Obama DHS Sec: Abolishing ICE Would Compromise Public Safety

dschute, we understand your concerns. You have stated them over and over and over. The truth is that we have much more to fear from isolationistic nativists here at home than any global NWO.
Why would you fear a nativist? You don't agree with them, but they are no threat to you. Just vote against them. It is BS that people are walking around terrified of traditionalists . You can see it as people clinging to the past, you can call them backward(and you have), but please lay off the talk that they are dangerous. You don't agree with them, vote against them.
Nativists have the tendency to fear people of color. Nativists tend to think they understand better than anyone else that they know what is best for the country.

That is their right to do so. And most of America, so far, disagrees. No one in a right state of mind wants to return to the cultural wars of race and ethnicity of the 1950s.
Too little, too late. Obama allowed Thousands in from very dangerous nations like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and so on. He dismantled our Immigration System. The System is in ruins. And i don't think Trump can rebuild it. The Open Borders crowd has too much power and influence in this country. It's a very sad mess.

They don't seem to be causing many problems. You don't need to hyperventilate.

Still, a very dangerous unwise decision. It didn't serve American Citizens' interests in the slightest. In fact, it only made their nation a more dangerous place. Obama's Immigration Policies were insane. And we'll be living with the consequences for a very long time.

Thus far most of the danger seems to be coming from rightwing extremists and non-Islamic domestic terrorists.

I'm sorry, but that is baloney. Do you really walk around in fear of 'domestic terrorists.' This whole fear of an extreme right wing is absurd. Do you really believe every white person is in the klan?

Speaking of absurd - where did you come up with all that baloney? Not from me.

I'm not afraid of terrorists - whether right, left, Islamic or just plain nuts. I don't think every white person is a klansman. Despite the news they are still very rare events. That doesn't negate what I said however in terms of current violence.
Why would you fear a nativist? You don't agree with them, but they are no threat to you. Just vote against them. It is BS that people are walking around terrified of traditionalists . You can see it as people clinging to the past, you can call them backward(and you have), but please lay off the talk that they are dangerous. You don't agree with them, vote against them.

Depends on what policies they want to inact and whether they have the power to do so. Concern is more apt than fear.
Too little, too late. Obama allowed Thousands in from very dangerous nations like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and so on. He dismantled our Immigration System. The System is in ruins. And i don't think Trump can rebuild it. The Open Borders crowd has too much power and influence in this country. It's a very sad mess.

They don't seem to be causing many problems. You don't need to hyperventilate.

Still, a very dangerous unwise decision. It didn't serve American Citizens' interests in the slightest. In fact, it only made their nation a more dangerous place. Obama's Immigration Policies were insane. And we'll be living with the consequences for a very long time.

Thus far most of the danger seems to be coming from rightwing extremists and non-Islamic domestic terrorists.

I'm sorry, but that is baloney. Do you really walk around in fear of 'domestic terrorists.' This whole fear of an extreme right wing is absurd. Do you really believe every white person is in the klan?

Speaking of absurd - where did you come up with all that baloney? Not from me.

I'm not afraid of terrorists - whether right, left, Islamic or just plain nuts. I don't think every white person is a klansman. Despite the news they are still very rare events. That doesn't negate what I said however in terms of current violence.

Allowing Thousands in from those nations didn't serve American Citizens' interests in any way. And that's the big problem with Globalists. They make decisions with no thought whatsoever for American Citizens. They don't care what they think.

They only care about Globalist and foreign interests at this point. Very few Americans supported Obama's decision to bring so many in from those dangerous unstable countries. Yet he did it anyway. It just proves where his loyalties lie.
Nativists have the tendency to fear people of color. Nativists tend to think they understand better than anyone else that they know what is best for the country.

That is their right to do so. And most of America, so far, disagrees. No one in a right state of mind wants to return to the cultural wars of race and ethnicity of the 1950s.

Why couldn't we embrace the good parts of the past? A Norman Rockwell type life in no way has to include racism. It seems you don't think there are any good aspects of the past? Also, it just seems like people are painting traditionalist as dangerous, hateful people.
Nativists have the tendency to fear people of color. Nativists tend to think they understand better than anyone else that they know what is best for the country.

