Obama/Clinton Campaign Chief: "I know she (Hillary) has begun to hate every day Americans."

It can't be true if it's not plastered all over news with a bunch of faux outrage.
"everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion"

I remember her saying that early in the campaign, and literally laughing out loud at the sheer audacity of this avaricious creature trying to sell herself as a champion of Joe Average. it still makes me laugh actually.

she could be selling used cars in some seedy dealership with that kind of boldfaced bullshit.

Here, fixed if for you:

"Everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion, even if I can't stand you deplorable and irredeemable lowlifes."

You fixed her direct quote, not mine. Maybe you should email podesta with the suggested new verbage.

But I'll agree this is more representative of how she really views those she is claiming to want to champion rather than the lies she's been telling in that regard, little doubt about that.
Oh you guys crack me up. Someone in Hillary's campaign sends something silly to someone else in Hillary's campaign making sure it doesn't go to her. Someone else wrote that Hillary's daughter is a spoiled brat. Does that mean Hillary is responsible for someone name calling her daughter?

Never has Hillary been accused of stiffing a worker or a company. Trump's been accused of stiffing hundreds, if not thousands. For the life of me, I can't figure out why that doesn't matter to you. Trump stiffs guys like you. You know he does. Everyone knows he does. And you support him anyway KNOWING at the first chance, he will screw you over.


She eventually called them deplorables.

Here's some deplorables from Haiti that the clinton low lifes screwed out of much needed aid money. Of course this won't be brought up in the debates by the bought and paid for shills like anderson cooper.

Yup. Clintons fucked over blacks in Haiti; and they all know it. They do the same to American blacks; but they are "unaware" like the Clintons want.

Yeah…using a Times Roman font in a calibri/arial world…. very damning. They shouldn’t be working on a Sunday anyway…

Nice try, d-bag. That's Obama/Hillary campaign manager talking about Hillary hating everyday Americans. She fucked over everyday Americans and everyday Haitians. And we all know it. She can't win if the election is not rigged. Bitch is a train wreck.

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