Obama considers himself "Eye Candy"


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama Offers Himself Up as ‘Eye Candy’ on ‘The View’ | XFINITY TV Blog by Comcast

President Barack Obama on Monday sought to woo women voters at a taping of the daytime talk show “The View,” by flirting with his wife and bearing gifts for the hosts, but he could not escape tough questions on the economy that have dominated the election.

When host and veteran journalist Barbara Walters kidded Michelle Obama about bringing the president as her “date,” Obama quipped, “I’ve been told I’m just eye candy here.”

What a clown, our Country is falling apart ,and he is yep yapping on talk shows.......:eusa_whistle:
While the ME burns, The economy is stagnant, Iran is developing a nuke:

Even Hollywood disagrees with Der Obama

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO1el3JMrS8]Nobody wants to f*ck Obama - YouTube[/ame]
The celebrity 'eye candy' President busy campaigning, fundraising , and hob-nob with his Hollywood friends. He’s been entirely too busy to actually be President, but he has plenty of time to enjoy the perks.

If Barry's Eye Candy then his big-assed old lady is an entire Candy Factory.

I bet she could kick your ass though.

Its tuff to be an asshole like you who is dumb as fuck and the first lady could stomp huh
Barack Obama doesn't even come close to being 'eye candy'. Hell, he's not even a tall drink of water. He's mere skin and bones and unattractive ... imho.

Will Smith ... or L.L. Cool J. ... now there's some eye candy.
I bet I could kick your ass to if you tried to harm me

Wow, first thing in the morning and I have to read this Loon's wacky tripe. You're one of those insane people who think you're normal.. You probably sport 2 inch thick black glasses, a bass colored mullet with strands of hair falling out due to the lice infested within.. and a hawaiin Muu-Muu that you bought from a local yard sale for 35 cents. You're the forum standing joke. Call your neighbor in the next door trailer and ask him for a muzzle.
Men and women are dying in A-Stan and this assclown makes an appearance on "The View" and yucks it up with his fellow Socialists.

Fucking disgusting...
Men and women are dying in A-Stan and this assclown makes an appearance on "The View" and yucks it up with his fellow Socialists.

Fucking disgusting...

Well didn't you get the Whitehouse memo? Obama is really busy and he'll probably run into those world leaders at the reception.

"White House Press Secretary Jay Carney faced pressure to explain Monday why President Obama has made no public plans to meet one on one with world leaders on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.
Asked repeatedly at the briefing about the president's plans, Carney said that Obama likely would run into foreign leaders at a reception Monday evening and continues to stay in contact with them."

Read more: White House pressed on why Obama UN itinerary doesn't include meetings with world leaders | Fox News
If Barry's Eye Candy then his big-assed old lady is an entire Candy Factory.

I bet she could kick your ass though.
Its tuff to be an asshole like you who is dumb as fuck and the first lady could stomp huh

Time for a game of Work Mix with this brilliant post...

"The tuff asshole could kick the dumb lady first then fuck you who like in the ass and stomp though huh."

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