Obama Classmate Mia Pope Oust Obama as a Foreigner

This stuff is beyond boring ... should I even attempt to talk some sense into the OP?


Right! Obama smokes crack ... I knew it! we better impeach him right now.

Go for it.

Did you go to school with him too?
Birthers. Truly moronic.

None of Obama’s other classmates knew him as Soetoro, or as a foreign student. Her account doesn’t fit the stories of several Obama classmates in the book Our Friend Barry: Classmates’ Recollections of Barack Obama from the Punahou School, nor David Maraniss’ well-researched book on Obama, Barack Obama: The Story. And how would she even know Obama in a town the size of Honolulu when he wasn’t even a classmate? She would have had no personal knowledge of his social-security number except by trolling birther-related web sites. She admits being familiar with the Larry Sinclair claims of homosexuality and cocaine use and could have picked those elements up from him. She repeats the false rumor that “nobody ever saw him at Columbia.” She brings up a fake YouTube photo showing Obama in a sexually provocative outfit. Her big mistake was saying that she saw Obama’s mother, who was not in Hawaii at the time. Here’s a video refuting the claim that the President was called “Soetoro” in high school. Here’s another video with a classmate, Sharon Yanagi.

Obama Conspiracy Theories | Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud since 2008Obama Conspiracy Theories


Every one knows that Obama is actually a five hundred year old vampire that is really a Free Mason that helped the founders write the Constitution, defeated the British almost single handedly, showed up again during the Civil war to help Lincoln win, then helped FDR with the Nazis.

He's really a good Vampire interested in making sure America doesn't go down the tubes.

Hence his present incarnation as President.


Oh my God.

He can't be gay!!!!

Not Obama!!!

Scott Lively, 'Kill The Gays' Bill Supporter, Pushes Claim Obama Is Gay, Dating Reggie Love

Scott Lively, 'Kill The Gays' Bill Supporter, Pushes Claim Obama Is Gay, Dating Reggie Love

An evangelical pastor, famous for his support of Uganda's so-called "Kill the Gays" bill, claims to have found further proof that President Obama is secretly gay.

Scott Lively made the claim in an entry on the website for his Defend The Family organization.

The short post, which consists of the headline "Obama Vacations with Reggie Love, Not Michelle" and subhead "More 'gay' grist for the rumor mill," links to a short article in The Weekly Standard, which reports on President Obama's return from his "solo vacation."

AF1 wheels down Andrews at 7:45pm. POTUS came back to have a 10-minute off the record talk with pool at the end of the flight.
Reggie Love departed AF1 soon after POTUS, apparently a guest for the weekend.

Marine One wheels up 7:55 pm

The clear implication here is that Obama and Reggie Love, the president's former personal assistant (also called a "body man") are dating. This is a claim that has been made before on various right-wing blogs, including the ultra-conservative WorldNetDaily (WND), which also claimed Love had been photographed "engaging in a homosexual act" at a party at the University of North Carolina.
Scott Lively, 'Kill The Gays' Bill Supporter, Pushes Claim Obama Is Gay, Dating Reggie Love

An evangelical pastor, famous for his support of Uganda's so-called "Kill the Gays" bill, claims to have found further proof that President Obama is secretly gay.

Scott Lively made the claim in an entry on the website for his Defend The Family organization.

The short post, which consists of the headline "Obama Vacations with Reggie Love, Not Michelle" and subhead "More 'gay' grist for the rumor mill," links to a short article in The Weekly Standard, which reports on President Obama's return from his "solo vacation."

AF1 wheels down Andrews at 7:45pm. POTUS came back to have a 10-minute off the record talk with pool at the end of the flight.
Reggie Love departed AF1 soon after POTUS, apparently a guest for the weekend.

Marine One wheels up 7:55 pm

The clear implication here is that Obama and Reggie Love, the president's former personal assistant (also called a "body man") are dating. This is a claim that has been made before on various right-wing blogs, including the ultra-conservative WorldNetDaily (WND), which also claimed Love had been photographed "engaging in a homosexual act" at a party at the University of North Carolina.


No, not really....
Birthers. Truly moronic.

None of Obama’s other classmates knew him as Soetoro, or as a foreign student. Her account doesn’t fit the stories of several Obama classmates in the book Our Friend Barry: Classmates’ Recollections of Barack Obama from the Punahou School, nor David Maraniss’ well-researched book on Obama, Barack Obama: The Story. And how would she even know Obama in a town the size of Honolulu when he wasn’t even a classmate? She would have had no personal knowledge of his social-security number except by trolling birther-related web sites. She admits being familiar with the Larry Sinclair claims of homosexuality and cocaine use and could have picked those elements up from him. She repeats the false rumor that “nobody ever saw him at Columbia.” She brings up a fake YouTube photo showing Obama in a sexually provocative outfit. Her big mistake was saying that she saw Obama’s mother, who was not in Hawaii at the time. Here’s a video refuting the claim that the President was called “Soetoro” in high school. Here’s another video with a classmate, Sharon Yanagi.

