Obama, Defender of Radical Islam

Is Obama's Allegiance to the United States?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
“Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change,” he wrote in his op/ed published last night by the L.A. Times. “Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.”

Come on, how does ISIS, which subjects women to abnormal sex acts through forced marriages, executes children for watching soccer and beheads Christians using cinder blocks and machetes have “legitimate grievances?”

Here’s its grievance in a nutshell: obey Sharia Law or be brutally executed.

The Obama administration is preparing to equip the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels with the ability to order U.S. air strikes despite the group’s admitted allegiance to the Islamic State.
Members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) will be provided with radios to call in strikes from American B-1B bombers as well as pickup trucks with mounted machine guns as the president puts the final touches on plans to train as many as 3,000 rebels in Jordan and Turkey by the end of 2015.

“Negotiations have been concluded and an agreement text will be signed with the US regarding the training of the Free Syrian Army in the coming period,” said Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tanju Bilgic.

The planes will reportedly use similar munitions to those seen in Afghanistan, targeting anything from small vehicles to tanks with 500 and 2,000-pound guided bombs.

Moderate Syrian rebels to be given power to call in US air strikes - Telegraph

The Obama administration’s refusal to use the term “Islamic terrorism” has provoked widespread condemnation, but it fits perfectly with the federal government’s past approach to the war on terror, which has been to elevate the importance domestic extremism over the threat posed by Islamic terror.

In planning this week’s summit on ‘combating violent extremists’ the White House “has consistently avoided naming Islamic extremism as its central focus,” reports CNN, despite two deadly attacks carried out in the name of Islam in Paris and Copenhagen in just the last two months alone.

The New York Post’s Michael Goodwin sums up the controversy, noting that even liberal media outlets are comfortable with referring to Islamic terrorism on a routine basis.

Pope Francis condemns ISIS slaying of Christian martyrs New York Post
“Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change,” he wrote in his op/ed published last night by the L.A. Times. “Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.”
Come on, how does ISIS, which subjects women to abnormal sex acts through forced marriages, executes children for watching soccer and beheads Christians using cinder blocks and machetes have “legitimate grievances?
He wasn't talking about ISIS. He was talking about the average citizens of the countries in question. I think your ODS is getting in the way of your reading comprehension.
I'm glad the clergy responded to Bill O's call to challenge their congregations this week. Challenge them to let Obama know we're in a Holy War.

We need to slaughter them all. Every single ISIS member/supporter. We go into their countries and kill them. Brutally


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