Obama Congratulates New Egyptian Pres. Who Says Their New Capital Will Be Jerusalem

Simple answer to this.

Israel to Egypt. Stay in your own borders. Or we destroy the Temple Mount and rebuild the Jewish Temple...in the same image that Solomon's when he first erected it.

If they don't stay in their border. Blow the fucking Temple Mount to little pieces of rock.

Want to bet that the jews get blamed for starting the conflict?
This is why I think Lefties are so Fucking Naive. They see an uprising in the Middle east and think Peace, and Democracy have some. They have attacked America for years for supporting Dictators, all along we have said we do so because the Alternative could be worse. Low and Behold we are watching that Fact play out.


I am sure if the govern of Syria Falls tomorrow the Left wing Dance and sing about Democracy and give Obama Credit for "freeing Syria" then scratch their Heads when Syria becomes the Next Muslim Theocracy we helped Create.

Exactly why we should have either never went into Iraq, Or never left, Same for Afghan. If we really wanted a Free nation to grow there we needed Generations to make it work. You can't just Topple these guys and expect things will get better.

It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.

I don't think anybody thought it was going to end up pretty. Nobody...
It comes simply down to this: Which is better, a semi-friendly oppressive dictatorship, or a hostile democracy?

And who are we to decide who should rule another country?

We didn't bring down Mubarak, we just stopped propping him up.

Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.

I don't think anybody thought it was going to end up pretty. Nobody...

Then why did Obama tout it like this was some Great thing Happening in Egypt? we just watched a Dictator that Kept his Country Stable and not at war for Decades go, and some Fucking wack Job Take over who is at least talking like he would like to see war.

and Obama was bragging this shit up.
Pfft, the military has run Egypt for decades and will find a way to continue to do so. Mohamed Morsi needs to watch his back is all I can say.

Damn I can't wait for November so we can put this chapter of American politics to rest once and for all.
Then why did Obama tout it like this was some Great thing Happening in Egypt? we just watched a Dictator that Kept his Country Stable and not at war for Decades
Yes, we should support dictators all around the world and just forget this spreading democracy non sense. :cool:
Chavez isn't a dictator either, ya GD fearmongered brainwashed ignorant xenophobic Ugly ''Merican Pub dupe MORONS. Change the gd channel! LOL
No doubt the MB President isn't a lover of Israel and desires a bunch of dead Jews, but I doubt he will be able to act on his love of dead Jews anytime soon.

First, he doesn't have power. The first the the GENERALS did was strip the Prez of all his power and disband the Parliament, giving the "temporary" legislative powers. The Generals said temporary on everything, but when is anything ever temporary in military coups.

Second, there had a "majority" if you believe in a non-rigged election, but he won 51-49% That is as close ot half as you come. Can you say divided country. A country divided in the West leads to some protest, but order is restored. A divided country in the Arab world leads to death, destruction, atrocities and a bloody civil war. Why expect any difference here.

Third, many many cries from the protestors in Egyptian Islamic Coup were screaming about the how few jobs there were. The so-called revolution took a shit economy and make it 100 fold worse. Unemployment is at crisis levels. Tourism, there main industry, is dying. The youth can't find work and are getting angry. The economy isn't get better it's getting worse. Ask the LA ghettos or WATTS how easy it is in an industrialize country to make a comeback after devastrating riots?

Fourth, as the new regime finds out that $1.5 bil in US aid goes a long way, they won't want to jeopardize it.

Fifth, Israel is moving away from reliance on Egypt oil. One they fought a GINORMOUS natural gas reserve, that will not only satisfy it's energy needs, but also allow them to be a natural gas exporter. They are also building a system to allow the electric car to thrive!

The Muslim Brotherhood is finding out what all brutal terrorist organizations find out, It's Easier to Conquer Than It Is to Rule!!!

Guess Egypt is going to war with Isreal now, first he says he doesn't want peace with Isreal then he says going to make Jerusalem his capital city, sounds alot like War to me.

The new prez says he just quit the Muslim Brotherhood and he says he will allow beer and bikinis..........

I didn't know they went together.

Oh, I noticed a sausage-fest at the protests.

Hardly a female among them.

Guess nobody wanted to get raped.


Thanks to Obama we're closer to war than ever before.

Remember when Obama said that the Arab Spring movement was just Democracy? Remember when many of us were saying that this was just a repeat of the Iranian Islamic Revolution only on a larger scale?

Well, the Muslim Brotherhood is firmly in control of Egypt, and their new Muslim Brotherhood President says God Willing they will plant their flag in Jerusalem and make it their new capital city. Cleric Introduces Egypt's New President: Our Capital 'Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing'

The left said this was all about Democracy. We told them that this was about a new Islamic movement.

Well, now it's a reality.

June 24, 2012

The White House congratulated Egypt’s president-elect Mohamed Morsi on his victory in that country’s presidential election, calling it a “milestone” in the country’s transition to democracy.

