Obama Congratulates New Egyptian Pres. Who Says Their New Capital Will Be Jerusalem

NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

From a dictatorship to a theocracy :clap2: Way to go code pink you did it.

If a country's citizens vote for a theocracy, that's what they get.

It is kind of Hard to Blame them though. I mean they fight and fight to Get this Chance, then their Choices are the last dudes Foreign Minister or the Muslim Brotherhood. Kinda shitty lol.

Our best Hope, and I know it sucks to say it, is that the Military Maintains Control of most things.
This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

Well here's hoping that cleric doesn't get his wish.

but my money is on Egypt going full Yemen and war with Israel.

I guess this new president of Egypt has no recollection of the 1967 war with Israel in which the Egyptians were crushed in a few short days.
Islamists do not wage war in a conventional sense. They wage a campaign of terror vs non-military targets.
Instead of all this Chicken Littling going on, how about we see how it plays out.

At the end of the day it is up to Egypt to vote in who they want..
NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

From a dictatorship to a theocracy :clap2: Way to go code pink you did it.

If a country's citizens vote for a theocracy, that's what they get.

While you're cheering the fall of a dictatorship in name you cheer another form of dictatorship in the name called theocracy. I have a feeling Mubarck will be sorely missed in about three years or so. But thats on those people they wanted it let'em have it.
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This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.
From a dictatorship to a theocracy :clap2: Way to go code pink you did it.

If a country's citizens vote for a theocracy, that's what they get.

While you're cheering the fall of a dictatorship in name you cheer another form of dictatorship in the name called theocracy. I have a feeling Mubarck will be sorely missed in about three years or so. But thats on those people they wanted it let'em have it.

I'm not "cheering" for anything.

I just think it's none of our damn business who they choose.

Thanks to Obama we're closer to war than ever before.

Remember when Obama said that the Arab Spring movement was just Democracy? Remember when many of us were saying that this was just a repeat of the Iranian Islamic Revolution only on a larger scale?

Well, the Muslim Brotherhood is firmly in control of Egypt, and their new Muslim Brotherhood President says God Willing they will plant their flag in Jerusalem and make it their new capital city. Cleric Introduces Egypt's New President: Our Capital 'Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing'

The left said this was all about Democracy. We told them that this was about a new Islamic movement.

Well, now it's a reality.

June 24, 2012

The White House congratulated Egypt’s president-elect Mohamed Morsi on his victory in that country’s presidential election, calling it a “milestone” in the country’s transition to democracy.

“We look forward to working together with President-elect Morsi and the government he forms, on the basis of mutual respect, to advance the many shared interests between Egypt and the United States,” press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

“We believe that it is important for President-elect Morsi to take steps at this historic time to advance national unity by reaching out to all parties and constituencies in consultations about the formation of a new government. We believe in the importance of the new Egyptian government upholding universal values, and respecting the rights of all Egyptian citizens – including women and religious minorities such as Coptic Christians. Millions of Egyptians voted in the election, and President-elect Morsi and the new Egyptian government have both the legitimacy and responsibility of representing a diverse and courageous citizenry,” Carney said.

“The United States intends to work with all parties within Egypt to sustain our long-standing partnership as it consolidates its democracy. We commend the Presidential Election Commission and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) for their role in supporting a free and fair election, and look forward to the completion of a transition to a democratically-elected government,” Carney said. “We believe it is essential for the Egyptian government to continue to fulfill Egypt’s role as a pillar of regional peace, security and stability. And we will stand with the Egyptian people as they pursue their aspirations for democracy, dignity, and opportunity, and fulfill the promise of their revolution.” Before It's News

Anyway, here we are. Three years after the opening salvos of Obama’s Arab Spring were fired in a speech in Cairo, and from all indications, the world has become a much more dangerous place in which to live. Welcome To Obama's Arab Spring




FLASHBACK: Obama in Cairo, 2009: America Will Not Support An Egyptian Gov‘t ’Ruthless in Suppressing the Rights of Others’; Will Only Welcome New Gov‘t ’With Respect for All’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Mohammed Morsi Wins Egypt’s Presidential Election | TheBlaze.com

Allen West Calls for Obama to Immediately Cut All American Foreign Aid to Egypt Following Election Results | TheBlaze.com

I would not say they are firmly in Control. The Military still hold nearly all the Power, As I understand it there in Negotiations on who will control what, and many think the New President will end up only in control of Domestic Issues. While the Military will continue to control Defense and Foreign Relations.

if that is the Case, the Egyptian Military is Profession, and Secular, and it Remembers Fighting Israel before and how that went. They are not about to support doing anything like what this Fool is Railing about.

