Obama commits another felony. Builds schools for illegal aliens.

Because not only has he been meeting with illegal immigration advocates in the Oval Office more than once, but he is in charge of border enforcement.

Obama Meets In Oval Office With Illegal Aliens CNS News
Obama Urges Immigration Advocates To Keep Focus On Congress

Obama is supposed to fix a problem that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has been able to fix?

Think about that for a minute ... did Reagan have the answer? Nixon? The Bush's, Ford and so on?

I see -- Obama did it too, so we'll throw him in jail? Great Cathula's ghost!!!

His supporters keep saying he's so smart. Guess he's just another unqualfied one in a government job.
Middle Eastern and African countries have taken in millions of refugees from plague, war and pestilence, and do so without complaint. These are countries with far fewer people and resources of the United States and the refugees have genuinely been a burden to their host countries.

The US, the richest country in the world, has taken in 100,000 children from Central American countries and Americans are calling for the President's arrest/impeachment and whatever.

Do you realize how selfish you appear to the rest of the world? You, who have so much, are unwilling to help what amounts to a very small number of children in danger. And this from a country which calls itself Christian.

Your attitude towards these refugees is beyond appalling.
Au, contraire mon ami... Qatar, followed by Luxembourg, Singapore, Norway, Brunei and Hong Kong are richer than we are! Their attitude toward the refugees is appalling! We pick up the tab while we are trillions in debt and look at them! They do nutting!
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Do you think I really care what someone from a shithole like Canada thinks about my belief as to these criminals going home?

How many are you going to help personally? I won't ask how many you are willing to take./c
That will only show your level of good intentions. Until you actually take some in, words mean nothing The reand your claims about what someone else should do mean even less.

Conservatives seemed awfully concerned about their "standing" in the world and how Obama has diminished them abroad. In fact, Obama is well respected in the rest of the World, but American politics, and in particular, the antics of a$$hat conservatives has seriously diminished people's view of Americans.

You deny climate change, refuse to support the elected government, and rail against universal health care, which the rest of the first world nations consider a citizen's right. And the idea of taking in 100,000 children from violent countries, is disgusting to you. My country took in Jewish children in WWII. We have family unification programs where poor elderly parents of adult immigrants in Canada get to come here and have access to our health care programs.

Every day I see ads on American TV for the Wounded Warriors Project - begging for contributions to care for wounded veterans. Why isn't your government paying for care for these people from taxpayers' dollars. Why must they beg for assistance.

Reading the posts here, conservatives come across as incredibly selfish and mean-spirited.
Do you think I really care what someone from a shithole like Canada thinks about my belief as to these criminals going home?

How many are you going to help personally? I won't ask how many you are willing to take./c
That will only show your level of good intentions. Until you actually take some in, words mean nothing The reand your claims about what someone else should do mean even less.

Conservatives seemed awfully concerned about their "standing" in the world and how Obama has diminished them abroad. In fact, Obama is well respected in the rest of the World, but American politics, and in particular, the antics of a$$hat conservatives has seriously diminished people's view of Americans.

You deny climate change, refuse to support the elected government, and rail against universal health care, which the rest of the first world nations consider a citizen's right. And the idea of taking in 100,000 children from violent countries, is disgusting to you. My country took in Jewish children in WWII. We have family unification programs where poor elderly parents of adult immigrants in Canada get to come here and have access to our health care programs.

Every day I see ads on American TV for the Wounded Warriors Project - begging for contributions to care for wounded veterans. Why isn't your government paying for care for these people from taxpayers' dollars. Why must they beg for assistance.

Reading the posts here, conservatives come across as incredibly selfish and mean-spirited.

Why do you see ads on American TV for the Wounded Warriors Project - begging for contributions to care for wounded veterans? Think about it. The government is spending all their money on the illegals coming into the states, feeding, housing and educating them.

Now, how much care and concern will they give to the 3-4,000 soldiers they just sent over to West Africa to fight the Ebola problem when they come back possibly infected?
How Obama has used executive powers compared to his predecessors - The Washington Post

Two other Republican leaders used their executive powers to great effect. In May 1989, George H. W. Bush temporarily halted the importation of some semi-automatic firearms, following a school shooting in Stockton, Calif. This was made permanent a month later. Ronald Reagan also enacted some significant policy initiatives through executive power. The NSA has said that its controversial collection of e-mail and Internet data, for example, was authorized back in 1981 by Reagan's executive order. His order on cattle grazing in 1986 continues to rile bloggers to this day and in 1987, and Reagan issued an executive order banning federal workers from using drugs on and off duty.

Whereas other presidents used the pen for an extraordinary measure, Obama used for common practice to avoid confrontation with Republicans and real thinking Democrats.

I dunno about that one -- you just took a jab at congress for doing nothing. Maybe he knows that its too hard to get things done?
Would love to see the curriculum and any literature they are given.

I guess it would include math and science, etc.


Or how to get food stamps, welfare, and any other social program the bleeding hearts think they should get.