“We look forward to working together with President-elect Morsi and the government he forms, on the basis of mutual respect, to advance the many shared interests between Egypt and the United States,” press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

“We believe that it is important for President-elect Morsi to take steps at this historic time to advance national unity by reaching out to all parties and constituencies in consultations about the formation of a new government. We believe in the importance of the new Egyptian government upholding universal values, and respecting the rights of all Egyptian citizens – including women and religious minorities such as Coptic Christians. Millions of Egyptians voted in the election, and President-elect Morsi and the new Egyptian government have both the legitimacy and responsibility of representing a diverse and courageous citizenry,” Carney said.

“The United States intends to work with all parties within Egypt to sustain our long-standing partnership as it consolidates its democracy. We commend the Presidential Election Commission and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) for their role in supporting a free and fair election, and look forward to the completion of a transition to a democratically-elected government,” Carney said. “We believe it is essential for the Egyptian government to continue to fulfill Egypt’s role as a pillar of regional peace, security and stability. And we will stand with the Egyptian people as they pursue their aspirations for democracy, dignity, and opportunity, and fulfill the promise of their revolution.” Before It's News

Anyway, here we are. Three years after the opening salvos of Obama’s Arab Spring were fired in a speech in Cairo, and from all indications, the world has become a much more dangerous place in which to live. Welcome To Obama's Arab Spring




FLASHBACK: Obama in Cairo, 2009: America Will Not Support An Egyptian Gov‘t ’Ruthless in Suppressing the Rights of Others’; Will Only Welcome New Gov‘t ’With Respect for All’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Mohammed Morsi Wins Egypt’s Presidential Election | TheBlaze.com

Allen West Calls for Obama to Immediately Cut All American Foreign Aid to Egypt Following Election Results | TheBlaze.com
Calling it a Hostile Democracy is even Naive. You know how these things work. If this Dude gets the Control I am sure he wants, there will never be another really free election in Egypt, the Place will be like Iran. It won't be a Democracy, Just another Banana Republic where the people are kept in line by Fear, and the so called President serves for a life time.

and I never said we should get to decide who rules Egypt. Were just talking about how naive some were thinking this was going to end up all Pretty.

I don't think anybody thought it was going to end up pretty. Nobody...

Then why did Obama tout it like this was some Great thing Happening in Egypt? we just watched a Dictator that Kept his Country Stable and not at war for Decades go, and some Fucking wack Job Take over who is at least talking like he would like to see war.

and Obama was bragging this shit up.

Wishful thinking by a naive community organizer!
Instead of all this Chicken Littling going on, how about we see how it plays out.

At the end of the day it is up to Egypt to vote in who they want..


Then why did Obama tout it like this was some Great thing Happening in Egypt? we just watched a Dictator that Kept his Country Stable and not at war for Decades
Yes, we should support dictators all around the world and just forget this spreading democracy non sense. :cool:

Yep if you believe there was an election, just like Alamdouchebag won in Iran!
Well we certainly see who really cherishes democracy in action and those that prefer foreign propped dicatorships.
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Remember the good old days when after no WMD's were found in Iraq, the warmongering Right fell back on the case that

liberating the Iraqi people and spreading democracy throughout the Middle East were the 'real' reasons getting 4000+ Americans killed was worth it.

Well, was it worth it?

It would have been until Obama came along and gave his Cairo apology speech. That is what started the Egypt uprising, and then he couldn't be bothered to get a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq to insure a peaceful transition.

In other words, the incompetent bastard fucked it all up.
You fucking libs tout 'democracy' likes it's some great thing, when all it is is mob rule. There is no protection of the rights of the minority. That's why our Founders were so adamantly AGAINST it as a form of government.
remember the good old days when after no wmd's were found in iraq, the warmongering right fell back on the case that

liberating the iraqi people and spreading democracy throughout the middle east were the 'real' reasons getting 4000+ americans killed was worth it.

Well, was it worth it?
It is kind of Hard to Blame them though. I mean they fight and fight to Get this Chance, then their Choices are the last dudes Foreign Minister or the Muslim Brotherhood. Kinda shitty lol.

Kinda like having to choose between Obama and Romney.
Instead of all this Chicken Littling going on, how about we see how it plays out.

At the end of the day it is up to Egypt to vote in who they want..


Then why did Obama tout it like this was some Great thing Happening in Egypt? we just watched a Dictator that Kept his Country Stable and not at war for Decades
Yes, we should support dictators all around the world and just forget this spreading democracy non sense. :cool:

Yep if you believe there was an election, just like Alamdouchebag won in Iran!

It's their sovereign country. Do you want people from other countries dictating to us who we vote and what is a 'valid' election? Let's keep our noses out of their business and internal issues unless it really affects us in a material way.
You fucking libs tout 'democracy' likes it's some great thing, when all it is is mob rule. There is no protection of the rights of the minority. That's why our Founders were so adamantly AGAINST it as a form of government.

I agree that a republic is a GREAT system of governance for Our country. How other countries choose to have their for of governance is THEIR BUSINESS.
You fucking libs tout 'democracy' likes it's some great thing, when all it is is mob rule. There is no protection of the rights of the minority. That's why our Founders were so adamantly AGAINST it as a form of government.

This country is democratic and republican and the minorities were not given rights until 1960's.

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