Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

What I am talking about is consenting adults. And while you may think oral sex is stupid, the majority of people disagree. Just like the majority of people are ok with gay marriage.

But, just to clarify, the difference between kidnap/torture and gay people enjoying sex is that the latter does no harm.
I don't believe that the majority of people consider oral sex to be smart or are OK with queer marraige. Thee are liberal media inventions. As for harm I've already indisputably shown how, in a number of ways it is harmful. Now you pretend you didn't hear or know about it. Ho hum.
You want others to change who they are because you don't want to see it?? Sorry, Sparky, life doesn't work that way. No one promised you wouldn't see things you didn't like.

But then, you also want the federal gov't to take over Major League Baseball, so you have shown you expect the works to cater to your view alone. Lol

Get used to it. Gays are not going back in the closet.
1. They would not change who they are. The are who (what sex) they were born as. The changing who they are is what YOU want them to do. YOU want them to change from being a boy to a girl (or some goofball resemblance of that).

2. I don't expect the world to cater to my view alone. I do expect an American to respect my right to freely express my opinion (without adding your BS to it)

3. I don't care what QUEERS do, including the laughable practice of calling themselves "gay". I don't accept that, I don't get used to it, and I believe the great majority of Americans don't accept what these sorry individuals do either. Strike 3 for you.

4. Anti-queer sentiment is growing. After Trump takes over, homosexuality will be banned and queers will be imprisoned, just like in other countries. That's what you'll have to get used to. :biggrin:

1. Try and stay on topic. We are discussing homosexuality, not transgendered.

2. Bullshit. You expect gay couples to refrain from any public displays of affection. You even claimed they would be lucky to stay alive if they do. Express your opinion. Just don't expect the laws to change.

3. Every major poll I have seen shows the majority have no problem with gay marriage.

4. If Trump wins, he will be the POTUS. That does not mean he passed laws. And the SCOTUS will rule any attempt to make homosexuality illegal will be ruled unconstitutional.
Dreaming is all you have. Homosexuals are not going back in the closet. Either get used to it, hide from it, or kill them and spend your life in prison.
They will be out of the closet IN OTHER COUNTRIES, having fled from the US. This country is going to become great again, and its going to be without the stain of sex perverts running around.
What I am talking about is consenting adults. And while you may think oral sex is stupid, the majority of people disagree. Just like the majority of people are ok with gay marriage.

But, just to clarify, the difference between kidnap/torture and gay people enjoying sex is that the latter does no harm.
I don't believe that the majority of people consider oral sex to be smart or are OK with queer marraige. Thee are liberal media inventions. As for harm I've already indisputably shown how, in a number of ways it is harmful. Now you pretend you didn't hear or know about it. Ho hum.

You have not shown any such thing. You have claimed they are converting the young. But that is bullshit.
No, there is no harm.
You also said pleasure seeking is natural right? Petting cats and shit... You say masterbation is fine... Are blow jobs ok? Why does it matter how that pleasure is obtained?

Where you raised with a religious background? That often explains the lack of rationale on this issue
I didn't say blow jobs were OK or natural. They're not. They're unnatural and stupid, as is all oral sex.

Of course it matter how pleasure is obtained. If someone derives pleasure by kidnapping women, imprisoning them in a basement, and torturing them for years, you'd say it doesn't matter ? :rolleyes-41:

And you can forget the religion angle. That doesn't enter into my thinking one iota. I see this as your insanity vs my sanity.
I didn't say blow jobs were OK or natural. They're not. They're unnatural and stupid, as is all oral sex.
Poor guys never had a good BJ... somebody take him to Vegas! Listen you hypocrite... Its fine if you don't moral subscribe to this stuff, but thats your choice. It is not an absolute that needs to apply to all of us. You admitted that it is natural to seek pleasure. You like to pet cats... I might call that animal abuse... What do you think about that?

Of course it matter how pleasure is obtained. If someone derives pleasure by kidnapping women, imprisoning them in a basement, and torturing them for years, you'd say it doesn't matter ? :rolleyes-41:
You are talking about illegal activity that causes harm to other NONCONSENTING people. Gay people loving each other is not even close to your examples.

Are you have NO religious background? Sounds like you do and are dodging the answer. Don't be shy about your love for God.
Dreaming is all you have. Homosexuals are not going back in the closet. Either get used to it, hide from it, or kill them and spend your life in prison.
They will be out of the closet IN OTHER COUNTRIES, having fled from the US. This country is going to become great again, and its going to be without the stain of sex perverts running around.

