Obama Creates 4,000,000 Jobs.

Why You Don?t Know Obama Has Created 4.5 Million Jobs - The Daily Beast.


President Obama has created over 4,000,000 jobs, with over 55-Straight Months of Job/Economic Growth.

Compared to the shrub's numbers. The former deserter-in-chief created 8.57 Million Jobs, but net loss of 7.121 Million Jobs Lost for net gain of 1.536 Million Jobs.

Over 1.5 Million Jobs were lost in the last full quarter (September, October, November and December) 2008. The shrub left office in January 2009.

Republicans continue to block President Obama's attempts on Infrastructure Jobs.

But when the number of Jobs created by President Obama is compared to Jobs created by bush, the stark truth is that that more jobs were created under Mr. Obama than under bush who left this country with a crippling National Debt and Two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) that were fully paid for and were financed by continuing resolutions.

Real quick, I noted from your article an update:

[UPDATE: I rechecked my math this morning, and it's a good thing I did. I had originally given Obama nearly 2 million more jobs created than the actual numbers reflect. Obviously, I want to be accurate here. I added and re-added these three times.]

Secondly, he gives Bush job losses in the months following Obama taking office because he blames it on Bush. However, he blames Bush for the job losses soon after Bush takes office. Why the difference? Funny how Bush is responsible for everything and those preceding him are not.
the only jobs Obama has created is MORE GOVERNMENT jobs YOU GET TO PAY FOR

Nothing wrong with creating govt jobs if they're the right kind of govt jobs. So what are the right kind, you ask ? How about >>

1. ICE agents

2. Border Patrol officers

3. Construction workers to build the Mexican border fence.

4. Immigration court personnel

5. Immigration jail personnel

6. Security guards for airports and ports.

Maybe if these were the govt jobs being created, we wouldn't have to ask TO WHOM are the new created jobs going ? Nor would we have to guess how many (most?) are going to illegal alien invaders and foreigners on work visas.

Private sector jobs have increased, government jobs have decreased during the Obama years.

"Obama still has three years to hypothetically make up the difference in public job creation between himself and his two [Truman, Clinton] federal employee-cutting predecessors, but just to break even government at all levels will need to hire more than 200,000 workers every year until his term ends..."​

pink slips
Barack Obama has shrunk the US federal workforce more than Ronald Reagan

By Tim Fernholz @timfernholz February 11, 2014

But not nearly as much as Bill Clinton or Harry Truman.

The most recent US jobs report highlighted a trend that has defined president Barack Obama’s battle for jobs growth: Even as the private sector expands, reductions in the public workforce are dragging back total job creation—and economic growth.

But how does it fit in with the historical picture? Let’s start with what the president has the most control over: There have been three modern episodes in which federal employees have been cut during a presidential administration: the post-World War II demobilization under president Harry S Truman (1945-53); the Cold War peace dividend and budget cuts under president Clinton (1992-2000); and now Obama, who has downsized the federal government during the recession. Here’s a comparison:


But to get a full picture of the impact public hiring has had on the economy, look at the figures for total public employment, which includes state and local employees like teachers, police officers and firemen:


Clinton’s job cuts don’t even show up—the economic boom of the 1990s allowed states to keep hiring and make up the difference—and while Ronald Reagan’s first two years of domestic cuts in 1981 and 1982 resulted in reductions of 66,000 federal workers, by the end of his term he reversed course and hired a net 240,000 federal workers. Even Truman finished his term as a net public job creator despite demobilization, with 540,000 more people publicly employed when he left office.

But Obama, five years in, still has a public jobs deficit of 645,000 to make up if he wants to break even as a government job-creator. The problem is that even as federal workers have been downsized, state and local governments haven’t seen enough growth to make up for the recession costs like they did in the 1950s or 1990s, and federal aid to states during the recession has been delivered at levels consistently lower than Obama’s requests.

lol, he's shrunk the federal government

man you believe that you should be laughed at

Why You Don?t Know Obama Has Created 4.5 Million Jobs - The Daily Beast.


President Obama has created over 4,000,000 jobs, with over 55-Straight Months of Job/Economic Growth.

Compared to the shrub's numbers. The former deserter-in-chief created 8.57 Million Jobs, but net loss of 7.121 Million Jobs Lost for net gain of 1.536 Million Jobs.

Over 1.5 Million Jobs were lost in the last full quarter (September, October, November and December) 2008. The shrub left office in January 2009.

Republicans continue to block President Obama's attempts on Infrastructure Jobs.

But when the number of Jobs created by President Obama is compared to Jobs created by bush, the stark truth is that that more jobs were created under Mr. Obama than under bush who left this country with a crippling National Debt and Two Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) that were fully paid for and were financed by continuing resolutions.

That IS pretty impressive considering all the Repub/T-party House has done is pass "defund O'Care" bills which they KNEW would be DOA in the Senate. Keep doing what you are able to Mr. President :salute:
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Bush took the employment rate of the 197 million working age population from 74% down to 65%. Bush destroyed 18 million jobs. :eek:

Obama took the employment rate of the 203 million working age population from 65% up to 69%. Obama restored or created 8 million jobs. :eusa_clap:

Employment Rate of Working Age Population

Obama is mopping the floor with both Bush's. They could only dream of having Obama's increased employment rates. For 5 years now Household Income, Hires & Quits rates have been rising while the Unemployment & U-6 rates have been falling. :eusa_clap:

Employment is rising at increasing velocity. First 6 months of 2014 average 231k jobs added per month, last year the average was 194K jobs added per month. :eusa_clap:

The last time over 200,000 new jobs were created 6 months in a row was in 1999 when Bill Clinton was president! :eusa_clap:

Let's look at the state of the economy under Obama and see where we stand.

A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 31.6 percent of Americans were in poverty for at least two months from 2009 to 2011, a 4.5 percentage point increase over the pre-recession period of 2005 to 2007. Of the 37.6 million people who were poor at the beginning of 2009, 26.4 percent remained in poverty throughout the next 34 months, the report said.

Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times

Sometimes it's better to look at "quality" over quantity. Are Americans able to restore the household income they lost since Obama took office?

Presidents don't create jobs.


And in those 55 months, people who have applied for 1st time unemployment benefits have outnumbered those gaining employment. Nice try Comrade.

Don't forget all the disabled people trying to get the SS money they paid in back who have been denied,

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