Obama Consults With MSNBC Host Al Sharpton, and Other 'Civil Rights Leaders,' on Fisc


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
Well, with whom did you suppose America's first celebutard president was going to meet, credentialed economic advisers?
of course he does..

how do you think they are all on their KNEES for him at PMSnbc

this is who is making our decisions. along with Unions, moveon, and other lefty groups...but they BOUGHT him so now it's time for payback..

gives you the warm fuzzies doesn't it
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What would you wanna' consult with Al Sharpton about besides how to race-bait and speak jibberish?
The rich will pay, they need to be punished and if you don't want to pay, you are just a racist slave owner.
I expect the phrase "economic justice" (i.e., redistribution of wealth) was bandied about much.
obama is not interested in solutions such as those in finance or economics would bring. All he wants is a longer list of demands all those rich people will pay for.
[Just gotta love the Left: {Quote, author left anonymous for obvious reasons}]

"Ya better learn to speak ebonics ya stupid white bitch, my hommie Barak Obama is finsta enslave da white race before 2016, ya hear me."

[Thanks for doin' me the favor, daveman, in your Al Sharpton post. Too lazy to dig into zip's site and retrieve its companion for my other post. Motivated now, though.
zip's site to the regular run of the mill Conservative news and opinion sites is like the new, hot spicy Crackerjacks are to the old original, only for kids style brand of Crackerjacks.]

No Joke: Obama Consulted With Degenerate Race-Hustler Al Sharpton, Other “Civil Rights Leaders,” On Fiscal Talks… | Weasel Zippers
Ever consider that maybe Obama knows cuts are gonna have to happen, and he's seeking the help of people like that in selling the necessity of that message to those folks??

Imagine if Obama spends 4 years actually moving to the center/right, and draws in more moderates with smart budget cuts, common sense tax changes, etc?

Democrats will win every election for 10 years if that happens.
Ever consider that maybe Obama knows cuts are gonna have to happen, and he's seeking the help of people like that in selling the necessity of that message to those folks??

Imagine if Obama spends 4 years actually moving to the center/right, and draws in more moderates with smart budget cuts, common sense tax changes, etc?

Democrats will win every election for 10 years if that happens.
Do you really think it's going to take a concerted effort from the propagandists at CCCPNBC to convince Boiking's blindly devoted cultists to question anything he may or may not do?...Really?

If Sharpton is considered a "civil rights leader", that would go a long, long way towards explaining why we still have so many problems in that area.

Fiscal Cliff must much have can we........
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah a bunch of dated civil rights losers will know how to halt our Nations fiscal doom just ahead!
2. Yeah lets get some old jerk off negro civil rights morons to *SAVE THE DAY*!
3. If anything Obama will throw them ahead of himself to land on as a cushion.
4. I couldn't make this shit up this bad if I could imagine it!!!:badgrin:
LINL:Obama Consults With MSNBC Host Al Sharpton, and Other 'Civil Rights Leaders,' on Fiscal Talks | The Weekly Standard

"This afternoon, President Barack Obama consulted with MSNBC host Al Sharpton, who's also associated with the National Action Network (NAN), about the fiscal talks between the White House and Congress. At the same meeting, Obama also consulted with other "leaders of civil rights and civic organizations."

5. Wouldn't the average politician know that these old fucks don't know shit about the over all economy?
6. Thats like if you were sick and needing brain surgery you go to some back fucking woods witch doctors in Africa! :badgrin:

Another question, aren't most of these lobbyists? Why is the man that promised not to allow lobbyists access to the White House meeting with lobbyists about the budget?

* Peter Berns, The Arc
* Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK
* Chad Griffin, Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
* Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR)
* Deepa Iyer National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA)
* Ben Jealous, NAACP
* Marc Morial, National Urban League
* Janet Murguia, National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
* Barry Rand, AARP
* Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising.org
* Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network (NAN)
* Aaron Smith, Young Invincibles
* Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners
Ever consider that maybe Obama knows cuts are gonna have to happen, and he's seeking the help of people like that in selling the necessity of that message to those folks??

Imagine if Obama spends 4 years actually moving to the center/right, and draws in more moderates with smart budget cuts, common sense tax changes, etc?

Democrats will win every election for 10 years if that happens.

Not for a second.

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