Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Homosexuals lifespans are cut short 20 years than normal people's, that's even without AIDs. You are 60 times more likely to catch HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases if you are homosexual. CDC stats and numerous studies prove this. You are just ignorant to the facts.
ok, so you are just looking out for the lives of gay people? how nobel of you.
No. I hope and pray they all die of AIDS.
wonderful, then don't make that dumb ass argument again ya phony
You said there is no logical reason to oppose homosexuality and I gave you more than one. You're an idiot and a phony. Take a hike, failure.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
You're a homosexual, you lack logic and reason...
That's why you're a faggot.
If you think that...... No, I don't even have a sarcastic remark for that kind of ignorance. Just as an FYI, if the SCOTUS rules a law to be unconstitutional, the law is invalid. Period.
Here is your future US Supreme court >> :biggrin:




I wonder if Richter scales are picking up all the impotent foot stomping in this thread. Powerless little whiners.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
Silly boy. Don't you know that queer groups and the ACLU go judge shopping before they file their claims ? When they find just the one who they know will rule in their favor, THEN they file. All this will be eradicated when Trump's SCOTUS judges take over (see Post # 862) Also, after Trump appoints these Conservative judges, the number of SCOTUS judges will be increased to 13, and solidified at that number. This will insure a conservative supreme court for as long as 100 years.

Liberals, Bon Voyage! Sweden is waiting for you. :biggrin:
I wonder if Richter scales are picking up all the impotent foot stomping in this thread. Powerless little whiners.
You have no power. How does that make you feel?

Gays are marrying and raising their families in every state and you can't do shit about it. Save whining about it on the Internet. I feel fine. Thanks for asking.
You avoided my question. You have no power, how does that make you feel?
I wonder if Richter scales are picking up all the impotent foot stomping in this thread. Powerless little whiners.
You have no power. How does that make you feel?

Gays are marrying and raising their families in every state and you can't do shit about it. Save whining about it on the Internet. I feel fine. Thanks for asking.
You avoided my question. You have no power, how does that make you feel?

Powerful enough to defeat crybabies such as yourself in the court of public opinion and in the courts of law. It gives me great joy knowing you can't really do anything about it.

Keep whining, though. It only further accents my point.
If you think that...... No, I don't even have a sarcastic remark for that kind of ignorance. Just as an FYI, if the SCOTUS rules a law to be unconstitutional, the law is invalid. Period.
Here is your future US Supreme court >> :biggrin:

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Not a snowball's chance in hell.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
Silly boy. Don't you know that queer groups and the ACLU go judge shopping before they file their claims ? When they find just the one who they know will rule in their favor, THEN they file. All this will be eradicated when Trump's SCOTUS judges take over (see Post # 862) Also, after Trump appoints these Conservative judges, the number of SCOTUS judges will be increased to 13, and solidified at that number. This will insure a conservative supreme court for as long as 100 years.

Liberals, Bon Voyage! Sweden is waiting for you. :biggrin:

So you think Trump just gets to assign judges? Slept thru civics class, huh?
ok, so you are just looking out for the lives of gay people? how nobel of you.
No. I hope and pray they all die of AIDS.
wonderful, then don't make that dumb ass argument again ya phony
You said there is no logical reason to oppose homosexuality and I gave you more than one. You're an idiot and a phony. Take a hike, failure.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
You're a homosexual, you lack logic and reason...
That's why you're a faggot.
You don't know what I am and you're a moron for assuming that you know.
No. I hope and pray they all die of AIDS.
wonderful, then don't make that dumb ass argument again ya phony
You said there is no logical reason to oppose homosexuality and I gave you more than one. You're an idiot and a phony. Take a hike, failure.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
You're a homosexual, you lack logic and reason...
That's why you're a faggot.
You don't know what I am and you're a moron for assuming that you know.
Dude, you've said you are a homosexual on these very boards. So yes I do.
humans have the capacity to think logically and critically to resist sexual urges, animals do not have that capacity.

