Obama climate plan calls for new fuel economy standards for heavy-duty vehicles post-

The majority might not but Obama does. Obama has the power to do this too. ;)
They get no more massive piles of money than does coal. The differance is that Wind is actually cheaper per watt to build in most places now than is dirty coal. And the individual homeowner can use solar to fuel his car, power his home, and actually get a few dimes back from the power company at the end of the year. But then, Dave type people hate the idea of the homeowner gaining independence for the big energy corperations.

Coal need not be "dirty" and you know it. It also can never be 100% clean, I will grant that. In fact, no where near it. No such purely clean energy generation exists and it never will.

But markedly cleaner coal combustion is attainable, and it would be of great benefit to pursue such technology. Coal isn't going to magically fade away any time soon. Not by a long shot. And if you think that coal can somehow be supplanted out of the picture then you are fooling yourself.

Your "cheaper" Wind build-out comes at a great cost to wildlife that seems to be conveniently ignored. Well, if not ignored, it's certainly considered an acceptable collateral cost.

Why not do as your Dear Leader has admonished and embrace an "all of the above" approach? Allow me to answer that one for you... because he himself has not honored his own words.
Did you ever stop to consider that the reason the storms are happening (at a much greater frequency) is because of global climate change?

I stopped to consider that, and looked at the numbers to verify my thoughts. You, quite obviously, preferred to pretend you are a genius, and didn't look.



I mean...........................for fuck's sake..........................Canada is flooding and the oceans have risen about a foot over the past 10 years. Know what that means? In another 20 to 30 years, Florida is going to be underwater.

A foot in 10 years? You should let NOAA know, they should know.

By the way, they say that sea level is actually going down around Canada.

Sea Level Trends

And yeah.......................your investments (bridges, roads and energy infrastructure) sound good, and could very well work.

Only problem is, you've gotta convince the GOP.

Wouldn't it make more sense to change reality first?

I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?
Dave-types have declared certain economic doom for every single such change before. And they've been wrong, every single time. So why should anyone pay attention to Dave's sky-is-falling routine now?

When people pointed out that solar power would not make up a 10 to 20% of US electricity generating power by the year 2000 they were wrong?

Please note, Dave is not saying the sky is falling, he is pointing out that it isn't.
They get no more massive piles of money than does coal. The differance is that Wind is actually cheaper per watt to build in most places now than is dirty coal. And the individual homeowner can use solar to fuel his car, power his home, and actually get a few dimes back from the power company at the end of the year. But then, Dave type people hate the idea of the homeowner gaining independence for the big energy corperations.

That is a flat out lie.
I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?

Because we don't need an all of the above policy enforced by the government. we need the government to get out of the way and let people find solutions.
Did you know that the US already exceeded the Kyoto emissions protocols without government mandating more expensive energy?

That's what's great about technology and research! More R@D!!!

No, that is what's great about natural gas and fracking.

Natural gas and fracing (yes, there's no K in fracing), have less impact on the environment than does Wal Mart.

Stoopid little people. I have no time for you.
I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?

Because your all of the above will never supply the 50% of electrical power currently supplied by coal.

I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?

Because your all of the above will never supply the 50% of electrical power currently supplied by coal.


Really? The only reason that we don't have more power supplied by other forms of energy supply is because many people (like yourself) think that coal and gas are the only ways to go.

Remember...............gasoline used to be a waste product of the oil wells until the internal combustion engine came along.

Sorry, but we need to move on to other forms of energy production. Gas, oil and coal were just the starting points (much like water was at one time), and we need to move on to better ways.

Wind and Solar are the next step, only trouble is, certain people are making too much money off of gas and oil. They're gonna go broke when wind and solar are made economically viable (and that day is coming soon).
They get no more massive piles of money than does coal. The differance is that Wind is actually cheaper per watt to build in most places now than is dirty coal. And the individual homeowner can use solar to fuel his car, power his home, and actually get a few dimes back from the power company at the end of the year. But then, Dave type people hate the idea of the homeowner gaining independence for the big energy corperations.
Roxy, I want you to go to your breaker box and turn off every other breaker.

Half the nation's power is provided by coal. You want to turn it off.

So start with your house. See how quickly solar and wind take up the slack and turn back on half your house.

Almost all the power in Oregon is from hydro and wind, with Natural Gas providing most of the rest. One coal plant at Boardman, and it will soon be history.
I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?

Because your all of the above will never supply the 50% of electrical power currently supplied by coal.


Really? The only reason that we don't have more power supplied by other forms of energy supply is because many people (like yourself) think that coal and gas are the only ways to go.

Remember...............gasoline used to be a waste product of the oil wells until the internal combustion engine came along.

Sorry, but we need to move on to other forms of energy production. Gas, oil and coal were just the starting points (much like water was at one time), and we need to move on to better ways.

Wind and Solar are the next step, only trouble is, certain people are making too much money off of gas and oil. They're gonna go broke when wind and solar are made economically viable (and that day is coming soon).
I'm certainly not saying we shouldn't explore alternatives.

But to shut off the source of half our power before there's anything economical, viable, and scalable to take its place is insane.
They get no more massive piles of money than does coal. The differance is that Wind is actually cheaper per watt to build in most places now than is dirty coal. And the individual homeowner can use solar to fuel his car, power his home, and actually get a few dimes back from the power company at the end of the year. But then, Dave type people hate the idea of the homeowner gaining independence for the big energy corperations.
Roxy, I want you to go to your breaker box and turn off every other breaker.

Half the nation's power is provided by coal. You want to turn it off.

So start with your house. See how quickly solar and wind take up the slack and turn back on half your house.

Almost all the power in Oregon is from hydro and wind, with Natural Gas providing most of the rest. One coal plant at Boardman, and it will soon be history.
Ahhh...so you want to shut off ALL the breakers in OTHER people's houses.

How very compassionate. Who are Obama's cost-increasing energy policies going to hit the hardest?

The poor and the elderly.

Good job for supporting that. :clap2:
I'm for a all of the above(besides coal) future for energy. How is that stupid?

Because your all of the above will never supply the 50% of electrical power currently supplied by coal.


Really? The only reason that we don't have more power supplied by other forms of energy supply is because many people (like yourself) think that coal and gas are the only ways to go.

Remember...............gasoline used to be a waste product of the oil wells until the internal combustion engine came along.

Sorry, but we need to move on to other forms of energy production. Gas, oil and coal were just the starting points (much like water was at one time), and we need to move on to better ways.

Wind and Solar are the next step, only trouble is, certain people are making too much money off of gas and oil. They're gonna go broke when wind and solar are made economically viable (and that day is coming soon).

The government has been propping up solar power since Carter was President.

Want to try again?
They get no more massive piles of money than does coal. The differance is that Wind is actually cheaper per watt to build in most places now than is dirty coal. And the individual homeowner can use solar to fuel his car, power his home, and actually get a few dimes back from the power company at the end of the year. But then, Dave type people hate the idea of the homeowner gaining independence for the big energy corperations.
Roxy, I want you to go to your breaker box and turn off every other breaker.

Half the nation's power is provided by coal. You want to turn it off.

So start with your house. See how quickly solar and wind take up the slack and turn back on half your house.

Almost all the power in Oregon is from hydro and wind, with Natural Gas providing most of the rest. One coal plant at Boardman, and it will soon be history.

When was the last time they built a new dam up there?

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