Obama Caves Again- White House delays plan for new sanctions against Iran


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Another red line for O-Tard. Said he was coming out with sanctions for Irans missile test. Then after Iran protest, Obama backs down,



Obama administration gives no timeline for imposing financial penalties for Iran’s missile program

Getty Images
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addresses a press conference in Tehran on December 21, 2015.


WASHINGTON — The White House has delayed its plan to impose new financial sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile program, according to U.S. officials, amid growing tensions with Iran over the nuclear deal struck earlier this year.

The officials said the Obama administration remains committed to combating Iran’s missile program and that sanctions being developed by the U.S. Treasury Department remain on the table. They also said imposing such penalties was legal under the landmark nuclear agreement forged between global powers and Iran in July.

U.S. officials offered no definitive timeline for when the sanctions would be imposed after the decision was made Wednesday to delay them. At one point, they were scheduled to be announced Wednesday morning in Washington, according to a notification the White House sent to Congress.

Republican leaders on Thursday accused the Obama administration of losing its will to after Tehran countered on Thursday that it would accelerate the development of its arsenal.

White House delays plan for new sanctions against Iran
Another red line for O-Tard. Said he was coming out with sanctions for Irans missile test. Then after Iran protest, Obama backs down,



Obama administration gives no timeline for imposing financial penalties for Iran’s missile program

Getty Images
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addresses a press conference in Tehran on December 21, 2015.


WASHINGTON — The White House has delayed its plan to impose new financial sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile program, according to U.S. officials, amid growing tensions with Iran over the nuclear deal struck earlier this year.

The officials said the Obama administration remains committed to combating Iran’s missile program and that sanctions being developed by the U.S. Treasury Department remain on the table. They also said imposing such penalties was legal under the landmark nuclear agreement forged between global powers and Iran in July.

U.S. officials offered no definitive timeline for when the sanctions would be imposed after the decision was made Wednesday to delay them. At one point, they were scheduled to be announced Wednesday morning in Washington, according to a notification the White House sent to Congress.

Republican leaders on Thursday accused the Obama administration of losing its will to after Tehran countered on Thursday that it would accelerate the development of its arsenal.

White House delays plan for new sanctions against Iran
Iran is Obamas buddy now...
Obama doesn't want to stop Iran's nuke program, that's obvious. And what's that dark spot on Rouhani's finger? Not sure I want to know.
No explanation from the White House. Another one of Obamas red line gaffes

Iran sanctioned for October ballistic missile test...

U.S. imposes new sanctions on Iran for ballistic missile test
Jan. 17, 2016 -- The United States has imposed new sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals for a ballistic missile test conducted in October that it says violated a United Nations ban.
In a statement, the Treasury Department said it placed sanctions on "11 entities and individuals involved in procurement on behalf of Iran's ballistic missile program" and "five Iranian individuals who have worked to procure ballistic missile components for Iran." The sanctions will prevent whomever is affected from participating in the U.S. banking system. Although the sanctions were originally intended to be announced in December, negotiations over a prisoner exchanged delayed the imposition of the Treasury Department's actions.


The United States Department of the Treasury has imposed new sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals involved in procurement for ballistic missiles.​

Iran conducted a precision-guided ballistic missile test capable of delivering a nuclear warhead in October in direct violation of a U.N. ban. "Iran's ballistic missile program poses a significant threat to regional and global security, and it will continue to be subject to international sanctions," Adam J Szubin, U.S. acting under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said. The sanctions come after the four American prisoners were released from detention in Iran: Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, U.S. Marine veteran Amir Hekmat, Idaho Christian pastor Saeed Abedini and businessman Nosratollah Khosrawi Roudsari -- who all hold dual U.S./Iranian citizenship. On Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced that Iran has completed the steps needed to implement the nuclear deal -- meaning all sanctions related to the nuclear negotiations would be lifted.

U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the result of the historic negotiations. "After the nuclear deal was complete, the discussions between our governments escalated," Obama said on Sunday. "Yesterday, these families finally got the news they were waiting for." "For decades, our differences with Iran meant our governments never spoke to each other. Ultimately that didn't advance U.S. interests," Obama added. "From President Roosevelt to Kennedy to Reagan, the U.S. has never been afraid to explore diplomacy with adversaries."

U.S. imposes new sanctions on Iran for ballistic missile test

See also:

Netanyahu: Iran has not stopped its development of nuclear weapons
Jan. 17, 2016 -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office condemned the lifting of sanctions on Iran on Saturday, saying Iran has not stopped working to develop nuclear weapons and will continue to destabilize the Middle East.
The International Atomic Energy Agency announced Saturday evening that Iran completed the steps necessary to implement the nuclear deal. The Israeli Prime Minister's Office reacted negatively to the announcement, following contentious disagreement by Netanyahu's administration since before formal negotiations began in July. "Israel will continue to monitor Iran's negative activities and will take all necessary measures to maintain its security and defend itself," the prime minister's office said. "Iran has not abandoned its aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons and continues to destabilize the Middle East and spread terrorism throughout the world."

Under the deal, Iran will dial back its nuclear program and allow the IAEA to monitor the program for years to come, ensuring that Iran does not move towards nuclear weapons production. In exchange, Iran will have access to $50 billion in long-frozen assets in foreign banks, and the ability to trade oil in the global marketplace. Some sanctions, however, will remain in place. Netanyahu's office warned that unless Iran is properly punished for each violation it conducts, the country "will surmise that it can continue to develop nukes, destabilize the region and spread terror." Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a U.S. presidential candidate, also condemned the lifting of sanctions, stating the deal's implementation provided Iran "much-needed funds to expand its regional aggression and its support to terrorist groups like Hezbollah."

Rubio vowed to "undo" the deal and restore sanctions on Iran if he wins the presidency, adding that an improved Iranian economy will help defend the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which will further grow the Islamic State. "The nuclear accord will subsidize Assad's murder machine, the greatest single recruitment tool for the Islamic State," Rubio said. "Fueling Iran's regional ambitions and its support for Assad ... will only cause ISIS to grow stronger, not weaker." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has long defended the negotiations with Iran he helped lead. "Today marks the moment the Iran Deal has transitioned from ambitious promises on paper to measurable actions in practice," Kerry wrote on Saturday. "Each of the pathways Iran had toward enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon has been verifiably closed down."

Netanyahu: Iran has not stopped its development of nuclear weapons
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