Obama Conspiracy Theories | Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud since 2008Obama Conspiracy Theories

Were you satisfying yourself while defending your king?
This is the one, gang - this will have his balls hanging from a Kenyan flag-pole!

Subject: Childhood Acquaintance of Obama

Obama High School Friend: Barry Soetoro "Portrayed Himself as a Foreigner"

James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

Ms. Pope was born in 1962, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.

Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro "always portrayed himself as a foreign student."

While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn't always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he "very much was in sort of the 'gay community,'" which she says that even back then was "thriving."

"We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager..as a young girl...it was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men," Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn't get along, largely in part to the fact that he was "a pathological liar, even back then."

Pope said that Soetoro's lies were "egotistical" and always to "boost himself." She referenced Barry "bumming cigarettes," and said that as soon as someone would give him a cigarette, he would instantly turn and walk away, after he had gotten what he wanted. In Pope's words, "He seemed to be incapable or genuine about anything."

Ms. Pope said that Barry Soetoro was always "getting with these older white men." She recognized that he was one that had cocaine, which she said was "newsworthy" in the groups she hung out in. They then began to believe it was Soetoro's engagements (ie. Homosexual acts) with these older white men is how he "procured" cocaine.

"In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys, and that's how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase," she told Manning.

Mia Pope also said that she actually saw Obama dress up as a transvestite. She remarked that it was during the era of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring Tim Curry, that this took place.

When asked by Manning why she came forward, and others were not, she said that because she it is a Christian and deeply concerned about her country. She says that if Barack Obama was doing a "good job" today, then she would not worry about his past. She wondered when Obama first came on the scene if he had, in fact, "changed his ways." Apparently, according to Pope, he had not. Pope said that she didn't care about his homosexuality or the fact that he used drugs in the past, but was concerned about who he was as an adult.

Pope says that her willingness to come forward has taken courage, and she believes it is "righteous" to speak out against Barack Obama.

"I refuse to be a coward," she added.

Ms. Pope also says that she had called the Federal Bureau of Investigations several times to expose Barack Obama's use of fake Social Security numbers, and nothing was done about it. This took place several years ago.

Pope said that when Barry's name began to be pushed forward as Barack Hussein Obama, she though there was "something shady" going on.

She was familiar with the claims of Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed prior to the 2008 elections that he had a homosexual relationship with Barack Obama and the two had smoked crack cocaine together.

Pope also said that for Obama to have attended the school he did, Punahou high School <http://www.punahou.edu/> (which he graduated from in 1979 <http://www.punahou.edu/alumni/community-groups/alumni-profiles/barack-obama/index.aspx> ), required a lot of money and it required that he start from kindergarten, but seeing that he was entering mid-level; she believes that he must have had "something stellar" which allowed him to get in, especially when he was "fresh from Indonesia."

Manning suggested that Obama's involvement with older white men is what got him into Punahou, and Pope seems to agree, though she used a reference to the CIA or some "force" that got Obama "set up" at Punahou. "It was certainly not a natural thing," she said.

They both agreed that has been the way things happened for young Soetoro from Punahou to Occidental to Columbia to Harvard. Pope pointed out that interviews were conducted with those who were in the same classes at Columbia that Obama was supposed to be in and not a single person remembers him being there!

When Dr. Manning asked Pope why she thought that Larry Bland, Nate Spencer and Donald Young <http://patdollard.com/2011/11/mother-of-obamas-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/http:/patdollard.com/2011/11/mother-of-obamas-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/> (all member of the church Obama attended, Trinity Church of Christ, where Jeremiah Wright pastors) were all killed within days of each other in Chicago, she said that she believed Obama's handlers like what he is doing to the country. Therefore, in her opinion, they have kept a lid on these murders.

Here is the entire interview:
Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report - YouTube
Mia Pope actually said those things! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! Oh and by the way, who the fuck is Mia Pope and why should I give a shit what he/she says.
You want me to watch and listen to a video from an ultra right sewer site. GET SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I do not waste time on either ultra left or ultra right sewer sites because of the fact that they both post lies, misinformation, and bullshit. The fact you willing eat that shit up pretty much tells us all we need to know about you.
Mia Pope actually said those things! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! Oh and by the way, who the fuck is Mia Pope and why should I give a shit what he/she says.
You want me to watch and listen to a video from an ultra right sewer site. GET SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I do not waste time on either ultra left or ultra right sewer sites because of the fact that they both post lies, misinformation, and bullshit. The fact you willing eat that shit up pretty much tells us all we need to know about you.

You sir, are wrong.

Also, you MUST watch the video or YOU are a commie as well.

Damn Liberals (this is fun!).
Subject: Childhood Acquaintance of Obama

Obama High School Friend: Barry Soetoro "Portrayed Himself as a Foreigner"

James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

Ms. Pope was born in 1962, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.

Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro "always portrayed himself as a foreign student."

While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn't always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he "very much was in sort of the 'gay community,'" which she says that even back then was "thriving."

