Obama closes national mall to americans but allows illegals to have rally there!!!

We have a racist and traitor in our WH. Illegals have NO RIGHTS. The idea they do is absurd.

one day, when you read the Constitution, you will understand that even illegal aliens have rights in the USA.

The article did not say illegal, But if they are illegal then they should not have more rights to be in the government parks that US citizens who pay for them are not allowed into.
lets not be as foolish as they were.
Do you really think White folks would lose a war with brown folks?

It's possible.
Lets say you and your family are BROWN and you live in filthy Mexico, your boss at work asks you if he can spend some time alone with your wife and/or your 12 year old daughter and/or your son .......... you say:NO and/or GO FUCK YOURSELF
Your boss then fires you from your job, you can't pay any of your bills, you get eviction notices ............. child PIMP's offer you money to buy your children to put to work in the SEX trade .............. need I say more about filthy Mexico?
You and your BROWN family then flee America ......... only to find some overweight fat fuck with milky White skin telling YOU ...........YOU & your family can't be here.
So ............ what do you do now?

and you think inviting a war is good?
The govt has the gall to say it's because of the FIRST AMENDMENT rights that illegal invaders have!!!!

If i know my history correctly, along time ago there were some BROWN people here in the United States that told the White settlers that they were not allowed to live here ............. these BROWN people thought wrong, and got their asses kicked to near extermination, if they would have compromised, they would still be in control of the shit today.
Instead today, they own some ragtag tobacco stores & lease their properties for a fraction of it's value to Casino owners and operating them under the tribal name as a front ......... lets not be as foolish as they were.

Those were red skins not brown skins you fool. The indians picked a fight with the superior europeans and lost. Get over it.

Actually, it was the Europeans (who came to this country and invaded it) that picked a fight with the Native Americans.

Sorry, but it was the Europeans (which most white people are descended from) that picked the fight in the first place.

Remember Thanksgiving? It was the Native Americans who shared their bounty with the Pilgrims that started that holiday.

If it wasn't for the Native Americans, most Europeans would have died here.

Sorry, but I side with the Native Americans. And, granted, they have lands with casinos, but shouldn't they be allowed to make money on those that tried to wipe them out?
If i know my history correctly, along time ago there were some BROWN people here in the United States that told the White settlers that they were not allowed to live here ............. these BROWN people thought wrong, and got their asses kicked to near extermination, if they would have compromised, they would still be in control of the shit today.
Instead today, they own some ragtag tobacco stores & lease their properties for a fraction of it's value to Casino owners and operating them under the tribal name as a front ......... lets not be as foolish as they were.

Those were red skins not brown skins you fool. The indians picked a fight with the superior europeans and lost. Get over it.

Actually, it was the Europeans (who came to this country and invaded it) that picked a fight with the Native Americans.

Sorry, but it was the Europeans (which most white people are descended from) that picked the fight in the first place.

Remember Thanksgiving? It was the Native Americans who shared their bounty with the Pilgrims that started that holiday.

If it wasn't for the Native Americans, most Europeans would have died here.

Sorry, but I side with the Native Americans. And, granted, they have lands with casinos, but shouldn't they be allowed to make money on those that tried to wipe them out?

I agree that they should be given the same chance to make as much money as they wish.

Now they're fools if they think that their isolation was going to last for ever. Someone else would of done it sooner or later and probably through violence.
How about staying in mexico and reforming your own country? Why run off like a chicken shit to America?

Well im not a BROWN Mexican ........ thank God.
Reforming a country ........ well that's very easy for an Armed Registered Voter of the Untied States to say ......... hopefully you wont have that privilege for much longer.

What I am saying is this, land belong to nobody, it just depends upon what space you just so happening to be occupying at the time, to tell someone, you cant be here, ( as the stupid BROWN American Natives once did ) this is our land, and it belongs to us.

Eventually sooner or later, we would be treated like stupid backward-assed natives and a war would break out .............. when we could have been more reasonable and remained in control without firing one shot ........... then later on in the next dumbed down & pussified generation, you take away their guns & ....................... everything will be alright.
I'd say this is the craziest thing i ever heard of but CA just gave illegals the right to practice law!!

And driver's licenses, although Moonbeam brown stopped short of putting them on juries.

Driver's license means they'll vote.

I too was surprised that brown agreed juries are for citizens only.

Yeah, because a driver's license automatically confers citizenship.

Reactionary idiot.
So do you people even believe in our borders and laws stating that these people must be deported??

