Obama Demands raise Debt Limit


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dictator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !
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Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

Wrong, you all played the 14th Amendment. It states DEBTS must be paid. That means with out a debt raise the Government has to use revenue it has and must FIRST pay debts owed including to Veterans and Social Security.

Funny how that works. Ohh and there is more then enough revenue to pay the obligated debts.
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

Wrong, you all played the 14th Amendment. It states DEBTS must be paid. That means with out a debt raise the Government has to use revenue it has and must FIRST pay debts owed including to Veterans and Social Security.

Funny how that works. Ohh and there is more then enough revenue to pay the obligated debts.

It can't pay those debts if it doesn't have the money to pay them genius. My fuck did the Army require a H.S. diploma when you signed up?
I hope the President doesn't cave like he was prone to in his first term. I don't think the Republicans will take the chance to be seen as having crashed the economy but perhaps they want to be the first Congress to refuse to raise the credit limit of the USA and they want us to default on our obligations. The brinkmanship could cost us another downgrade like it did last time.
Do you people realize that the last debt ceiling debacle cost us over a billion dollars in additional interest rates? Stop fucking around with our full faith and credit.
I hope the President doesn't cave like he was prone to in his first term. I don't think the Republicans will take the chance to be seen as having crashed the economy but perhaps they want to be the first Congress to refuse to raise the credit limit of the USA and they want us to default on our obligations. The brinkmanship could cost us another downgrade like it did last time.

A "downgrade".

LOL. When our debt was so called "downgraded" interest rates dropped.
“President Obama now threatens to withhold Social Security and other government checks if he doesn't get the Trillion-Dollar tax increases he wants. “This verges on political terrorism, threatening to hold senior citizens hostage.”
Though there is more than enough tax revenue coming into the treasury to pay the interest on the debt as well as social security obligations, the issue is going to come down to prioritizating what gets paid and what does not. In other words, Obama appears to be quite willing to exploit the anxieties of senior citizens for his own benefit.

The twisted irony is that Obama has already been shortchanging seniors through his economic policies. “Let's remember,” says Ponte, “that President Obama has already been picking the pockets of these same seniors by using financial gimmickry to deny them Cost-Of-Living Adjustments to their Social Security checks in 2010 and 2011, and he has said he plans other things to prevent Social Security increases for most recipients in 2012.”
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

S.S is self funded with a surplus through 2037, potty mouth.

Notice of how Barack Obama has decided to use fear mongering to ratchet up the pressure against the Republicans. He is threatening to withhold the Social Security checks of senior citizens if he doesn't get his way.
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

S.S is self funded with a surplus through 2037, potty mouth.

It has to exchange debt obligations for cash with the treasury to make ends meet. If the treasury isn't paying those then it won't be able to pay all its obligations. Social Security pays out more than it takes in and has for a couple of years now - it depends on cashing in bonds to make up the difference.

Notice of how Barack Obama has decided to use fear mongering to ratchet up the pressure against the Republicans. He is threatening to withhold the Social Security checks of senior citizens if he doesn't get his way.

Do you not understand that if he doesn't have the money to pay social security obligations - he can't pay them? Are you seriously this retarded?
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

Wow. Your lack of understanding the 14th is disturbing seeing as you are so willing to spew your...ahem...knowledge of it.

We have plenty of revenue to pay our existing debts...including SS....you was fooled by the liar in chief when he claimed the GOP doesnt want to pay the debts....only a fool would be fooled by that.

It is like this....

A man owes lots of money....he has the income to pay it back

BUT..... he borrows money to pay the debt, so he can spend his hard earned income on the lifestyle that got him there to begin with.

And therefore claims he doesnt have thje money to pay off his debt unless he gets the loan.

And you fell for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Notice of how Barack Obama has decided to use fear mongering to ratchet up the pressure against the Republicans. He is threatening to withhold the Social Security checks of senior citizens if he doesn't get his way.

Do you not understand that if he doesn't have the money to pay social security obligations - he can't pay them? Are you seriously this retarded?

He doesnt pay anything you fucking ideologue.

We do.

And we have the money to pay our debts...including SS.

But Obama prefers he take that money and buy new stuff....and BORROW money to pay our debts.

You think that is a good idea?
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Obama’s thoughts on the debt limit in 2006.
I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!
I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

What pisses me off is that they call welfare, foodstamps and such entitlements when in fact it's handouts, while social security IS an entitlement 'cause as you rightly pointed out we paid for it and thus we are entitled to it.
Notice of how Barack Obama has decided to use fear mongering to ratchet up the pressure against the Republicans. He is threatening to withhold the Social Security checks of senior citizens if he doesn't get his way.

Do you not understand that if he doesn't have the money to pay social security obligations - he can't pay them? Are you seriously this retarded?

He doesnt pay anything you fucking ideologue.

We do.

And we have the money to pay our debts...including SS.

But Obama prefers he take that money and buy new stuff....and BORROW money to pay our debts.

You think that is a good idea?

Actually Congress decided to spend the money. Try reading a fucking Constitution.
I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

You bought an insurance policy you didn't open a savings account. Learn the fucking difference.

You want government to be able to pay its debts call up your Republican COngressman and tell him to raise the fucking debt ceiling.

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