"We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager..as a young girl...it was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men," Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn't get along, largely in part to the fact that he was "a pathological liar, even back then."

Pope said that Soetoro's lies were "egotistical" and always to "boost himself." She referenced Barry "bumming cigarettes," and said that as soon as someone would give him a cigarette, he would instantly turn and walk away, after he had gotten what he wanted. In Pope's words, "He seemed to be incapable or genuine about anything."

Ms. Pope said that Barry Soetoro was always "getting with these older white men." She recognized that he was one that had cocaine, which she said was "newsworthy" in the groups she hung out in. They then began to believe it was Soetoro's engagements (ie. Homosexual acts) with these older white men is how he "procured" cocaine.

"In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys, and that's how he was getting his cocaine to be able to freebase," she told Manning.

Mia Pope also said that she actually saw Obama dress up as a transvestite. She remarked that it was during the era of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring Tim Curry, that this took place.

When asked by Manning why she came forward, and others were not, she said that because she it is a Christian and deeply concerned about her country. She says that if Barack Obama was doing a "good job" today, then she would not worry about his past. She wondered when Obama first came on the scene if he had, in fact, "changed his ways." Apparently, according to Pope, he had not. Pope said that she didn't care about his homosexuality or the fact that he used drugs in the past, but was concerned about who he was as an adult.

Pope says that her willingness to come forward has taken courage, and she believes it is "righteous" to speak out against Barack Obama.

"I refuse to be a coward," she added.

Ms. Pope also says that she had called the Federal Bureau of Investigations several times to expose Barack Obama's use of fake Social Security numbers, and nothing was done about it. This took place several years ago.

Pope said that when Barry's name began to be pushed forward as Barack Hussein Obama, she though there was "something shady" going on.

She was familiar with the claims of Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed prior to the 2008 elections that he had a homosexual relationship with Barack Obama and the two had smoked crack cocaine together.

Pope also said that for Obama to have attended the school he did, Punahou high School <http://www.punahou.edu/> (which he graduated from in 1979 <http://www.punahou.edu/alumni/community-groups/alumni-profiles/barack-obama/index.aspx> ), required a lot of money and it required that he start from kindergarten, but seeing that he was entering mid-level; she believes that he must have had "something stellar" which allowed him to get in, especially when he was "fresh from Indonesia."

Manning suggested that Obama's involvement with older white men is what got him into Punahou, and Pope seems to agree, though she used a reference to the CIA or some "force" that got Obama "set up" at Punahou. "It was certainly not a natural thing," she said.

They both agreed that has been the way things happened for young Soetoro from Punahou to Occidental to Columbia to Harvard. Pope pointed out that interviews were conducted with those who were in the same classes at Columbia that Obama was supposed to be in and not a single person remembers him being there!

When Dr. Manning asked Pope why she thought that Larry Bland, Nate Spencer and Donald Young <http://patdollard.com/2011/11/mother-of-obamas-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/http:/patdollard.com/2011/11/mother-of-obamas-murdered-gay-lover-speaks-up/> (all member of the church Obama attended, Trinity Church of Christ, where Jeremiah Wright pastors) were all killed within days of each other in Chicago, she said that she believed Obama's handlers like what he is doing to the country. Therefore, in her opinion, they have kept a lid on these murders.

Here is the entire interview:
Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report - YouTube
Mia Pope actually said those things! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! Oh and by the way, who the fuck is Mia Pope and why should I give a shit what he/she says.
You want me to watch and listen to a video from an ultra right sewer site. GET SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
I do not waste time on either ultra left or ultra right sewer sites because of the fact that they both post lies, misinformation, and bullshit. The fact you willing eat that shit up pretty much tells us all we need to know about you.

Whats with you 4 to 5 libs that keep using the word 'us'.? Souldn't us be at least 8-10 of you libs?

Just sayin

Obama was born in Hawaii, period.

But that does not mean most of what is in the OP is true as we know it.

As witnessed here Obama was more then happy to have the image of being born in another country. And please don't try and tell us he didn't know for over 20 years:


We know he smoke cigarettes.

We know by his own mouth he used coke.

We know by his own mouth he belonged to a "koom" gang.

We know by his own words he drove DUI.

The only thing we don't know is if he was or is on the down low. Not that it matters if he dapped in homosexual being straight or gay certainly does not mean he would be any more successful in f...ing the country.
you should totally use this in 2016

Should have been used, all true. But McCain and Romney are not like Obama and didn't take out the trash.

Never the less it is just discussion points nothing we can do about the mistakes made twice.
This thread is just the kind of thing that convinces me that conservatives will never be in power in America.

And liberal responses to this thread, and others for that matter, convinces me that America has been flushed down the crapper.

The majority does rule, even if they are a steaming heap of dung

And you think the majority should not rule! You would prefer a monarchy or dictatorship instead. The bottom line is this, IN A DEMOCRACY IT IS THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY THAT PREVAILS, AS IT SHOULD. It is why we have elections.

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