Obama/Democrats..Eat Crow

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat/Rino Republican face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.
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Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.

This is not a simply-resolved situation with easy answers. Although the fall of the Syrian regime certainly fits in with the idealogy of Western democracies, a subsequent election of right wing Islamists as their government would not be in our favor. Also, there is the "red line" of their use of chemical weapons--although Reagan assisted Iraq's Hussein in the 80's by providing technology and delivery systems (and Iranian troop movement intelligence).

Also, this is very much a politcal lose-lose situation. Americans do not want involvement in another conflict, but he will be blamed if a stridently anti-American right wing government is elected in Syria.

No, there are no easy answers.
Cameron is facing a rebellion in his own party over this.

Cripes. The UN inspectors haven't come to any conclusion.
A stike against Syria is extremely foolish. It could be a fatal US mistake.
Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat/Rino Republican face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.

I'm with you

There is no happy ending in this fight. We end up with a Syria that hates the US either way it turns out
Let Europe handle it. They are the ones who screwed up the Middle East in the first place
Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat/Rino Republican face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.

I'm with you

There is no happy ending in this fight. We end up with a Syria that hates the US either way it turns out
Let Europe handle it. They are the ones who screwed up the Middle East in the first place

I'm with you...what the heck?..:lol:
As I recall, Bush/Americans had a coalition of 48 countries going into Iraq.
The UN will do nothing. Nato will do nothing. It is really to everyone's best interest for Assad to return to power. He was just such a dictator no one wants to say so. Leave the region alone. Let Russia return Assad to power. He will deal with al quaeda and that part of the region will go back to the relative peace it had before.

Maybe obama can support al quaeda in Egypt next time.
Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat/Rino Republican face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.

An if BUSH or ROMNEY were President, you'd be making popcorn and waiting for the bombs to drop.
The UN will do nothing. Nato will do nothing. It is really to everyone's best interest for Assad to return to power. He was just such a dictator no one wants to say so. Leave the region alone. Let Russia return Assad to power. He will deal with al quaeda and that part of the region will go back to the relative peace it had before.

Maybe obama can support al quaeda in Egypt next time.
The Tragedy of S.S. St. Louis | Jewish Virtual Library

Peoples attitudes/Histroy really does repeat it self.....
Why bother with an ineffective (Obama/Democrat/Rino Republican face saving) bombing of Syria?

I vote, just eat crow and let the UN/NATO handle it without the United States for a change.

An if BUSH or ROMNEY were President, you'd be making popcorn and waiting for the bombs to drop.

Your teeny-tiny crystal balls are on the fritz...:itsok:

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