The last two rulings on homosexuality, from the highest court in the land, have been to remove laws against gay sex and to allow same sex marriage. But you think they will rule in favor of laws against homosexuals??? Yeah, you are dreaming.
What I am talking about is consenting adults. And while you may think oral sex is stupid, the majority of people disagree. Just like the majority of people are ok with gay marriage.

But, just to clarify, the difference between kidnap/torture and gay people enjoying sex is that the latter does no harm.
I don't believe that the majority of people consider oral sex to be smart or are OK with queer marraige. Thee are liberal media inventions. As for harm I've already indisputably shown how, in a number of ways it is harmful. Now you pretend you didn't hear or know about it. Ho hum.

You have not shown any such thing. You have claimed they are converting the young. But that is bullshit.
No, there is no harm.
It's not bullshit, you ignorant man.
Dreaming is all you have. Homosexuals are not going back in the closet. Either get used to it, hide from it, or kill them and spend your life in prison.
They will be out of the closet IN OTHER COUNTRIES, having fled from the US. This country is going to become great again, and its going to be without the stain of sex perverts running around.

The last two rulings on homosexuality, from the highest court in the land, have been to remove laws against gay sex and to allow same sex marriage. But you think they will rule in favor of laws against homosexuals??? Yeah, you are dreaming.
Screw the courts, that'll change.
No wonder protectionist is such an asshole all the time, he has never had a good hummer. Poor sap. lol
There are numerous examples of homosexuality in nature. Quite a few species have been documented as having same gender pairings. And it has nothing to do with a lack of opposite gender mates or dominance.
What you seem to not understand is you cannot use animal homosexuality to claim homosexuality in humans is normal. That is reductio ad absurdum.

Animals do not 'normally' practice homosexual behavior first off, second..animal sexuality is instinctive and most experts agree that it is conflicting stimuli that confuses their instincts which causes them to do those things. Thirdly, humans have the capacity to think logically and critically to resist sexual urges, animals do not have that capacity.

Thanks for playing.
Human sexuality is not instinctive? Talk about reducto ad absurdum.

What should anyone resist their sexual urges when it comes to a consenting adults?
Not in the same way that the lower animal's sexuality is. It isn't entirely instinctive, it can be influenced by outside factors and we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate. A dog doesn't, it'll hump whatever it can.

You fail my friend.
I think you just proved his point when you said "we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate." This is true and there is no logical reason besides religious or social engineering that makes homosexuality a "wrong" thing.
Yes there is. Because it spreads disease and death.
Homosexuality doesn't spread disease and death... Sex does.. Did you want to ban that too?

If you really believed that argument then i'd think you support the act to weed out the enemy. Don't tell me you are fighting to preserve the lives of the LGBT
What you seem to not understand is you cannot use animal homosexuality to claim homosexuality in humans is normal. That is reductio ad absurdum.

Animals do not 'normally' practice homosexual behavior first off, second..animal sexuality is instinctive and most experts agree that it is conflicting stimuli that confuses their instincts which causes them to do those things. Thirdly, humans have the capacity to think logically and critically to resist sexual urges, animals do not have that capacity.

Thanks for playing.
Human sexuality is not instinctive? Talk about reducto ad absurdum.

What should anyone resist their sexual urges when it comes to a consenting adults?
Not in the same way that the lower animal's sexuality is. It isn't entirely instinctive, it can be influenced by outside factors and we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate. A dog doesn't, it'll hump whatever it can.

You fail my friend.
I think you just proved his point when you said "we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate." This is true and there is no logical reason besides religious or social engineering that makes homosexuality a "wrong" thing.
Yes there is. Because it spreads disease and death.
Homosexuality doesn't spread disease and death... Sex does.. Did you want to ban that too?
Homosexuals lifespans are cut short 20 years than normal people's, that's even without AIDs. You are 60 times more likely to catch HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases if you are homosexual. CDC stats and numerous studies prove this. You are just ignorant to the facts.
What I am talking about is consenting adults. And while you may think oral sex is stupid, the majority of people disagree. Just like the majority of people are ok with gay marriage.

But, just to clarify, the difference between kidnap/torture and gay people enjoying sex is that the latter does no harm.
I don't believe that the majority of people consider oral sex to be smart or are OK with queer marraige. Thee are liberal media inventions. As for harm I've already indisputably shown how, in a number of ways it is harmful. Now you pretend you didn't hear or know about it. Ho hum.
How old are you and where do you live? Come out of the cave man, you are a few decades behind the times.
Human sexuality is not instinctive? Talk about reducto ad absurdum.