They're seriously teaching kids that? Really?

Try not using your imagination to fill in the blanks so much.

How else are they going to know how to bilk the system like so many illegals already do? I guess you think all those getting it learned how to do so through mental telepathy.
Do you think I really care what someone from a shithole like Canada thinks about my belief as to these criminals going home?

How many are you going to help personally? I won't ask how many you are willing to take./c
That will only show your level of good intentions. Until you actually take some in, words mean nothing The reand your claims about what someone else should do mean even less.

Conservatives seemed awfully concerned about their "standing" in the world and how Obama has diminished them abroad. In fact, Obama is well respected in the rest of the World, but American politics, and in particular, the antics of a$$hat conservatives has seriously diminished people's view of Americans.

You deny climate change, refuse to support the elected government, and rail against universal health care, which the rest of the first world nations consider a citizen's right. And the idea of taking in 100,000 children from violent countries, is disgusting to you. My country took in Jewish children in WWII. We have family unification programs where poor elderly parents of adult immigrants in Canada get to come here and have access to our health care programs.

Every day I see ads on American TV for the Wounded Warriors Project - begging for contributions to care for wounded veterans. Why isn't your government paying for care for these people from taxpayers' dollars. Why must they beg for assistance.

Reading the posts here, conservatives come across as incredibly selfish and mean-spirited.

I'm concerned just how much an incompetent moron like Obama is embarrassing the U.S.

I deny climate change because it doesn't exist. I, like Hillary Clinton said when Bush was in office, can be patriotic and challenge those in power. I rail against universal healthcare because it's nothing more than an attempt by the bleeding hearts to redistribute wealth. I don't really give a shit what the rest of the world thinks is a right. I don't anyone healthcare, food, clothing, shelter, etc. That doesn't mean if I see a need I don't meet it in a manner I determine. What it means is you aren't going to make that determination for me then force me to fund it the way you think it should be done. I ask again. How many of those are you going to take personally? What disgusts me is when those who say we should take them are offered the same challenge then want to pass the costs off to someone else who they say "can afford to pay more taxes". I don't care what your country did in WW II or what it does now with healthcare. I care what YOU are willing to do personally as it involves YOU doing it rather than having your government do it.

Reading your post, it seems you're simply another good intentioned, bleeding heart Liberal that claims to care then considers governmental redistribution of wealth as the same thing as if you did it personally. Wanting to keep more of what I'VE earned isn't selfish but someone that didn't earn it thinking that somehow a portion of it is theirs damn sure is.

When you can show me in the U.S. Constitution where I owe anyone anything, I'll be glad to read it.

His supporters keep saying he's so smart. .

I haven't heard any liberal make that claim lately. Everybody can see obozo is stupid and everything he's gotten in life has been thru affirmative action. If the press had done it's job and investigated him in 2008 he'd have never been nominated.

His supporters keep saying he's so smart. .

I haven't heard any liberal make that claim lately. Everybody can see obozo is stupid and everything he's gotten in life has been thru affirmative action. If the press had done it's job and investigated him in 2008 he'd have never been nominated.

They may not use those exact words but when one questions the adminstration's take on what the Constitution says, his supporters are quick to remind us that he's the expert meaning he's smarter than us.
Do you realize how selfish you appear to the rest of the world? You, who have so much, are unwilling to help what amounts to a very small number of children in danger. And this from a country which calls itself Christian.

Your attitude towards these refugees is beyond appalling.
Au, contraire mon ami... Qatar, followed by Luxembourg, Singapore, Norway, Brunei and Hong Kong are richer than we are! Their attitude toward the refugees is appalling! We pick up the tab while we are trillions in debt and look at them! They do nutting!

Which is smart of them. Only america is dumb enough to let other countries dump their sick and poor and unskilled on them.

You deny climate change, refuse to support the elected government, and rail against universal health care, which the rest of the first world nations consider a citizen's right. And the idea of taking in 100,000 children from violent countries, is disgusting to you. My country took in Jewish children in WWII. We have family unification programs where poor elderly parents of adult immigrants in Canada get to come here and have access to our health care programs.


Hey stupid ignorant jackass. America allows BY FAR more legal immigration than any other country in the world. We have been way too accomodating and it's time to stop. Obozo is letting other countries dump their welfare bums on us.
Perhaps giving these invaders their own schools will protect american kids from the many diseases these foreign animals have. But the correct solution is to return them all to mexico.
First day here and I don't really know anyone, but I've seen your avatar a few times already.

Are you vilest and most rabid poster or what?
When you start with "Dude", you've proven you're simply a waste of life.

Look, DUMBASS, you are brand fucking new here -- don't act like you run this joint, M'kay?

Do I work for you? No. Do you sign my paycheck? No. Am I in any way a dependent of yours? No. Am I currently on your property where you make the rules? No. Since the answer is no to all of those questions, seems to me you have no say over what I do or how I act. You sound like another tough guy who is trying to be a big boy to offset his failures in life. Since you don't amount to shit in life, wipe your ass and run along.

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