Thanks for playing.

Vacuous drones like RegressiveParasite obviously do not have the capacity to think, period.

Human sexuality is not instinctive? Talk about reducto ad absurdum.

What should anyone resist their sexual urges when it comes to a consenting adults?

Nobody gives a shit what you do about your urges, just keep it to yourselves. If you assholes would have just left things alone life would have been fine. Instead %4 of the most obnoxious bed wetters in the country are getting far more attention than they deserve.

How about focus of the meat puppet faggot "president" who DOUBLED the debt after saying he'd cut it in half. The fact that I called him a faggot is what these pillow biters will cry about and the $20TRILLION debt won't be thought of.

Because there's no capacity for thought in a moonbat.

I wonder if Richter scales are picking up all the impotent foot stomping in this thread. Powerless little whiners.
You have no power. How does that make you feel?

Gays are marrying and raising their families in every state and you can't do shit about it. Save whining about it on the Internet. I feel fine. Thanks for asking.
You avoided my question. You have no power, how does that make you feel?

Powerful enough to defeat crybabies such as yourself in the court of public opinion and in the courts of law. It gives me great joy knowing you can't really do anything about it.

Keep whining, though. It only further accents my point.
You didn't defeat anyone. It's just begun.
wonderful, then don't make that dumb ass argument again ya phony
You said there is no logical reason to oppose homosexuality and I gave you more than one. You're an idiot and a phony. Take a hike, failure.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
You're a homosexual, you lack logic and reason...
That's why you're a faggot.
You don't know what I am and you're a moron for assuming that you know.
Dude, you've said you are a homosexual on these very boards. So yes I do.
Have I? I don't discuss my personal sexuality with anyone. It's none of your fucking business unless you're looking for a date. Is that why you want to know? I do not confirm or deny by sexual orientation because to deny it would be to validate your bigotry. However, I will say, it is the height of stupidity to assume that all supporters of LGPT people are LGBT
You said there is no logical reason to oppose homosexuality and I gave you more than one. You're an idiot and a phony. Take a hike, failure.
You gave a logical reason? Really? If your reason is so logical, how come the vast majority of federal courts that have ruled on gay issues- ranging from sodomy to marriage- have found that there is no rational basis- leave alone a compelling government interest in denying gays rights?
You're a homosexual, you lack logic and reason...
That's why you're a faggot.
You don't know what I am and you're a moron for assuming that you know.
Dude, you've said you are a homosexual on these very boards. So yes I do.
Have I? I don't discuss my personal sexuality with anyone. It's none of your fucking business unless you're looking for a date. Is that why you want to know? I do not confirm or deny by sexual orientation because to deny it would be to validate your bigotry. However, I will say, it is the height of stupidity to assume that all supporters of LGPT people are LGBT
Yes you did. And no, I am not a sodomite bug chaser so you can go to the bathhouse if you're looking for a date.
Gays are marrying and raising their families in every state and you can't do shit about it. Save whining about it on the Internet. I feel fine. Thanks for asking.
Sure we can do something about it. We can elect Donald Trump president, and have him appoint conservative judges to the SCOTUS, who will drive the queers, and liberals right out of the country. Bon Voyage queers, liberals. :badgrin:
Powerful enough to defeat crybabies such as yourself in the court of public opinion and in the courts of law. It gives me great joy knowing you can't really do anything about it.

Keep whining, though. It only further accents my point.
A FALSE joy. enjoy your trip to Sweden. :badgrin:
Gays are marrying and raising their families in every state and you can't do shit about it. Save whining about it on the Internet. I feel fine. Thanks for asking.
Sure we can do something about it. We can elect Donald Trump president, and have him appoint conservative judges to the SCOTUS, who will drive the queers, and liberals right out of the country. Bon Voyage queers, liberals. :badgrin:

Did you find a Monkey's Paw? lol

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