That is their right to do so. And most of America, so far, disagrees. No one in a right state of mind wants to return to the cultural wars of race and ethnicity of the 1950s.

Why couldn't we embrace the good parts of the past? A Norman Rockwell type life in no way has to include racism. It seems you don't think there are any good aspects of the past? Also, it just seems like people are painting traditionalist as dangerous, hateful people.

Nice thought, but you won't get through to Globalists. They don't put American Citizen interests first. In fact, they despise that notion. They put foreign interests first instead.

For example, very few Americans supported Obama bringing in Thousands from very dangerous unstable nations like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and so on. Yet he did it anyway. He knew it didn't serve American Citizens' interests in any way. It tells you everything about Globalists.
Nativists have the tendency to fear people of color. Nativists tend to think they understand better than anyone else that they know what is best for the country.

That is their right to do so. And most of America, so far, disagrees. No one in a right state of mind wants to return to the cultural wars of race and ethnicity of the 1950s.

You do know every country has natives... do Libya/Syrian/Egyptian nativists fear people of color? You’re speaking of those of the alt-right mentality who fear white genocide, which is a much smaller portion of the country than the media would lead you to believe. Most reasonable Americans are fine with immigrants but also have the common sense to oppose a system that floods the country with unvettable individuals who come from a part of the world where America is viewed with open hostility. It’s not hard to understand that it’s in our best interest to be selective of who we allow into the country. Liberals want us to believe that love is the answer—give love and you will receive it but that isn’t the way the world works. The world is a vicious place and requires careful decision-making. Letting everyone in who wants in is insanity. You allow invited guests into your home but I’m guessing you wouldn’t be willing to allow just anyone off the street, am I right?
BookShaka, I don't care about other countries and nativism.

This country I do care about, and our nativists threaten its well being.
Too little, too late. Obama allowed Thousands in from very dangerous nations like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and so on. He dismantled our Immigration System. The System is in ruins. And i don't think Trump can rebuild it. The Open Borders crowd has too much power and influence in this country. It's a very sad mess.

They don't seem to be causing many problems. You don't need to hyperventilate.

Still, a very dangerous unwise decision. It didn't serve American Citizens' interests in the slightest. In fact, it only made their nation a more dangerous place. Obama's Immigration Policies were insane. And we'll be living with the consequences for a very long time.

I've been saying for a few years now if you want to clean up Detroit take in a bunch of Syrian refugees and move them into the worst run down neighborhoods and displace the ghetto trash currently there. They'll have those places bustling with small businesses and thriving in no time.
Too little, too late. Obama allowed Thousands in from very dangerous nations like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and so on. He dismantled our Immigration System. The System is in ruins. And i don't think Trump can rebuild it. The Open Borders crowd has too much power and influence in this country. It's a very sad mess.

They don't seem to be causing many problems. You don't need to hyperventilate.

Still, a very dangerous unwise decision. It didn't serve American Citizens' interests in the slightest. In fact, it only made their nation a more dangerous place. Obama's Immigration Policies were insane. And we'll be living with the consequences for a very long time.

I've been saying for a years now if you want to clean up Detroit take in a bunch of Syrian refugees and move them into the worst run down neighborhoods and displace the ghetto trash currently there. They'll have those places bustling with small businesses and thriving in no time.

I still have faith in American Citizens. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. They can turn places like Detroit around. Let's give them a chance to do that.
Obama’s DHS Secretary Says Abolishing ICE Would Compromise Public Safety

Oh really? That’s not what our enlightened DimocRATs are saying.

Abolishing ICE is not a serious policy proposal,” likened demands to abolish ICE to a hypothetical demand from those who wanted to end the Vietnam war by abolishing “the entire Defense Department.”

Obviously, that would have completely compromised national security,” Johnson wrote, adding that ending the agency “would compromise public safety” as well.

Calls to abolish ICE only serve to sow even greater division in the American public and in its political leadership, damaging any remaining prospect of bipartisan immigration reform,” wrote Johnson.

More @ Obama’s DHS Secretary Defies Democrats – Says Abolishing ICE Would Compromise Public Safety

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