Obama: Columbus Day a Time to ‘Reflect on Tragic Burdens Tribal Communities Bore’


Aug 13, 2012
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

What a fucking slam on this country. Should we just end the country and force everyone to go home?

Is this what you people want???

The honest truth is every tribe did the same thing to each other. This is human nature. America stands for something better.

Obama is one scary sob.
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'Tribal communities' were raiding, raping, pillaging and plundering one another long before the Euros got in on the act.

I imagine Oblamers tribal ancestors speared and roasted a few innocents in his past.
There were tribes that sided with the white man against other tribes. All wanted to kill each other and never were at peace.

So you want to end the united states and burn all the cities down??? Seriously, this is what it sounds like to me.

Another thing can you name me a race, culture, people that haven't been replaced? History is full of this. This is just hatred against white people and the concept of the united states.
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Yes they were much better off with their Stone Age culture. Contrary to popular propaganda, indians flocked to Spanish missions for food and protection from other indians, whose national sport was enslavement, rape, torture and murder of other indians. Also, the reason US Army forts were established throughout the West was to protect pioneers on the way to to California and Oregon from being murdered by indians, who also tried to kill their oxen just to watch them starve. Just ask the Donner party.

P.S. The racial/SAT article referred to above is invalid on its face due to the heterogeneous genetic makeup of most Americans. It also ignores the vast subcultural differences in our society which particularly influence young people, regardless of their families' economic status.
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Yes they were much better off with their Stone Age culture. Contrary to popular propaganda, indians flocked to Spanish missions for food and protection from other indians, whose national sport was enslavement, rape, torture and murder of other indians.

Sort of like the various tribes of people in Africa in the 1800's, some of which would capture others and provide them to the Americans as slaves.
The Noble Indian


that's a proven fact, no matter how much liberals hate America.
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

I'm sorry you don't like historical fact.

I've always been confused about why we need to celebrate Columbus. He didn't discover anything that hadn't already been discovered. Nothing.
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

I'm sorry you don't like historical fact.

I've always been confused about why we need to celebrate Columbus. He didn't discover anything that hadn't already been discovered. Nothing.

Well bring it......what facts?
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

I'm sorry you don't like historical fact.

I've always been confused about why we need to celebrate Columbus. He didn't discover anything that hadn't already been discovered. Nothing.

Well bring it......what facts?

Well, before Columbus, the peaceful 'tribal communities' did not know war or of the shocking practice of 'scalping' their slain adversaries as a trophy.

oh wait
Smallpox anyone? Hell during Pontiacs rebellion they gave the Indians smallpox infected blankets as a peace offering.
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

Essentially, yet another in a long line of apologies from Obama. This is getting pathetically sad.
In his presidential proclamation recognizing Columbus Day issued last week, President Barack Obama said the holiday was a day to “celebrate our heritage as people born of many histories and traditions” and a time to “reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” since the explorer arrived on the North American continent in 1492.


And here I thought it was to celebrate the man known as Columbus. :confused:

I'm sorry you don't like historical fact.

I've always been confused about why we need to celebrate Columbus. He didn't discover anything that hadn't already been discovered. Nothing.

"Though Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas (having been preceded by the Norse expedition led by Leif Ericson in the 11th century), Columbus's voyages led to the first lasting European contact with the Americas, inaugurating a period of European exploration, conquest, and colonization that lasted for several centuries. They had, therefore, an enormous impact in the historical development of the modern Western world."

It's still Columbus Day not "celebrate and reflect on American Indian Day." :cool:
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