Obama Cancels Campaign Events To Focus On Hurricane Sandy

The wannabe indian saw her opportunity to bring up Buuuuuuuuuuuuush with this storm....insane.
Romney will keep on campaigning. He will try to use the storm to his advantage.

^^^^ Apparently does not keep up with US politics and yet feels informed enough to voice opinions about it. Goes to demonstrate the stupidity of the average liberal globally.
He's handing out water wings to Blue State Voters as fast as he can.

Romney will keep on campaigning. He will try to use the storm to his advantage.

What could Romney do about it if he stopped campaigning? He does not have the authority to send in troops or the national guard for security he can't declare a area a disaster and send in relief or order FEMA or any other agency to go in. A little history during the 2008 election at the height of the economic meltdown John McCain suspended his campaign to go back to Washington to something about it to no great effect I might add candidate and Senator Barak Obama did not.
Romney will keep on campaigning. He will try to use the storm to his advantage.

What could Romney do about it if he stopped campaigning? He does not have the authority to send in troops or the national guard for security he can't declare a area a disaster and send in relief or order FEMA or any other agency to go in. A little history during the 2008 election at the height of the economic meltdown John McCain suspended his campaign to go back to Washington to something about it to no great effect I might add candidate and Senator Barak Obama did not.

Obama doesn't have the authority to send in troops or National Guard (a state governor must ASK first).

My guess is that after his allowing the team of bungling morons to handle Protection for Lybian Ambassadors, the last thing he wants them to do is manage FEMA efforts preceeding a major storm.
As Hurricane Sandy approaches the East Coast, President Obama is shuffling his schedule as he attempts to simultaneously manage the storm's impact and campaign for a second term. The White House put out the following statement to reporters on Saturday night:

On Monday, following the event in Youngstown, OH, the President will return to the White House to continue to monitor Hurricane Sandy, which is currently forecasted to make landfall along the Eastern seaboard late that day. As a result, the events in Northern Virginia on Monday and in Colorado Springs on Tuesday have been cancelled. Additional changes to Tuesday's schedule will be announced as warranted.

The President is being regularly updated on the storm and ongoing preparations, and he has directed his team to continue to bring all available resources to bear as state and local partners continue to prepare for the storm. FEMA has already deployed teams and has pre-staged resources to potentially affected states and areas ahead of the storm, and FEMA remains in close contact with emergency responders in states up and down the East coast to ensure there are no unmet needs. The President will continue to receive regular briefings on these efforts, and has made clear that he expects his team to continue to lean forward as Hurricane Sandy approaches.​

More: Obama Cancels Campaign Events As Hurricane Sandy Looms

Hey great photo op he could actually out do Anderson Cooper. What a champ!

Of course he's going to be front and center on Sandy. He remembers quite well what happened to Bush after Katrina.

Of course the LA officials dropped the ball and blamed it on Bush. But hey. I'm sure Barry will come out smelling like a rose.

To bad he and his State Department don't smell like roses after letting 4 men die in Libya.
A month ago Obama couldn't cancel anything when 4 Americans were murdered but now he wants to play President for a couple of days.

Word has it Obama was watching them being murdered in the situation room yet he went to bed, then the next morning he flew out to a fundraiser in Vegas. All of that never stopped him.

The only reason he's stopping now is because it will effect Washington and everything is shutting down anyway.
who cares

we have the states we live in to look out for us in times like this, unless of course you live in a Democrat run state like New Orleans and a Katrina happens
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Funny how partisans of the right switch positions on fault and accomplishment. An odd trait that requires a mind made of mush. Do any of these brain dead righties ever think about their stupid switching of positions? Finger pointing done without thought. No wonder Romney is acceptable 'Romnesia' is contagious and prevalent among the lemmings.


"The economy is slowly recovering from the 2008 meltdown, and the country could suffer another recession if the wrong policies take hold. The United States is embroiled in unstable regions that could easily explode into full-blown disaster. An ideological assault from the right has started to undermine the vital health reform law passed in 2010. Those forces are eroding women’s access to health care, and their right to control their lives. Nearly 50 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act, all Americans’ rights are cheapened by the right wing’s determination to deny marriage benefits to a selected group of us. Astonishingly, even the very right to vote is being challenged."

Issues: The Economy, Foreign Affairs, Civil Rights, The Supreme Court.

"For these and many other reasons, we enthusiastically endorse President Barack Obama for a second term, and express the hope that his victory will be accompanied by a new Congress willing to work for policies that Americans need."

I'm sure it won't be a clusterfuck like Bush's Katrina disaster was.

Yes, sitting in the White House being "updated" is certainly going to save lives.

When I read the title, I assumed you were looking for cheap political hay. I read the first post and was actually shocked it wasn't there. You atoned in the second post...
I'm sure it won't be a clusterfuck like Bush's Katrina disaster was.

Yes, sitting in the White House being "updated" is certainly going to save lives.

When I read the title, I assumed you were looking for cheap political hay. I read the first post and was actually shocked it wasn't there. You atoned in the second post...

This is Obama's last chance to "appear" presidential.

He's had nearly 4 years to practice and hasn't got it right yet.
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I'm sure it won't be a clusterfuck like Bush's Katrina disaster was.

Yes, sitting in the White House being "updated" is certainly going to save lives.

When I read the title, I assumed you were looking for cheap political hay. I read the first post and was actually shocked it wasn't there. You atoned in the second post...

This Obama's last chance to "appear" presidential.

He's had nearly 4 years to practice and hasn't got it right yet.

Have you noticed how Obama is still "running for" President? He still has no ideas, he just criticizes and runs against the Republicans, who he still speaks of as the incumbent. If he won, one day he could be the first retired two term President who's still running for the office.

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