President Obama must because he has departed more than any other president.

How about staying in mexico and reforming your own country? Why run off like a chicken shit to America?

Since they're not coming here any more, that's exactly what is happening.
The govt has the gall to say it's because of the FIRST AMENDMENT rights that illegal invaders have!!!!

Park Service OKs immigration reform rally on 'closed' National Mall - Washington Times

October 7, 2013

The National Park Service is allowing an immigration reform rally to go on as planned Tuesday on the National Mall, even though it’s closed due to the federal shutdown.

Susana Flores, a spokesperson for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform,” confirmed that the Park Service will allow the event to take place under the group’s rights granted by the First Amendment, the Washington Examiner reported.

Several members of Congress are expected to attend the rally, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, and Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat.

They probably just figured you wouldn't be able to keep them out. Hell they broke the law to get in the country, what makes you think a few barrycades would keep em out.

Didn't stop the WWII vets.
The govt has the gall to say it's because of the FIRST AMENDMENT rights that illegal invaders have!!!!

They probably just figured you wouldn't be able to keep them out. Hell they broke the law to get in the country, what makes you think a few barrycades would keep em out.

Didn't stop the WWII vets.

You mean those guys that fought so that you had a right to type your gibberish?

You are correct
The govt has the gall to say it's because of the FIRST AMENDMENT rights that illegal invaders have!!!!

Park Service OKs immigration reform rally on 'closed' National Mall - Washington Times

October 7, 2013

The National Park Service is allowing an immigration reform rally to go on as planned Tuesday on the National Mall, even though it’s closed due to the federal shutdown.

Susana Flores, a spokesperson for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform,” confirmed that the Park Service will allow the event to take place under the group’s rights granted by the First Amendment, the Washington Examiner reported.

Several members of Congress are expected to attend the rally, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, and Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat.
I think it is wonderful that immigrants will have a chance to hold a rally on the National Mall. If it pisses you wingnuts off I am all for it.

YES ! it pisses me off that illegal aliens have more rights than i as a 37th generation born in America citizen has. :up:

They probably just figured you wouldn't be able to keep them out. Hell they broke the law to get in the country, what makes you think a few barrycades would keep em out.

A real president would send troops in to shoot these criminal invaders. That's what rand paul and ted cruz should say. Sure - the controlled media would crucify them, but so what?. No american really believes foreigners have a right to invade america and demand citizenship.

I'd say broadcast the event. Let the Democrat senators, and the Vice President have their political party, throw in some vendors and Obama souvenirs to draw a bigger crowd. Then following the last political speaker at the podium, have a member of INS with the police come in and hold a big deportation raid. Merely follow the example of Obama, and don't let a big political event or crisis go to waste.
Let's try to get back on topic.

Why is it OK for some people to have rallies and not others?? Who gets to pick and choose who's going to use public property paid for by taxpayers.

Are all those going to this rally taxpayers?? I'd be willing to bet $10,000 those vets are tax paying citizens.

It's all for the votes, period. There are no principles left in this country. If the Dictator says do it, it's done........because he said so.

Repubicans wanted this shut-down.

Stop lying.

Nope, the republicans want the government to do like the peasants, live within their means. The Dems are the one's refusing to negotiate........it's all or nothing for them. Keep repeating the lie long enough, some will actually believe it.

How about staying in mexico and reforming your own country? Why run off like a chicken shit to America?

The mexican govt encourages their dissidents to go to america and live off the hated gringo. We are idiots to let any mexican come here and yet obozo invites them by the millions.
Remember Thanksgiving? It was the Native Americans who shared their bounty with the Pilgrims that started that holiday.

If it wasn't for the Native Americans, most Europeans would have died here.

And if it wasn't for today's whites providing welfare for indians, most indans would be starving to death right now.
The govt has the gall to say it's because of the FIRST AMENDMENT rights that illegal invaders have!!!!

Park Service OKs immigration reform rally on 'closed' National Mall - Washington Times

October 7, 2013

The National Park Service is allowing an immigration reform rally to go on as planned Tuesday on the National Mall, even though it’s closed due to the federal shutdown.

Susana Flores, a spokesperson for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform,” confirmed that the Park Service will allow the event to take place under the group’s rights granted by the First Amendment, the Washington Examiner reported.

Several members of Congress are expected to attend the rally, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, and Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat.

Cool so if any other groups want to use the parks than all they have to claim is that it is their FIRST AMENDMENT rights to protest the shutdowns of the parks.

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