). He was also the most dishonest President of all time, lying to the American people that Obabble-care would allow you to keep your doctor and that it wasn’t a tax. He lied about Benghazi and lied about not spying on candidate Trump.

Trump was supposed to find all that out and the last thing we heard was that his people were finding out amazing things in Hawaii. Looks like you and him both lied about that. No one ever proved Obama lied about his birth place. Which is why Trump had to eat shit soup at the presidential dinner and was the laughing stock of the country. And he still is. Except he's lying about different things now.


Obama said in his own biography that he was from Kenya. So Obama lied. He either lied about being born in Kenya, or he lied about being in Hawaii. Either way, he is still a liar.

Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Everything is news to Clapper-he has to consult his DNC spy.

It must have been news to Fox as well after they made total idiots out of themselves, talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Better to say they contradicted themselves-it sounds more professional.

OMG! Just when we thought we read some of the most outrageous comments yet, you come up with this excuse. They aren't contradictions there chief They're all lies. That's what's so hilarious. The Right and Fox got caught with their pants down being as fos as they can be. How people follow Fox, Trump, and his cult followers is truly a mystery for me. How can people be this stupid?

How can you be so stupid? Its obvious you just want a pound of flesh-this is no big deal, you will never have all the facts, and most people on this board won't agree with you. Besides, I don't believe all that the media print about Obama unless I see it myself on TV. You need to get some balance.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

That is a stupid response.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

That is a stupid response.


But it's true.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Why do you care when you’re not American? More propaganda posts?

Stupid question when you were already asked to prove it, and you didn't ,so you are a liar. Take a hike. You have nothing to offer.

Excuse me? So you are stating you are American for the record? Go ahead. Lie again. I told You. No chance I let a foreign troll spew your divisive rhetoric here unchallenged.

I thought you were going to report it hot shot? Lol! You're a liar and a coward.

Shows you’re a foreigner. I said you should be banned but I am not a sissy who reports people.
You don’t understand our idioms. You’re a foreigner and I have exposed you again. LMAO. Time to back pedal and disappear again.

Then you're a liar who can't admit you couldn't put your money where you8 mouth is. As long as you keep pedaling the lie without proving it, then you will never be nothing more than a chicken shit liar who never backed up what he said. And everyone on this board knows it. You're a loser, not a fighter.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

LOL, and we are supposed to just believe the Hussein, who lied about his birth place (he once claimed he was from Kenya, then later claimed Hawaii). He was also the most dishonest President of all time, lying to the American people that Obabble-care would allow you to keep your doctor and that it wasn’t a tax. He lied about Benghazi and lied about not spying on candidate Trump.

Trump was supposed to find all that out and the last thing we heard was that his people were finding out amazing things in Hawaii. Looks like you and him both lied about that. No one ever proved Obama lied about his birth place. Which is why Trump had to eat shit soup at the presidential dinner and was the laughing stock of the country. And he still is. Except he's lying about different things now.

Trump's people in Hawaii determined Obama was born there. That still doesn't explain why Obama bragged about being Kenya born, or what he told the people at Columbia when he was admitted there. But I'll take President Trump's word about O's place of birth.

His word ended up being a lie.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

LOL, and we are supposed to just believe the Hussein, who lied about his birth place (he once claimed he was from Kenya, then later claimed Hawaii). He was also the most dishonest President of all time, lying to the American people that Obabble-care would allow you to keep your doctor and that it wasn’t a tax. He lied about Benghazi and lied about not spying on candidate Trump.

Trump was supposed to find all that out and the last thing we heard was that his people were finding out amazing things in Hawaii. Looks like you and him both lied about that. No one ever proved Obama lied about his birth place. Which is why Trump had to eat shit soup at the presidential dinner and was the laughing stock of the country. And he still is. Except he's lying about different things now.

Trump's people in Hawaii determined Obama was born there. That still doesn't explain why Obama bragged about being Kenya born, or what he told the people at Columbia when he was admitted there. But I'll take President Trump's word about O's place of birth.

His word ended up being a lie.

What's the "lie"? President Trump reported what his investigated discovered. Barry Soetoro aka "Obama" was born on Oahu.

Do you disagree?
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.
Why do you care when you’re not American? More propaganda posts?
Stupid question when you were already asked to prove it, and you didn't ,so you are a liar. Take a hike. You have nothing to offer.

Excuse me? So you are stating you are American for the record? Go ahead. Lie again. I told You. No chance I let a foreign troll spew your divisive rhetoric here unchallenged.
I thought you were going to report it hot shot? Lol! You're a liar and a coward.

Shows you’re a foreigner. I said you should be banned but I am not a sissy who reports people.
You don’t understand our idioms. You’re a foreigner and I have exposed you again. LMAO. Time to back pedal and disappear again.
Then you're a liar who can't admit you couldn't put your money where you8 mouth is. As long as you keep pedaling the lie without proving it, then you will never be nothing more than a chicken shit liar who never backed up what he said. And everyone on this board knows it. You're a loser, not a fighter.

Triggered Foreigner. You8? LMAO. Someone is rattled.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Putin is your President why do you diss him? Foreigner
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Where did I say that?

I only quoted your post where you stated:" You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?"

And Ovomit has done that ...and then some!
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Trump's day of reckoning is coming Oblunderer... And your little dog Hillary's too.
Susan Rice will be his fall guy...maybe.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

LOL, and we are supposed to just believe the Hussein, who lied about his birth place (he once claimed he was from Kenya, then later claimed Hawaii). He was also the most dishonest President of all time, lying to the American people that Obabble-care would allow you to keep your doctor and that it wasn’t a tax. He lied about Benghazi and lied about not spying on candidate Trump.

Trump was supposed to find all that out and the last thing we heard was that his people were finding out amazing things in Hawaii. Looks like you and him both lied about that. No one ever proved Obama lied about his birth place. Which is why Trump had to eat shit soup at the presidential dinner and was the laughing stock of the country. And he still is. Except he's lying about different things now.

Trump's people in Hawaii determined Obama was born there. That still doesn't explain why Obama bragged about being Kenya born, or what he told the people at Columbia when he was admitted there. But I'll take President Trump's word about O's place of birth.

His word ended up being a lie.

What's the "lie"? President Trump reported what his investigated discovered. Barry Soetoro aka "Obama" was born on Oahu.

Do you disagree?

Yes, remember, last we heard from Trump was that he was finding out amazing things in Hawaii, and we never heard anything else. Guess he never found out anything. Trump admits Obama was born in the US

It may be best for you to take up the issue with Trump himself anyway, seeing that he admitted Obama was born in the US.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Where did I say that?

I only quoted your post where you stated:" You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?"

And Ovomit has done that ...and then some!
Who did he murder, and what country did he invade, then take over their government like Putin did?
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Obama SHOULD HAVE been looking to meet with President Un, if he didn't.

That's for certain.

North Korea gets oil and trades with Iran, and President Trump would like to separate the two members of the Axis of Evil. If Un is willing to abandon Evil and embrace capitalism, America can provide the oil and gas that North Korea needs instead of the Iranian mullahs.

This will help resolve other problems America has in the middle east with the Senior Member of the Axis of Evil.

Obama , of course, loved the Iranian Mullahs, and gave $150 Billion in cash, on pallets. Of course, one of Obama's top advisors, Val Jarrett , was actually born in Teheran.

That's not what all the experts on Fox were telling us. They claimed Obama would be a traitor if he tried to meet with Kim.

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