Obama calls Trump out on his lie

Did that and it only showed clapper lying not trump or Obama calling him a liar or claiming he was going to jail, what's the harm in telling me where it is located?

The loyalty of BWK is to the Democratic Party rather than to average Americans and to to the truth. He complains about ''lies'' told by Trump but is happy to give his ideological allies a pass for far more egregious lies. BWK hates Trump and no amount of truth or facts matter to him.
Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim.

Who exactly said that and when did they say it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.
Did that and it only showed clapper lying not trump or Obama calling him a liar or claiming he was going to jail, what's the harm in telling me where it is located?

The loyalty of BWK is to the Democratic Party rather than to average Americans and to to the truth. He complains about ''lies'' told by Trump but is happy to give his ideological allies a pass for far more egregious lies. BWK hates Trump and no amount of truth or facts matter to him.
Except for the one's that pin you all to the wall.
Obama should probably swing from a noose being the traitor he is.

How many other presidents traded 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor?
Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim.

Who exactly said that and when did they say it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

However, Obama never met with Kim and further, Obama could have cared less what Huck or anyone else at Fox said at all.

So do you have a point here? It seems as if your point is that, if hypothetically , Obama would have met with North Korea, someone he didn't respect or listen to in the least might infer he was a traitor?

Doesn't sound like much of a point.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Yeah, because we don't play that, this is America.

Obama should never have been president, he wasn't eligible, being born in Kenya. Somehow it happened anyway.
BWK Was this a truthful statement by Obama?

“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”
This is a stupid question to ask, because Obama was trying to make a point about guns as a way to get our attention. Anyone who goes and takes that statement literally is not sincere. You only take that comment and run with it as the gospel. Any fool knows it was him trying to make a point and not a literal comment about Glocks and books. Unfortunately for Republicans, this is all they have fall back on. Making hay about nothing because they have nothing. So what do they do? They pretend to ask a serious question, when really all they are doing is insulting one's intelligence, knowing the one's you are asking already picked up on the insult. Sorry, but I'm too old to play semantic games with you. You proved that you are not sincere.
Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Uncle Pooty had a dispute with the leaders of Ukraine as to the rightful sovereignty of Crimea.

Crimea was historically part of Russia, its a majority ethnic Russian, Ukraine strongman Nikita Khrushchev brought it into Ukraine in the 1950's.

Further, Russian occupation of Crimea happened during Obama's watch, and he did nothing.

Can you and "Uncle Pooty" take five seconds out of your to time to tell me why you called Un a President earlier?
  • Thanks
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Trump seems to respect and admire these murderous dictators. Probably because they don't take crap off their press. They just kill them after cutting off their fingers. Probably makes trump envious and wondering why he can't 'disappear' members of USA's press. Surprised more of his base haven't figured him out yet.

President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Yeah, because we don't play that, this is America.

Obama should never have been president, he wasn't eligible, being born in Kenya. Somehow it happened anyway.
You're a liar who can't prove that.
Trump has in excess of ten thousand confirmed lies. Both Hillary and Obama would never come close. You are a liar yourself.

Well, Trump often exaggerates and your side calls them ''lies''. I do agree that Trump has told some ''lies'' and I don't like it and I condemn it. Do you acknowledge that Obama and Hillary told significant lies?
There are many shades of gray when it comes to "lies". Compare "Yeah sure you can grab em by the pussy" and "Every family in America will save an average of $2500 per year on health insurance". One was a harmless, tasteless locker room brag. The other was a deliberate deception to the American people to push Government control of health care.
Obama claimed he would have "The most transparent administration ever" right before I voted for him.

One year later I realized he was lying his ass off when he said that.
BWK Was this a truthful statement by Obama?

“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”
This is a stupid question to ask, because Obama was trying to make a point about guns as a way to get our attention. Anyone who goes and takes that statement literally is not sincere. You only take that comment and run with it as the gospel. Any fool knows it was him trying to make a point and not a literal comment about Glocks and books. Unfortunately for Republicans this is all they have fall back on. Making hay about nothing because they have nothing. So what do they do? They pretend to ask a serious question, when really all they are doing is insulting one's intelligence, knowing the one's you are asking already picked up on the insult. Sorry, but I'm too old to play semantic games with you. You proved that you are not sincere.

Obama's lie about guns got our attention.

We recognized it as a lie, and considered the individual who uttered it a liar.
Trump told the press that Obama was begging to meet with Kim Jong Un, and Obama called him out on that lie. It never happened. Trump is lying. Good for Obama. It's time we call Trump and this administration out on all their lies. It was news to James Clapper too. Lol!

Aint that the African-American calling the negro black!

I'm sure another racist on here can easily figure out what you are talking about.

You mean besides you because you couldn’t?
President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Yeah, because we don't play that, this is America.

Obama should never have been president, he wasn't eligible, being born in Kenya. Somehow it happened anyway.
You're a liar who can't prove that.


You got the wrong cracker now, boy.
Except Fox news said Obama would be a traitor if he had met with Kim.

Who exactly said that and when did they say it?
Hosts like Huckabee said he would meet with dictators like Kim. That is telling the world that Obama is in bed with an enemy, therefore he is committing treason. That's telling us that Obama is a traitor.

However, Obama never met with Kim and further, Obama could have cared less what Huck or anyone else at Fox said at all.

So do you have a point here? It seems as if your point is that, if hypothetically , Obama would have met with North Korea, someone he didn't respect or listen to in the least might infer he was a traitor?

Doesn't sound like much of a point.
I sure do. Fox and their hosts floated lies about Obama, then said he shouldn't visit Kim, but it was okay for Trump to. Anyone with a functioning brain could tell you in a fraction of a second that Fox is full of shit, and they are liars.
Obama should probably swing from a noose being the traitor he is.

How many other presidents traded 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor?
How many are in bed with so many terrorists like Trump?
President Putin has a great sense of humor. He actually "gets" Trump.

Of course Trump is going to get along with him more than a humorless doofus like Obama or Pocahontas.

When the reporter asked the silly questions of Trump in Japan and in Helsinki last year, Pooty knew to play along. Putin's remarks about Russian prostitutes being the "finest in the world", I could not imagine Obama standing up for our working gals like that.
Putin is a murderer. You think it is cool to be cozy with murderers and invaders?

Who knows........you have to ask Ovomit.

There is no documentation showing Obama murdered his own people or invaded other countries to take their resources and governments like Putin has.

Uncle Pooty had a dispute with the leaders of Ukraine as to the rightful sovereignty of Crimea.

Crimea was historically part of Russia, its a majority ethnic Russian, Ukraine strongman Nikita Khrushchev brought it into Ukraine in the 1950's.

Further, Russian occupation of Crimea happened during Obama's watch, and he did nothing.

Can you and "Uncle Pooty" take five seconds out of your to time to tell me why you called Un a President earlier?

That's the man's gig, he the President of North Korea.
A cracker couldn't even get .22 ammo when Obama was president, because he was that much of a dickhead.
Obama claimed he would have "The most transparent administration ever" right before I voted for him. One year later I realized he was lying his ass off when he said that.

Obama had a very non-transparent, secretive administration. He was, of course, quite eager to weaponize government agencies to spy on those he didn't like in an effort to uncover their secrets.

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