What should anyone resist their sexual urges when it comes to a consenting adults?
Not in the same way that the lower animal's sexuality is. It isn't entirely instinctive, it can be influenced by outside factors and we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate. A dog doesn't, it'll hump whatever it can.

You fail my friend.
I think you just proved his point when you said "we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate." This is true and there is no logical reason besides religious or social engineering that makes homosexuality a "wrong" thing.
Yes there is. Because it spreads disease and death.
Homosexuality doesn't spread disease and death... Sex does.. Did you want to ban that too?
Homosexuals lifespans are cut short 20 years than normal people's, that's even without AIDs. You are 60 times more likely to catch HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases if you are homosexual. CDC stats and numerous studies prove this. You are just ignorant to the facts.
ok, so you are just looking out for the lives of gay people? how nobel of you.
What I am talking about is consenting adults. And while you may think oral sex is stupid, the majority of people disagree. Just like the majority of people are ok with gay marriage.

But, just to clarify, the difference between kidnap/torture and gay people enjoying sex is that the latter does no harm.
I don't believe that the majority of people consider oral sex to be smart or are OK with queer marraige. Thee are liberal media inventions. As for harm I've already indisputably shown how, in a number of ways it is harmful. Now you pretend you didn't hear or know about it. Ho hum.
How old are you and where do you live? Come out of the cave man, you are a few decades behind the times.
"It's the current year man!" Isn't an argument. What difference does it being the current year make? Lol
1. Try and stay on topic. We are discussing homosexuality, not transgendered.

2. Bullshit. You expect gay couples to refrain from any public displays of affection. You even claimed they would be lucky to stay alive if they do. Express your opinion. Just don't expect the laws to change.

3. Every major poll I have seen shows the majority have no problem with gay marriage.

4. If Trump wins, he will be the POTUS. That does not mean he passed laws. And the SCOTUS will rule any attempt to make homosexuality illegal will be ruled unconstitutional.
1. Try and stay on topic. We are discussing homosexuality, AND transgendered. Note the title of this thread >>
"Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!"

2. Yes I expect everyone to be heterosexual or get of the USA. Zero tolerance for homosexual cancer.

3. SSM not the same as accepting homosexuality in public or allowing queers to teach, be coaches or hold other jobs close to kids. If 2 people want to destroy themselves by doing queer sex in the privacy of their homes, NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

4. What will be ruled constitutional or not, will depend on who the SCOTUS justices are. Trump may appoint 4 of them. There is nothing unconstitutional about banning homosexuality and queer marriage, or discrimination against queers. I expect to see discrimination against queers to be mandatory by law. People will be arrested if they hire queers as teachers, scout leaders, coaches, counselors, etc
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Not in the same way that the lower animal's sexuality is. It isn't entirely instinctive, it can be influenced by outside factors and we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate. A dog doesn't, it'll hump whatever it can.

You fail my friend.
I think you just proved his point when you said "we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate." This is true and there is no logical reason besides religious or social engineering that makes homosexuality a "wrong" thing.
Yes there is. Because it spreads disease and death.
Homosexuality doesn't spread disease and death... Sex does.. Did you want to ban that too?
Homosexuals lifespans are cut short 20 years than normal people's, that's even without AIDs. You are 60 times more likely to catch HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases if you are homosexual. CDC stats and numerous studies prove this. You are just ignorant to the facts.
ok, so you are just looking out for the lives of gay people? how nobel of you.
No. I hope and pray they all die of AIDS.
How old are you and where do you live? Come out of the cave man, you are a few decades behind the times.
The "times" are no different now than they were in 1956, when I was 10 years old. Queers were chased out of parks then. They are chased out of parks now. Ho hum.
Human sexuality is not instinctive? Talk about reducto ad absurdum.

What should anyone resist their sexual urges when it comes to a consenting adults?
Not in the same way that the lower animal's sexuality is. It isn't entirely instinctive, it can be influenced by outside factors and we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate. A dog doesn't, it'll hump whatever it can.

You fail my friend.
I think you just proved his point when you said "we all have different tastes in what we want in a mate." This is true and there is no logical reason besides religious or social engineering that makes homosexuality a "wrong" thing.
Yes there is. Because it spreads disease and death.
Homosexuality doesn't spread disease and death... Sex does.. Did you want to ban that too?
Homosexuals lifespans are cut short 20 years than normal people's, that's even without AIDs. You are 60 times more likely to catch HIV and many other sexually transmitted diseases if you are homosexual. CDC stats and numerous studies prove this. You are just ignorant to the facts.
And we all believe that you care deeply about the health and lifespan of LGBT people :bsflag:

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