Obama: Confederate Flag Belongs In A Museum

The confederate flag only flew for 4 years.

But the American flag flew on slave ships for several decades.

Just saying......... :cool:

That's because the southern states demanded the Constitution keep the slave trade legal for 20 years.

Oh, and in fact the Slave Trade Act of 1794 prohibited American ships from transporting slaves.
Still the guy's got a point...

The American flag did, indeed, fly above slaver-ships, for some years, after we implemented the Constitution...

And, of course, Northern colonial shipping magnates made fortunes in the triangular trade between the Colonies, Great Britain, and Africa, for more than a century prior to that, with those ships leaving England for Africa, to pack their holds full of the poor wretches, for the return-leg back to the Colonies...

Northern shippers got rich off of it, and Northern harbor-towns profited by it, and Northern seamen and their families made a living off of it, for many years, until slavery became a specialized pursuit, and specialized slaver-ships and slaver-crews began to take over the otherwise generic slave trade...

The South bears the brunt of guilt for the Slave Trade, but the collective hands of the North have blood on them as well, for much of the early-to-middling life of Slavery in this country (say, from the middle 1600s to the late 1700s) - in the heyday of the Slave Trade, before things began to thin-out in the run-up to the 1808 cut-off date...

It's just that the North - once that particular Meal Ticket disappeared - began to collectively delude itself that its morals were superior to those of the South, and to pretend that it had always opposed Slavery, when, in truth, attitudes Up North were always a Mixed Bag, until very late in the game, as the Civil War approached...

Or so I remember the facts and my own conclusions from some serviceable reading on the subject, years ago.

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