Dude is just getting the people excited and talking out his ass.

I hope :)
This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.
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If a country's citizens vote for a theocracy, that's what they get.

While you're cheering the fall of a dictatorship in name you cheer another form of dictatorship in the name called theocracy. I have a feeling Mubarck will be sorely missed in about three years or so. But thats on those people they wanted it let'em have it.

I'm not "cheering" for anything.

I just think it's none of our damn business who they choose.

Sounded like you was in this post
Funny, you liberal moonbats shit yourselves if anybody invokes, if only in passing, anything Christian yet defend a government now run by the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.

Islam is the perfect amalgam of religion and piolitics... something if Christian, you'd spit upon.

You're all such cowards.

NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

But as I said it's there country, they'll need bailing out or have a safe harbor for terrorist to train in,
This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.

I don't disagree with you, but that's not the point.

What do you think should have been done?
While you're cheering the fall of a dictatorship in name you cheer another form of dictatorship in the name called theocracy. I have a feeling Mubarck will be sorely missed in about three years or so. But thats on those people they wanted it let'em have it.

I'm not "cheering" for anything.

I just think it's none of our damn business who they choose.

Sounded like you was in this post
Funny, you liberal moonbats shit yourselves if anybody invokes, if only in passing, anything Christian yet defend a government now run by the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.

Islam is the perfect amalgam of religion and piolitics... something if Christian, you'd spit upon.

You're all such cowards.

NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

But as I said it's there country, they'll need bailing out or have a safe harbor for terrorist to train in,

Nope, don't see any "cheering" there.

Just facts.
I'm not "cheering" for anything.

I just think it's none of our damn business who they choose.

Sounded like you was in this post
NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

But as I said it's there country, they'll need bailing out or have a safe harbor for terrorist to train in,

Nope, don't see any "cheering" there.

Just facts.

Just came across that way.
We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Yes, and I feel since we propped him up so far, we have some Obligation to not just let him fall and let something that could end up be much worse for the People of Egypt replace him.

We could have let him fall at anytime, but with some Preparation and support to the right people before hand, we could have made sure someone other than then Muslim Brother hood had what it takes to compete for some share of the Power in the Country after it well.

By letting Him Fall like we did, we set up the Choice, Old Guys Minister, or Muslim Brotherhood. You ask me this outcome should have been predictable.

When a Revolution happens like this one, you don't tend to get the Moderates as the leaders of the Rebels, they tend to be the Radicals.

And this case is no different.

Not that I blame Obama for this, Other than for being wrong about it being all great. This could potentially be the biggest threat to Peace the world has seen in some time. If this Guy gets control of the Egyptian Military we could be looking at war in the Middle East, and we all know if Israel ever gets their backs to the wall, what they have and will use.
It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.

I don't disagree with you, but that's not the point.

What do you think should have been done?

That we armed the fuck out of Israel and let the bastards know, that under no uncertain terms, Israel, is our friend and ally. I read someone say we should now stay out of it? No we should have stayed out it and not given them help in overthrowing Mubarak.
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The MB is democratic and nonviolent. Everything you "know" is wrong, dupes.

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment

Islamist and non-violent are oxymorons
Funny, you liberal moonbats shit yourselves if anybody invokes, if only in passing, anything Christian yet defend a government now run by the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.

Islam is the perfect amalgam of religion and piolitics... something if Christian, you'd spit upon.

You're all such cowards.

NOT vomiting out hysterical fear-mongering nonsense isn't the same thing as defending.

Egypt was a dictatorship, and now they have free elections - and someone you don't like won. What exactly do you suggest that we do?

No...Egypt is now an Islamic state. The Qu'ran their new constitution. Sharia is the law of the land.
There is nothing democratic about any of that.
We isolate Egypt. Pull our Ambassador and close our Embassy. The Dept of State issues a travel ban for Egypt.
They hate Americans anyway.
If only every country would just embrace Christianity, and agree with the American right wing on everything. :banghead:
This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

You should ask that question of our President and our Sec'y of State. Both have DEMANDED the Egyptian military hand over power to the new government.
Now ask yourself, what business is it of ours the affairs of a foreing nation.
Quite frankly, if Egypt became an isolated 7th century mentality theocracy, I could not care less.
As long as the Suez Canal remains open, Egypt is a non factor. The place has no economy anymore. The tourist industry which was Egypt's main source of income has all but shut down. The only other thing Egypt has that anyone would want to buy is Dates.

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